Wrestling Thread 2022 | Mods Please Lock This Thread

Pay attention to what was said about the heel authority figure being a big part as to why fans hated WWE so much that they were open/ready for any alternative. (Aew)
This SCSA/Cody Broken Skull interview is really good..Cold Stone has been on a roll lately with these interviews man..His last couple (Lita/Bubba Ray) have been extremely fun to listen to..
Watching Mania Backlash right now.

Cody vs. FREAKIN II was solid. Highly sports entertaining.
So the MITB winner now main events Wrestlemania? MITB and Rumble winner split night 1 and 2?

Interesting. I dunno how I feel about this.

I liked the suspense of the winner having to up a year to cash it in.

EYE think Cody and Becky the shoo-ins to win MITB right now.

Looks like MITB replacing SS as one of the "Big 4" having it a big venue like that.
robpzee612 robpzee612
Wouldn't mind having Cardona's 10 lbs dong
The fed already ruined Cody.

Told yall it would probably take 3 weeks to a month.

After that initial pop wrestling fans like to give folks, very few are able to keep that momentum.

Whether it is the company's fault or people generally not really caring for the talent.

We've seen it a LOT these last 2 years.
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