Wrestling Thread 2/24-3/2 | Feb 28 NXT Arrival 8pm ET On The Network | THE NETWORK IS LIVE

I wish that you could just jump to a specific match on any ppv on the network. They should have a match listing available when you click on the ppv.

The ps3 WWE network had chapter skips on Wrestlemania 28 (didnt see it for any other ppvs) it let you skip to each match and also the skip ahead to the finish of the match too.
The network isn't working fine on my PS3. :smh:
I hate how when u back out either purposely or accidentally that when you re enter the show it starts at the beginning again. Unlike Netflix it'll resume where you left off. Just a few kinks I hope they address on their next update.
I forgot how smooth Rey Mysterio was.
Was just thinkin' that...

Watching SummerSlam 2002, Rey Vs. Angle
YOOOOO whoever is on the network, watch ECW hardcore TV. It's Sabu v Taz when they first started out.

My ***** Sabu started throwing chairs at fans and **** :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Punk is winning. Cody is winning. Miz is winning. Rollins looks like he may also be winning. Man, wrestlers sports entertainers have it made.
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Raw is so much better to watch on DVR.

- They've been booing the hell outta ya Dave :rofl:

- I guess it's H vs Bryan at WM. :smh:

- I'm surprised the crowd was so dead during the Reigns/Wyatt match

- Brock sold that choke slam
I hate how when u back out either purposely or accidentally that when you re enter the show it starts at the beginning again. Unlike Netflix it'll resume where you left off. Just a few kinks I hope they address on their next update.
What device are you using? I'm on my iPhone and I accidentally backed out and was able to resume from where I was.
Had to catch Raw on the DVR because of the MD/Cuse game...

Ending was great. Really looking forward to set Brock/Taker. Heyman was awesome, and couldn't have set the table any better. I really think Brock's schedule is great for them. Gives them a mystique, and makes you excited to see them every single time they come out because they aren't shoved down your throats week after week...Taker's chokeslam was impressive.

Bryan/HHH looks to be official, but I still think WWE will do the right thing and somehow get Bryan in the Orton/Batista match and have him go over. There's absolutely no way that they can put Batista/Orton out there alone, especially after that crap tonight. Batista was horrendous tonight on the mic and was sucking wind so hard that he could barely speak.

Shield/Wyatt is the best thing going on right now though. I could see why people would be mad at Bray/Reigns going at it on Raw, but with the way the match ended, I think it was perfectly fine, and you could definitely have them do it again. They addressed the Ambrose disappearance thing, and it was odd that he came out to help so much later than Rollins. Glad they gave Rollins that spot though. Where did he come from?!? If Cena is actually hurt, I could see them dragging Shield/Wyatt out to WM30 and have them square off in a HIAC or something.

Just some random thoughts...
For whatever reason I expected this to be a bigger Raw. Outside of Hogan/Taker everything else felt like a regular show. Overall it was a good I guess

:smh: @ those Green bay fans completely burying the Roman/Bray match. Felt like it was wasted away

I guess our next hope is that it does lead to Bryan having to defeat Mr Shovel to get a tittle shot in the same night at Mania but every time I think they're ready to pull the trigger they never do it.

Now that the seeds have been planted for Bryan vs HHH then what happens to Punk IFF he does come back next week? There's no match for him at Mania.

I don't think he's coming back now :/
As for D Bry... There better be a stip, where if he beats HHH, he gets to be in Maine event that night...

If only to stick it to Punk...
That would be crazy if they called that audible knowing Cena is seriously hurt. With the way that segment ended with the Shield and Wyatt's it looks like the feud is going to continue.
That would be crazy if they called that audible knowing Cena is seriously hurt. With the way that segment ended with the Shield and Wyatt's it looks like the feud is going to continue.
If they set up that Bray/Reigns match on the fly, that would be wild.
That would be crazy if they called that audible knowing Cena is seriously hurt. With the way that segment ended with the Shield and Wyatt's it looks like the feud is going to continue.
If they set up that Bray/Reigns match on the fly, that would be wild.

A damn good audible if the was the case. I do t remember if Reigns/Bray was announced beforehand, so I cant really say a whole lot. The crowd stunk though, through almost everything other than Taker and Hogan, and even Hogan's pop wasn't what I was expecting. It's sad too, cause match wise, it was a solid show.
Watching 1998 King of the Ring
That Taker and Mankind Hell in a Cell Match never gets old :wow:

hows the quality on the videos you guys are watching?

do i have to have xbox gold to watch it on my 360? wanna get a subscription to WWE network right now but i havent touched my xbox in over a year
I'm pretty much done hoping DBry gets his shine. They've been trying their best to stop his momentum while still keeping him on camera to keep his fans happy. Putting him with the Wyatt's was dumb, the Kane feud is dumb. Him losing to H at WM would just be the cherry on top.
I just don't get why they wasted that 1 v 1 but the crowd did crap on it. Maybe it would have felt like a big deal with a hotter crowd.


Raw was in Green Bay, the same place Vince had to come out during an episode of Raw and during a commercial break had to ask the crowd to get into the show . House shows should only happen there.
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Isn't this the backup plan for Bryan anyway because Punk left? Because wasn't it stated that Punk would've been the one with the HHH/Kane feud?
I'm pretty much done hoping DBry gets his shine. They've been trying their best to stop his momentum while still keeping him on camera to keep his fans happy. Putting him with the Wyatt's was dumb, the Kane feud is dumb. Him losing to H at WM would just be the cherry on top.

I've been thinking a lot about this. They're making DBry the eternal title-chaser and not a legit title holder. Why because everyone behind him will tune in every week, every PPV for that sweet payoff which may or may not happen at all.

They'll have DBry go over Kane and you'll think "alryt momentum time this is it he's gonna keep winning now". And if he wins over HHH, all the more people will start believing. Only to be disappointed again.

Because really, when DBry wins the WWE WHC, what is the Yes Movement for? It was meant to be a message that you can stand against oppression or to go with the brand, a perfect example of the anti-bullying campaign.

Who's "deserving" to take the title from DBry after? No one. Unless it's gonna be another returning veteran perhaps or DBry turns heel along the way.
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