Wrestling Thread April 14-May 4 | 5/3 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!

yooo around 02 Kurt angle had some serious heat. when the "you suck" thing was crazy
hell yeah that was cool, and his head shaved and everything. when austin threw his medals in the water and after they both defected to ecw/wcw leading up to survivor series & austin surprised him with them. Those were good times  back in 01

Hoping you guys could help me out with a debate that I was having with my cousin.

We were discussing who we thought had more GLOBAL relevance/popularity: John Cena or Floyd Mayweather

1 of the arguments I used was that, although Floyd Mayweather is more popular State-side, WWE travels to different countries regularly and is more of a global phenomenon than boxing, while still being pretty relevant in the US.

He said, by that argument, Messi should be more popular than he is because soccer is a bigger sport world-wide. And, he would be considered a bigger star than most athletes in the US (other than Kobe, Lebron, Tiger).

What do you guys think?
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Heads up for anyone wanting to cop a WWE replica championship belt:
Stone crusher passed away. Damn, what a bittersweet month for DBry.

**** is hitting me right in the feels, man.
Hoping you guys could help me out with a debate that I was having with my cousin.

We were discussing who we thought had more GLOBAL relevance/popularity: John Cena or Floyd Mayweather

1 of the arguments I used was that, although Floyd Mayweather is more popular State-side, WWE travels to different countries regularly and is more of a global phenomenon than boxing, while still being pretty relevant in the US.

He said, by that argument, Messi should be more popular than he is because soccer is a bigger sport world-wide. And, he would be considered a bigger star than most athletes in the US (other than Kobe, Lebron, Tiger).

What do you guys think?

I once saw an episode of Top Gear where they went to a very small town in Romania and the kids were writing "John Cena" in the dust on the cars.
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