Wrestling Thread 10/21-11/3 | Oct 28 RAW - Orton & Cena Are Champs | NTWT Secret Santa Q Due Tonight

From Wrestle Zone:

- Earlier this week we reported the backstage heat on Ryback, specifically stemming from rumors of him being a danger to work with, was said to be fabricated by someone close to the situation in WWE.

In an update to that story, however, following this Monday's Raw, a high level WWE source has informed WZ that a recent producer's meeting saw Ryback buried, and he indeed has enormous backstage heat, and is not well liked at all. Producers and backstage agents, but not necessarily Vince McMahon himself, feel Ryback is awkward and "not safe enough" in the ring.

"Just look at how Ryback got buried on Monday, getting beat and tapping out after being put through a table in 5 minutes," our source told us.

The source further told us following Hell in a Cell on Sunday and this week's edition of Raw, Ryback is short term for the main roster at best. WZ will continue to keep you updated on this developing story.
- As you can imagine, most of the WWE talents hate segments like the ones on RAW where they all have to stand on the stage and get lectured by Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Nobody can or does say anything about it. The feeling is everyone on the stage that has to stand there and do nothing while insulted, particularly if you’re a babyface, comes across like a prelim-level guy.

- Students from the Team 3D Wrestling Academy and the Team Vision Dojo received tryouts before Monday’s RAW in Orlando. The best four talents were told they would be getting a live dark match tryout before Tuesday night’s tapings in Tampa but that never happened.

- The actual paid attendance for TNA Bound For Glory was 2,622 but there were 3,000 fans in the building so TNA didn’t paper that much. TNA officials are taking this as a positive. When WWE ran a live event in San Diego this past August, there were almost 4,000 in the building but only 2,358 paid.

- According to various cable industry sources, Bound For Glory looks to have been down about 15% from last year, which would indicate around 17,000 buys.

- There are a lot of stories going around about TNA being for sale but there are indeed serious talks going on behind the scenes. There is a potential buyer that has been looking at the company. Representatives for the potential new owners have been at TNA’s offices recently. Talk of a potential sale has been going on for months but has reached a serious enough point where things are at a significant stage.

- A new name in WWE developmental is Cole Andrews, real name Stephen Good. He’s measured at the NFL combine at 6 foot 4 3/4 inches and 300 pounds. He’s since trimmed down to 275 pounds. Andrews started as an offensive guard for the University of Oklahoma last season but wasn’t drafted in the NFL draft, despite being a prospect. He’s very strong, having done a competition 475 pound bench press at the age of 17. Jim Ross was instrumental in getting Andrews a WWE tryout.

- When WWE was recently in Mexico, they did not do any tryouts with talents like they usually do when they’re in Mexico or the UK. WWE is still very interested in Mexican talent but the approach will be different. WWE is not interested in Volador Jr. and Rey Mysterio, through his influence, is likely to get a tryout for Bestia 666, the son of Damian 666.

- We’ve been covering how Eric Bischoff was sent home and talents told he would be working from home, which means he’s out of the picture as TNA’s key creative force. Bischoff will likely be paid until his contract is up in or around February 2014. There was talk this is a way to get Bischoff out of the picture but he wasn’t let go due to his contract with the company still having time left on it. What’s notable about this is John Gaburick, TNA’s Executive Vice President of Television Production, was looking just a few weeks ago at bringing Bischoff back as on-air character.

A lot of people are very happy to see Bischoff go. It was noted that he was very negative with people and most people didn’t enjoy working for him. For a long time, because of his track record as the guy who created Nitro and the wrestling boom, he was thought of highly by Spike TV officials, both for that and also being a veteran of selling TV properties, meaning he knows that language and has credentials outside of wrestling. He had been TNA’s intermediary between them and Spike but the bloom of late has been off that rose as well.

- With Eric Bischoff out of the picture, TNA creative going forward will be in the hands of writers Matt Conway and Dave Lagana. The guys maneuvering the creative direction will be John Gaburick and Jeff Jarrett, who has had a lot more and more input as of late.

- Kurt Angle legitimately suffered torn knee cartilage on the missed moonsault spot in his Bound For Glory match against Bobby Roode.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
I love the fact that at the very beginning William Regal calls him Triple Haytchah..:smokin
SS gifts = Ordered.

I'll wrap then ship out as soon as I get them. He was kinda vague like me :lol: so I hope he likes what I got him!
Damn man that's an awesome costume haha.

Im going as Manti Teo this year since I apparently look exactly like him. I'm gonna dress in regular clothes and hand out Lannah Kakua obituaries
got exactly who i wanted in Secret Santa 
So, I am watching the HHH doc that was posted and it is pretty good but How do you just cut out the build up to the return of DX ????? Shawn and HHH's battles were awesome
So, I am watching the HHH doc that was posted and it is pretty good but How do you just cut out the build up to the return of DX ????? Shawn and HHH's battles were awesome
Yeah I'm finding it to be actually really good. I've gained more respect for him as a worker but I still don't like the fact that he needs to be the center of attention to get his nut. 

I was hoping they would show the moment when he officially became The Game gimmick. Was it that "shoot" interview with JR?
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