Wrestling Thread Apr 13-30 | 4/28 King of the Ring Finals Live on WWE Network @ 8pm et: BNB, Truth,

Phoenix Splash as a heel would be a no go in DC's eyes.

Super kick mayyyybe but what heel used that besides pseudo heel Michaels during his matches with Hogan.

I think he means this move when he says Super Kick

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If they're going to give Seth a new finisher, make it god's last gift or the skywalker.
Are they really banning it? That sucks :smh: Like mentioned why not the diving headbutt or I recall several years ago the cross body was targeted as a move that contributed to head injuries. I'm sure a measure of selling is involved with the curb stomp and they're not taking full impact
Just make him use the spear

They should have at least included it in the match for extreme rules no Rko and no curb stomps
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problem with the curb stomp is, if someone slips or loses focus or whatever, it can end very badly for one or both parties. I'm fine with not using it or limiting it to only huge spots. just treat it on screen as a deadly move that's being banned like the punt was.
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Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman.....in the style of Lego. 
yall see this 
problem with the curb stomp is, if someone slips or loses focus or whatever, it can end very badly for one or both parties. I'm fine with not using it or limiting it to only huge spots. just treat it on screen as a deadly move that's being banned like the punt was.

All of this... I'm completely ok with treating it like the punt... But I want an angle explaining it...
Ambrose VS Harper at ER expected to be announced tonight.

Looks like Nikki will turn face and have a match vs Naomi at ER.
problem with the curb stomp is, if someone slips or loses focus or whatever, it can end very badly for one or both parties. I'm fine with not using it or limiting it to only huge spots. just treat it on screen as a deadly move that's being banned like the punt was.

All of this... I'm completely ok with treating it like the punt... But I want an angle explaining it...
agreed. have him destroy bryan with it or something.
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