Wrestling Thread April 14-May 4 | 5/3 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!

Is his gimmick that he waits for the new releases? I'll die if he ever licks the bottom of a shoe :rofl:
Ryback should go back to his feed me more schtick. I wanna hear Cole talk about how many meals Ryback eats per day. Inspiring stuff.

Soooo has anybody seen this match?

Tanahashi vs. Okada Invasion Attack 2013, much hyped and again given 5 stars by Meltz

Like Tanahashi/Suzuki, I didnt see all the hype around this. It's still a very good match, probably around 4 stars for me, but man NJPW and Tanahashi gets overrated like hell now. I actually have the Tanahashi/Suzuki match ranked above this.
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WWE.com posted this video:


They also had this:
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My dude Sting is looking dropped in the desert aged :x......I do think it would be hilarious if they kept trolling with Sting like this, and never have an actual match :lol:
Angelo Dawkins is pretty much your average NTer; only thing he's missing is some Yeezys.

Watched that Ultimate Warrior special that aired on WWE Network.

The feels.

Seeing Vince and Triple H break down, and seeing how happy Vince was when Warrior gave him that book....man.

What really got me was seeing him with his daughters. He adored them.

Nice to see that he settled a lot of grudges before he passed, especially with Hogan.
Taker's legacy runs circles around Sting's with Usain Bolt steez.

As long as we can all agree about that...
My dude Sting is looking dropped in the desert aged :x......I do think it would be hilarious if they kept trolling with Sting like this, and never have an actual match :lol:

I swear that the thumbnail from the Warrior video I posted looks like Jim Carrey in old makeup.

Jim Carrey is only 3 years younger...
Nakamura vs Ibushi

Been on a NJPW binge today
By far my favorite match of the G1

I know y'all aren't into these podcast things but Cheap Heat with Rosenberg this week was hilarious. The story of Heath Slater and Rosenberg at a bar and Rosenberg telling him that Brock was returning during WM28 weekend :lol:
Man I have been trying for a while man. Don't waste your energy.
Me too, but I've been watching a mix of old and new

This match is straight :pimp:

The first big AJPW vs. NJPW match-up. There's such a big fight atmosphere with Kawada walking into hostile territory and getting pelted with trash by the NJPW fans. All wrestling moves get thrown out the window and these dudes just straight up fight.

Wow! good stuff
Taker's legacy runs circles around Sting's with Usain Bolt steez.

As long as we can all agree about that...

We cannot..I'll gladly admit Taker has had a better career, but let's not act like Sting's career was some flash in the pan..I get that y'all hate Sting more than podcasts, word to DC, but the man is an all time great..He was a top 3 guy for NWA/WCW for well over a decade..SCSA, Rock, Punk, Savage, Vader, Rude, Warrior, Angle and many others can't say that..The list of guys who stayed in that top spot, or right near it, for that long is pretty short..

And maybe a couple others I can't think of are the only ones on that list..So let's give the man his due..
Taker's legacy runs circles around Sting's with Usain Bolt steez.

As long as we can all agree about that...

We cannot..I'll gladly admit Taker has had a better career, but let's not act like Sting's career was some flash in the pan..I get that y'all hate Sting more than podcasts, word to DC, but the man is an all time great..He was a top 3 guy for NWA/WCW for well over a decade..SCSA, Rock, Punk, Savage, Vader, Rude, Warrior, Angle and many others can't say that..The list of guys who stayed in that top spot, or right near it, for that long is pretty short..

And maybe a couple others I can't think of are the only ones on that list..So let's give the man his due..

I got no problem with Sting... I like him, but was a WWF kid, so he was never important to me.. But I'll say this.. He was a top 3 guy for a failed company that went under, and that doesn't sound to important to me...
We cannot..I'll gladly admit Taker has had a better career, but let's not act like Sting's career was some flash in the pan..I get that y'all hate Sting more than podcasts, word to DC, but the man is an all time great..He was a top 3 guy for NWA/WCW for well over a decade..SCSA, Rock, Punk, Savage, Vader, Rude, Warrior, Angle and many others can't say that..The list of guys who stayed in that top spot, or right near it, for that long is pretty short..

And maybe a couple others I can't think of are the only ones on that list..So let's give the man his due..

I think if more Memphis footage was readily available, Lawler would be mentioned more frequently on these GOAT lists. Dude was on top for 30+ years and was wrestling at very high levels for most of em. Maybe if that Memphis sale goes through with WWE, we'll see it on the network.
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