Wrestling Thread 2/25-3/10 | 3/10 TNA LOCKDOWN PPV - Hardy v Bully Ray | Champion No Showing?

I wonder if Kurt Warner gave John Cena his second chance at redemption.

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[COLOR=#red]Cena and Rock promos started Great over a year ago... And the back and forth two years ago was decent... It has run it's course and I can't wait for it to be over at WM. I hope these guys are never on the Mic together ever again.[/COLOR]
So the 4 way match ends with the Shield getting involved setting up

Undertaker vs Punk


The Shield vs RKO/Big Show/Sheamus

What a swerve
Just as predicted, Wade Barrett, Intercontinental Champion, doesn't get an entrance!

Del Rio got ZERO reaction here in Buffalo.  A sign of things to come for Mania.

And Del Rio is the B champion in the entire company. :x
U betta call somebody....ok WWE, just keep the fast forwarding everything :rolleyes
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I'm really loving this old school Raw. They should do this more often. Not too much where it cheapens it, but I would love to see an Attitude Era Monday Night Raw Is War.

That promo The Rock did though....YIKES. Vintage Rock had me amped...it would of been so dope if he came out in one of his old Versace 800 dollar shirts just to play along with the theme of "old school" but that was wishful thinking. Lol. Cena's promo wasn't bad either but he definitely got pwned with those two zingers from Rocky. :D I just really don't want to watch Cena win live at WM it's going to depress me. I'm excited but still.:smh:

And I love how CM Punk marks were crying about him losing the title to a part time wrestler and just couldn't see how this elevates his career. This guy is about to face The friggin Undertaker (GONGGG) at Wrestlemania. That is going to be amazingggggg. Well maybe not the wrestling match itself but the epicness of it. He gets to face another legendary match up...it's only sooner or later he becomes the IT guy in the WWE.

Are they setting up Ryback vs Mark Henry, cuz that's an intense match I would love to see at WM.

LOL at Triple H, like I always say I respect him, but him being a face is so fake. He only gets pops when he returns from like an injury or something...other than that his whole face character is so forced. Nonetheless I'm hyped for him and Lesnar's match.

All the matches so far at WM seems real exciting except for this Del Rio and Swagger match...I just don't understand...
you cheated on your wife cause you lost to the Rock?

Sorry for lagging in the thread.  The wifi in his hotel is straight buns.  I'm trying to catch up with everything.
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