Wrestling Thread Apr 15-21 | 4/16 Forget that Awful Raw... WRESTLEMANIA PPV PRED CONTEST RESULTS!

How many times are we gonna see this match??? PTP aren't gonna hold the titles anytime soon :smile:{), so Team Hell No should be rotating with the Colons are something
Well that pretty much solidifies Team Hell No retaining. They not gonna make them look weak going into that match next week.
How many times has Hell No beat the PTP.

Feel like these two teams are becoming the new Ziggler/Kofi match up
Cesaro 240 days as champion, and he's probably won less than 10 matches in that time 

This stupid *** yodeling gimmick.  I'd quit the damn company and go to New Japan.
It would probably be better if Cesaro drops the strap. All that the US Champ and IC Champ do is job anyways.
Exactly.  Those belts are a curse.

It's a joke how they say the "prestigious" United States Championship.  The US Champion wins the belt and proceeds to lose non-title matches to guys who don't even care about winning the damn belt.
So sad. But so true.
I don't understand why they don't do multiple titles within a stable anymore.
It just legitimizes that stable so much more an makes them look like a force to be reckoned with.
I'm down with biggie burying kofi for the us title.
And aj winning that god awful diva's title.
This. All of this. I'm reminiscing the time when The Two Man Power Trip (Austin & HHH) held the Tag Team championship, along with WWF/ Intercontinental Championships respectively. They were murking dudes back in 2001. Hell, even Lita wasn't spared during their reign of terror.

Not a bad idea at all :pimp: . Hell, might as well give AJ the Diva title at that point and let the whole crew have belts.
I'm down. Any reason to take the strap off Kaitlyn is okay with. I mean really, the returning Bella Twins get more TV time than the Divas' Champion.
I would've clotheslined the crap out of Cena too if he was f'ing up my taught like a little kid
Could you make it more obvious that uou are reading from a teleprompter, Ryback :lol:

You worse than Hymen.
This promo 
I can't believe Ryback can actually say more than 3 words without taking a breath
Their use of Cesaro in the last few months just goes to show how out of touch Vince is with what talent is. Dude is an ANIMAL. One of the strongest dudes I've EVER seen in a ring. When he did this to Miz, I instantly became a huge mark for him. 
I'd say it makes no sense, but we see it so often in WWE that I don't even get mad about it anymore.  Look at the guys that were BURIED for months upon months upon months.






Shelton Benjamin



Daniel Bryan

Cody Rhodes

Jack Swagger

I mean, basically if your name isn't John Cena or Randy Orton, you're guaranteed a LONG losing streak.  I say it over and over, but this is why WWE never creates any new stars.
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