Wrestling Thread 10/21-11/3 | Oct 28 RAW - Orton & Cena Are Champs | NTWT Secret Santa Q Due Tonight

I haven't been watching any WWE tv for about the past 2 months, but by seeing these threads I have seen that nothing has changed. :smh:
Yeah but when they changed hands, it went to other performers who were able to carry it. The roster today is a circle jerk of 3-4 guys who get it every 4-5 months. It's been stated over and over but the need to develop talent is crucial right now, and WWE keeps dropping the ball.
Orton is the world champ for the 11th time. :stoneface:
Cena is the world champ for the 14th time. :stoneface: :stoneface:
The Rock,Austin,Taker,HBK, and others have lesser world title reign than these dudes. :smh:

'Cause the title(s) used to mean something then.
True dat but during the Attitude Era, the title did change hands a lot tho. Plus having 2 world championships in one
company it's od.

I remember when Rock won the WWF title for the seventh time. It was a big deal cuz it was a unprecedented milestone. :lol:
Agreed with ya'll with regards to maintaining D Bry's momentum. It's difficult to do if they keep burying him almost each and every show.

If ever they do give him that payoff match, I hope he comes out to The Final Countdown. That would be :smokin

Nothing will ever be as bad 2000 WCW man :lol:

Things are pretty dreadful right now, but lets not go that far
From 1990 to the mid 2000s the top wrestler changed every 2-4 years. Since 2005 it's been the same thing.

It went from Hogan -> Hitman -> HBK -> Stone Cold -> The Rock -> HHH --> Cena - - - - - - - - - - ->
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Cena has had an unprecedented run on top.  It's longer than Hogan's WWF run as the true top star.  And it's scary to think that there is no one even close to overtaking Cena because WWE continues to fail to build new stars.
Says the guy with Dolph Ziggler as his avi...

my bad g.
I probably threw way too much optimism for you're passive pessimistic eyes to handle.
why do you even still watch wrestling?
it's def not to enjoy the product in any facet.
maybe it's just cause you're lonely with nothing else to do?
but I digress.

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Cena has had an unprecedented run on top.  It's longer than Hogan's WWF run as the true top star.  And it's scary to think that there is no one even close to overtaking Cena because WWE continues to fail to build new stars.

Ummm hello? Have you ever heard of a little somebody named Bo Dallas?
I haven't watched much wrestling lately but seems like WWE just tried too hard. Should just let Dbry go on a huge winning streak/let the fans have fun after summer feat. Give him some wins and light competition (show, cesaro, ziggler,) give the management storyline a gimmick of trying to take his being the top guy in "stride" until hunter snaps and calls in for option b cashing in of the MITB. (After a hell in the cell would have been perfect)
This was my first time watching Wrestling since I went to Summer Slam.

I legit fell asleep during this PPV it was so trash.

Think I'm done with the WWE until Royal Rumble time
This all reminds me of the New Generation Era....Some great matches but too much of a cluster**** for me to follow.

I'm still a D-Bry fan and I know his time will come but I think I'll be chillin on WWE for a while. I'll come *** with yall tho :D
Big E and Ambrose are treated after their match.

:x That ambrose cut.
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