Wrestling Thread April-September 2018 RIP

Nothing..But that's not because of 205..That's because he had a stupid gimmick, dabbed all the time, and people didn't give 2 ****s about him..When the belt was on Neville and Enzo people cared..I feel they would've also cared if Buick or Kota was champion..
WHen the belt was on them, people cared and THEN what happened?

What was the stepping stone Case?
Zack Sabre Jr. would've been DJ ZSJ as a member of the Zo Train if he signed with WWE.
But you're automatically assuming that 205 would've been as far as he would've went..Just like I'm assuming that 205 would've been better for his career..End of the day there's no way of knowing..
We can only go by what others have done.

205 has graduated NOT A SINGLE SOUL.

So why do we think a gimmickless, skinny/fat, no-personality having dude would be any different?
WHen the belt was on them, people cared and THEN what happened?

What was the stepping stone Case?

There was no stepping stone cause Neville quit like a little ***** and Enzo got accused of rape..So what exactly do you want me to say when you already know what went down with those 2 people?..
There was no stepping stone cause Neville quit like a little ***** and Enzo got accused of rape..So what exactly do you want me to say when you already know what went down with those 2 people?..
So if you have NO reference point for CW Champ being a stepping stone, how can you make the claim that it would have been a stepping stone for ZSJ?
ZSJ vs Ibushi should’ve been the CWC Final.

Remember Case Case said ZSJ would be better off on 205 Live right now

He also thinks Zelina is ugly so what does that tell you.

NO ONE is using 205 as a stepping stone to anything and y’all know it.

Neville who was as hot as anyone in the world couldn’t even get on the main card of Mania.

Ali and Cedric same thing.

And what has being the initial CW CHamp done for TJP?

To everything I just read above.

Nothing..But that's not because of 205..That's because he had a stupid gimmick, dabbed all the time, and people didn't give 2 ****s about him..When the belt was on Neville and Enzo people cared..I feel they would've also cared if Buick or Kota was champion..

The Cruiserweight Title is cursed man. There have been what 8 Champions and 3 of them are gone. The storylines have been awful on that show. Ali and Murphy keep having the same match, but upping the ante every time. How many times are they going to call back to that match. I know I know Rey vs. Psicosis happened a million times too, but this ain't 1996.

Sabre and Ibushi made the right decision for themselves and probably financially too. To lock ZSJ down, NJPW had to come off of some coin. Still don't know if Ibushi is roster or not, but I'm sure he's not hurting in the financial department either. Plus he took a couple more WWE pay days and I doubt dude is a lavish spender.
So if you have NO reference point for CW Champ being a stepping stone, how can you make the claim that it would have been a stepping stone for ZSJ?

Because that's my opinion..I think ZSJ or Ibushi would've made the division much better out the gate and it wouldn't be the mess it is now..When Neville got the belt things started rolling in the right direction..Then he quit and it halted the momentum of the division..Enzo got the belt and the CW's were on RAW every week for extended segments..Then he got falsely accused of rape, got fired, and the division's momentum took a nose dive..In the 2 years since the CWC they've had exactly 2 big stars as champion and during those times the division has felt more important than it currently does..ZSJ and Kota are bigger named stars than Grand Metallica or TJP or Mustafa, so IMO the division would flourish with them dudes in it..And just like Eddie, Chris, Rey, Dean, and Y2J those 2 guys could eventually use that division as a stepping stone to something better..
Case Case

I could see if we were talking about a charismatic wrestler with a flashy moveset.

But we are talking about ZSJ

He is "boring"
He is skinny (fat)
He has ZERO personality.

Why do you think HE (he) would be ANYTHING in the WWE system?
Because that's my opinion..I think ZSJ or Ibushi would've made the division much better out the gate and it wouldn't be the mess it is now..When Neville got the belt things started rolling in the right direction..Then he quit and it halted the momentum of the division..Enzo got the belt and the CW's were on RAW every week for extended segments..Then he got falsely accused of rape, got fired, and the division's momentum took a nose dive..In the 2 years since the CWC they've had exactly 2 big stars as champion and during those times the division has felt more important than it currently does..ZSJ and Kota are bigger named stars than Grand Metallica or TJP or Mustafa, so IMO the division would flourish with them dudes in it..And just like Eddie, Chris, Rey, Dean, and Y2J those 2 guys could eventually use that division as a stepping stone to something better..
Preach Brother Case Case
To everything I just read above.

The Cruiserweight Title is cursed man. There have been what 8 Champions and 3 of them are gone. The storylines have been awful on that show. Ali and Murphy keep having the same match, but upping the ante every time. How many times are they going to call back to that match. I know I know Rey vs. Psicosis happened a million times too, but this ain't 1996.

Sabre and Ibushi made the right decision for themselves and probably financially too. To lock ZSJ down, NJPW had to come off of some coin. Still don't know if Ibushi is roster or not, but I'm sure he's not hurting in the financial department either. Plus he took a couple more WWE pay days and I doubt dude is a lavish spender.

I'm sure they feel like they made the right choice..But NJPW ain't coming of serious coin for anyone who isn't Tanahashi, Okada, Naito, Jericho, Kenny, or Young Bucks..No way in hell either of them dudes are making WWE money..
just like Eddie, Chris, Rey, Dean, and Y2J those 2 guys could eventually use that division as a stepping stone to something better..
In 1996, those dudes were wrestling a style that NOBODY else was wrestling. Fans WANTED to see them on Nitro, WCW still held them back. It wasn't until WWE when they moved up. They were cutting edge back then

Cruiserweights NOW aren't "cutting edge." They are status quo. Especially in WWE where they are handcuffed.

Why should anyone care about Cruiserweight style in 2018 when they can look at the Main Event Level and See the SAME stuff from AJ and Seth Rollins?
I'm sure they feel like they made the right choice..But NJPW ain't coming of serious coin for anyone who isn't Tanahashi, Okada, Naito, Jericho, Kenny, or Young Bucks..No way in hell either of them dudes are making WWE money..
Again, it isn't all about money.

Especially with Ibushi we know it isn't.
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