Wrestling Thread 11/9-12/14 | Dec 13 WWE TLC - Sheamus (c) vs Roman Reigns TLC WWE Title Match

Yea not sure if I ever saw that match. I was burnt out from Ladder matches by 2000. Nothing will ever top the Finals of the Terri Invitational Tournament .

Hardys vs Edge Brothers

I feel like the triple ladder matches with the Dudleyz built on that tournament match and took it to another level. I was pretty much exhausted of ladder matches once Christian & Edge faced each other at like Vengeance 2001 or something. Such an underwhelming match.
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 @ This Benoit vs. Angle mat work...........
Who has a higher Moonsault Success Rate

Kevin Ovens or Kurt Angle

Now that I look back on it, the Angle Slam was a weak finisher
Hahahahahahhaah Aye, what is this Linda McMahon/Trish/Vince Angle about. Linda can't look people in the eyes or something? Steph and Trish are fighting right in front of her and she is looking straight ahead. THis is funny.
 @ So Linda wakes  up from her COMA and kicks VInce in his nuts. Like he couldn't block it or anything? WWE is so damn corny man LOL
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