Wrestling Thread 11/9-12/14 | Dec 13 WWE TLC - Sheamus (c) vs Roman Reigns TLC WWE Title Match

This has been going on forever. You just have more access to it now since everyone technically has a camera with them 24/7.
It hasn't gone on FOREVER because there was a time in which heels and faces didn't even dress up on the same side of the arena. It shouldn't be done, point blank. 
It hasn't gone on FOREVER because there was a time in which heels and faces didn't even dress up on the same side of the arena. It shouldn't be done, point blank. 

Man I have to agree with you on this one..Just cause we know it's scripted doesn't mean they can't at least try to keep the illusion alive..Faces & Heels shouldn't be seen together, drive in the same car, do the same promo appearances (unless it's like a press conference type of situation and even then they need to be kept apart)..I don't even like it when they have all the players on the top of the ramp with guys who are supposed to be feuding standing a couple feet from each other..
Which NTWTer went on LAW radio, talking about Sasha being the best wrestler in the world?
I caught the Shameus finish live last night but didn't stick around to see the rest. New Day winning is :smokin, I'll watch that match tonight.

:smh: at KO losing to Ambrose.

Heard TLC overall was underwhelming. Probably just watch the ladder match.
Sir WIlliam
No, "Lord Steven" - 
Man I have to agree with you on this one..Just cause we know it's scripted doesn't mean they can't at least try to keep the illusion alive..Faces & Heels shouldn't be seen together, drive in the same car, do the same promo appearances (unless it's like a press conference type of situation and even then they need to be kept apart)..I don't even like it when they have all the players on the top of the ramp with guys who are supposed to be feuding standing a couple feet from each other..

It's not 1960 old guys, come into the new millennium. You can't be a fan of a show like Breaking Ground, then say well heels and faces should be separated. The curtain has been pulled down. Ideally it would be nice for the illusion to still exist but it just doesn't with everyone having a social media page.
It's not 1960 old guys, come into the new millennium. You can't be a fan of a show like Breaking Ground, then say well heels and faces should be separated. The curtain has been pulled down. Ideally it would be nice for the illusion to still exist but it just doesn't with everyone having a social media page.
Breaking ground is ENTERTAINING, but I said it during week 2 that I don't like how they consistently break kayfabe. I watch it because I love documentaries, but if I had it my way, I wouldn't want to see Bayley and Nia Jaxx training in the same ring.

Like Case said, things can be done not to throw the idea of it being FAKE in the faces of the fans.

Japan still does a great job of this. It can be done.
CelticsPride you 27 top fam? Where do you live at in Boston? Shouldve hit you when I was up there last night
The DA who tried him was lying :smokin...

Favorite Nas song... So damn smooth... God Son was my first Nas album :smokin

Your First Nas album???

Got a delivery, which I doubt is from my SS, but it was a Wahl head shaver, (pics later) but no invoice or contact number on the UPS shipping label but instead of Mr. addressed me as Lord. If any of you sent this to me, pm me and Thanks ( I guess?).

:smh: :smh: at not having Stillmatic beforehand
It's not 1960 old guys, come into the new millennium. You can't be a fan of a show like Breaking Ground, then say well heels and faces should be separated. The curtain has been pulled down. Ideally it would be nice for the illusion to still exist but it just doesn't with everyone having a social media page.
Breaking ground is ENTERTAINING, but I said it during week 2 that I don't like how they consistently break kayfabe. I watch it because I love documentaries, but if I had it my way, I wouldn't want to see Bayley and Nia Jaxx training in the same ring.

Like Case said, things can be done not to throw the idea of it being FAKE in the faces of the fans.

Japan still does a great job of this. It can be done.

But in NJPW don't they all ride on the same bus?...
CelticsPride you 27 top fam? Where do you live at in Boston? Shouldve hit you when I was up there last night

I'm in Portland Maine homie :lol:...

The DA who tried him was lying :smokin...

Favorite Nas song... So damn smooth... God Son was my first Nas album :smokin

Your First Nas album???

Got a delivery, which I doubt is from my SS, but it was a Wahl head shaver, (pics later) but no invoice or contact number on the UPS shipping label but instead of Mr. addressed me as Lord. If any of you sent this to me, pm me and Thanks ( I guess?).

:smh: :smh: at not having Stillmatic beforehand

I Know I Can sold me on God's Son :lol:...
Yea they ride the same bus but there aren't pictures floating around showing that. And when those pictures surface, I will say the same thing. Dude, why are you always the first person to defend WWE?

We do banquets for the players and coaches like 3 times a year here... We held their draft party type thing about a month ago... They like our food :lol:...
Hope RAW doesn't suck tonight the ending to TLC was legit
When Roman picks up the mic, Last night will be meaningless. Roman better kill everyone in his family tonight. Let's not forget this is not the first time Dean been missing in action. That one match vs the Wyatts he went into the crowd never to be seen until the next night.
Yo pluhone pluhone you really got me heated when I opened my damn gift last night. Plus add the fact I came home drunk. I was like this guy really sent me this. And I double checked just now if there was a gift card or something just to make sure this wasn't my legit gift and I just saw your note :lol: you ***
LMAO :lol: Yo I'm glad you saw the second note i left in there! Hahaa. Your care package should arrive later this week, my fellow Bay Area brother!

I feel like this slipped through the cracks, did you really get regifted?
Regifted for the lulz, his real gifts are on the way :lol:
It's not 1960 old guys, come into the new millennium. You can't be a fan of a show like Breaking Ground, then say well heels and faces should be separated. The curtain has been pulled down. Ideally it would be nice for the illusion to still exist but it just doesn't with everyone having a social media page.

I know it's not like it used to be..But that doesn't mean you can't still try to create the illusion..It's not really that hard..Just keep the faces away from the heels..I mean how hard is it to put into place a policy that simply states "when in public view performers should not be seen with persons that they have an on-camera dispute with"..You wanna talk to Sheamus to go over a match?..Well do that **** behind closed doors..And I know you guys like that Caviar show on youtube, but you can't have faces on a heel internet show..And you can't have heels on it showing a personality that's in contrast to what's portrayed on tv..I know that Taker and Brock aren't mortal enemies in real life but even still I don't want to see pics of them walking through the airport together..I know KO and Jeans don't wish true harm onto one another, but I don't want to see video of them laughing it up by the production truck..A little bit of kayfabe wouldn't hurt..
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