Wrestling Thread April 14-May 4 | 5/3 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!






Hoping you guys could help me out with a debate that I was having with my cousin.

We were discussing who we thought had more GLOBAL relevance/popularity: John Cena or Floyd Mayweather

1 of the arguments I used was that, although Floyd Mayweather is more popular State-side, WWE travels to different countries regularly and is more of a global phenomenon than boxing, while still being pretty relevant in the US.

He said, by that argument, Messi should be more popular than he is because soccer is a bigger sport world-wide. And, he would be considered a bigger star than most athletes in the US (other than Kobe, Lebron, Tiger).

What do you guys think?
See I don't know how big American boxers of today are internationally to make this claim.

But I am pretty sure American Boxing Star is known more by casual combat sports fans internationally than American Wrestling Star.

But I don't know man.
I know y'all aren't into these podcast things but Cheap Heat with Rosenberg this week was hilarious. The story of Heath Slater and Rosenberg at a bar and Rosenberg telling him that Brock was returning during WM28 weekend :lol:
Springboard shoryuken by cesaro. My dude finally getting a true push. His US title run a while back wasn't anything super special unfortunately.
This semi-face Cesaro moveset :pimp: :pimp:

:lol: @ how easy Cesaro lifted Swagger for that underhook powerbomb, but struggled with RVD
This semi-face Cesaro moveset :pimp: :pimp:

:lol: @ how easy Cesaro lifted Swagger for that underhook powerbomb, but struggled with RVD
I said the same thing to my wife watching that match. RVD is just awkwardly shaped now. His body type now is equivalent to Batista's current in ring stamina level.
Paige is riding the One Man Band?! Say it ain't so :smh:

"ahhhh man I'm going to be eating so many F5s" - One Band Man after learning Brock Lesnar was coming back :lol:
3mb got washed. Seth's stomps were cold the jimmy gif was definitely warranted. Straight laughter.
Curtis Axel is so worthless that he couldn't even be jumped by the Shield on-screen, it was implied :lol: :rofl:. At least it wasn't Sandow.
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