Wrestling Thread 5/19-6/1 | WWE Payback PPV - Shield v Evolution | Will Daniel Bryan Forfeit His Tit


I have always said I have no idea how WWE doesn't go with basic concepts like Survivor Series and King of the Ring.

For all the lazy booking they do.  For all the distraction finishes and no contests and inconsequential booking, why wouldn't they go with the most basic premise in sports: a playoff.

They could book most of Raw and Smackdown for at least a month with qualifying matches.  Have upsets to get guys momentum ala March Madness cinderellas. 

King of the Ring, throughout history, has done more to put guys over than most anything.  Stone Cold, HHH, Kurt Angle, Edge.  King of the Ring helped us believe they were gonna be something important.  Hell Booker T made a whole gimmick out of it, did some of the best work in his career, and became a champion.

Does anybody else fantasy book and then go "but that makes too much sense"?
Aye Big Vader,

Your father was on Stone Cold's Podcast. Go check it out
Kane VS D Bry at MITB will be a buried alive match.

If D Bry isn't ready, they hope to do it at Battleground.
Do you dudes agree with this?
I'd say Cena's top five are
vs Punk MitB '11,
vs Umaga RR '07,
vs Edge Backlash '09,
vs HBK on RAW in London '07, and
vs Lesnar at ER '12.

Any order is fine. I also really enjoyed his early stuff vs Taker at Vengeance 2003 (underrated show) and vs Lesnar at Backlash 2003,
^Agreed. Probably the one where Cena was heel and Angle was face. I think Angle had just recovered from surgery or something.
Bryan vs. Cena from last year man

And the Punk/Cena match from Raw last year >>>> but nothing can top the booking and atmosphere of their MitB match.
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so which "older wrestlers" in the wwe do u think they should start moving to the side for this better younger talent

cena obviously ,orton although hes my dude im over it ,batista will be gone,big show needs to retire and kane,rvd.also need to clear out dudes like del rio,christian,greta kali and santino,im sure theres alot more but too much to type

these dudes need to be on there way out,shouldnt be involved in major storylines and shouldnt really even be on tv anymore just my though 
I have always said I have no idea how WWE doesn't go with basic concepts like Survivor Series and King of the Ring.

For all the lazy booking they do.  For all the distraction finishes and no contests and inconsequential booking, why wouldn't they go with the most basic premise in sports: a playoff.

They could book most of Raw and Smackdown for at least a month with qualifying matches.  Have upsets to get guys momentum ala March Madness cinderellas. 

King of the Ring, throughout history, has done more to put guys over than most anything.  Stone Cold, HHH, Kurt Angle, Edge.  King of the Ring helped us believe they were gonna be something important.  Hell Booker T made a whole gimmick out of it, did some of the best work in his career, and became a champion.

Does anybody else fantasy book and then go "but that makes too much sense"?

You sure you want a tourney? Cause instead of building a quality storyline. Writers got lazy and just made a number 1 contender tourney for the ic title and now big e and bnb aren't even feuding
You sure you want a tourney? Cause instead of building a quality storyline. Writers got lazy and just made a number 1 contender tourney for the ic title and now big e and bnb aren't even feuding
That's because they were thinking Arby's.

That IC tourney was fine tho.  It gave people purpose and I feel BNB came out looking better.  It could've been way better, sure.  But It was two or so weeks of consequential booking.
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a tournament is only lazy if they make it lazy,if they have feuds stem from the tourney,couple guys turn heel or come out looking great then a tourney can be awesome.if done right,but i guess everything would be awesome if everything was done right 
This Judgement Day 05 LAW podcast is hilarious :lol: another reminder of how awful that era of Smackdown was. Charlie Haas & Hardcore Holly teaming together, Kurt Angle wanting to rape Sharmelle, and Big Show being poisoned by eating Carlito's apple. Just terrible :rofl:

Orlando Jordan vs Heidenreich for the US title :x :lol:
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First time seeing Adam Rose in NXT. He's still a freaking geek but his entrance works so much better in a small arena.
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