Wrestling Thread Apr 13-30 | 4/28 King of the Ring Finals Live on WWE Network @ 8pm et: BNB, Truth,

wrestlezone is saying that the wwe is gonna ban sext from doing the curb stomp for fear of head injury

According to WWE sources, the company will be banning Seth Rollins from using the curb stomp finishing move.

WWEs feeling about the move, which the WWE World Heavyweight Champion uses as his finisher, is that its too much of a direct liability and risk for a head injury. All of sports is trying to be more proactive when it comes to preventing head injuries and concussions, and this is the reason for WWE banning the curb stomp.

WWE reportedly doesnt want its top star to be doing that move every night and they also dont want to be showing it in past clips or videos anymore. This is why last week on RAW when Rollins came out, the video which played during his entrance was primarily just graphics of his name. The normal entrance video for Rollins features a compilation of clips, several of which are him performing the curb stomp.

I completely understand how this move has direct risk to a Superstars head. However, in banning this move, whats next? Theres always going to be risk in any move done inside of the ring. Im interested to see if this move actually remains banned or if its something that WWE keeps minimal risk with and gets done in a big situation or storyline for dramatic effect. Well talk more about this decision and my finding out about this story this weekend on Chair Shot Reality video podcast here on WZ.

Maybe he uses that sabat kick to the kneeling opponent again?
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Randy apparently flipped out on fans last night at the airport here in Albany.

Last year he apparently acted like a douchebag at the gym.

Both make sense, and I understand, but he must hate it in Albany :lol:

That's funny. Have a good friend that used to be in charge of printing the WWE magazine before they stopped publication, and he said Randy was surprisingly one of the most chill dudes on the roster. Had backstage passes one Raw and was in catering having dinner. Said Orton plopped down beside him and just started chatting him up. Ended up talking about gun collections for close to 2 hours.
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RKO seems like he's really nice to the people he feels deserved to be treated with respect... And a D to the others... I get it...
thanks for the get wells. she's doing fine now. I think she had to much cake yesterday. two bday parties will do that to you.

Good to hear. Hopefully, she's back to 100% tomorrow.

I went way too hard last night and had to do my usual swearing off partying because I feel like trash this morning :lol: :smh:.
wrestlezone is saying that the wwe is gonna ban sext from doing the curb stomp for fear of head injury

The hell kinda combination is that?

Man these Turkey Burgers came out vicious man. Seriously might be the best TB I have ever made. They were basically meatloaf balls more so than burgers to be honest.

Seasoned the ground turkey with

Soy Sauce
Black Pepper
Garlic Powder
Crushed Red Pepper
Chili Powder

Put a bunch of black pepper and chili powder on both sides to help with the color when I put it on the skillet.

The lamb was aight too. I drizzled some of the fat from the lamb onto the burgers when they were in the oven.

That combo is when you have an 8 month pregnant wife and a picky 6yr old who only eats pizza, chicken nuggets, and rice.
Super Kick or Phoenix Splash
Phoenix Splash as a heel would be a no go in DC's eyes.

Super kick mayyyybe but what heel used that besides pseudo heel Michaels during his matches with Hogan.
Give him a submission move like the Indian Deathlock and or Cloverleaf.
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