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Smackdown during the brand extension was :pimp:

sad how they never bring up the insane run they had back then. Obviously Benoit, Eddie, and Kurt running the show kinda put a damper on it but I'd love to have a dvd compilation of the top matches and angles from that era of Smackdown.

Edge, Rey, JBL, Benoit, Eddie, Kurt, Team Angle, Booker T, Undertaker etc.

those guys had something special goin on.
Every time I think of Triple H I'm just like :smh:

Don't get me wrong, he's good but not great. 02-05 period was god awful IMO. Around the time when they did the first ECW ONS PPV is when I started watching again.

He seriously sucks the fun out of wrestling sometimes :smh:
I actually thought it was Edge, Rey, Benoit, Eddie, Angle, and Brock, with Chavo and WGTT on the back end. Smack down really was awesome around that time. Then as usual, Vince started gutting it so Raw wouldn't look inferior.
I think a brand extension would work nowadays. I kinda miss it. Guys would really be able to shine, I just wish Smackdown wasn't on Friday night.
What adult male is able to watch WWE programming on a Friday night.
Remember when each show had a PPV every other month? :lol:

Yeah. I think only the big 4 PPVs would have the 2 brands on (except for the Bragging Rights one I think). I do think if they go that route now, it might work. The talent pool is pretty deep for both brands .
They have stars but they don't have the SUPERSTARS for a brand split. The only superstar they have is Cena and interest in him is waning.
I was watching Raw on DVR when the game would go to commercial and I finished it when the game ended (I'm a Giants fan so I felt obligated, don't judge me) and I thought it was a real good show.

- Great match between Bryan and Ambrose

- I wish we could get more matches between Orton and Zig down the road but they're treating Zig like he's X-Pac :smh:. Everything Orton and Zig does looks smooth and effortless.

- Triple H is buggin throwing shade on Jericho. His charisma and his mic skills were through the roof and year after year after year he had classic matches. He wasn't Austin or The Rock but how many are?

:lol: @ that Triple H burial list. I can't really blame him for some of those. I didn't keep up that much between 02-05 but It was kinda wide open at that time. Austin was gone, Rock was doing the movie thing. Kevin Nash was old, same with Scott Steiner. Booker T was great but I never really looked at him as a superstar. The only thing I remember about Goldberg's WWE run was that joke of match him and Brock had, maybe somebody else can feel me in on how his run went. I never felt like Jericho was being held back, he did win the undisputed title over Rock and Austin. After that PPV I lost interest in wrestling but was Triple H really THAT bad?
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^ Yeah I floated in and out...made sure I watched a few wrestlemanias....Saw when Ben-Noyt went over HBK and HHH and marked! I was legit shocked :lol:

Was Goldberg's run really that bad? I saw the King Booker gimmick which was gold btw but before that, I don't remember HHH being a racist though
^ Yeah I floated in and out...made sure I watched a few wrestlemanias....Saw when Ben-Noyt went over HBK and HHH and marked! I was legit shocked :lol:

Was Goldberg's run really that bad? I saw the King Booker gimmick which was gold btw but before that, I don't remember HHH being a racist though

Yeah, first time I heard about that. :lol:
I can't find the vid but here's the summary of the segment with Triple H and Booker T.
IN THE RING: Booker T + Triple H & Ric Flair..
Booker comes out for some pre-match mic time..
Booker says he may have won the battle royal last week, but he won't get no trip to Disney Land..
Booker says he won a trip to Wrestlemania!!!
Suddenly, Triple H's music hits and out comes Triple H & Ric Flair..
***Editor's Note: Let the burial begin..
Triple H looks at Booker T and says "People like 'you' don't become World Champion"..
***Editor's Note: Thank you Triple H for reaffirming my hatred for you..
Triple H says that Booker T is in the WWE to make people like him laugh..
Triple H says he laughed all week long about Booker facing him for the World Heavyweight title..
Triple H compares Booker T to other eras of that time, like David Arquette & Vince Russo..
Triple H tells Booker T that Wrestlemania isn't a nickle-and-dime gig..
Triple H says that Booker T will do what he does best at Wrestlemania, and that is LOSE..
Booker T says that some of that might be true, but he's still going to Wrestlemania..
Booker T says that he'll take the World title from Triple H..
Triple H snickers and wishes Booker luck in his match with Scott Steiner..
***Editor's Note: Why does Booker get 90 seconds on the mic, and Triple H gets 15 minutes?
***Editor's Note: Why did Ric Flair even go to the freekkin ring!! aahhhhhhhhhhHHH!!!!!!
I actually thought it was Edge, Rey, Benoit, Eddie, Angle, and Brock, with Chavo and WGTT on the back end. Smack down really was awesome around that time. Then as usual, Vince started gutting it so Raw wouldn't look inferior.

Smackdown Six was the late 2002 tag team division where they where putting on MOTYC damn near every week. It was Angle/Benoit, Rey/Edge, and the Guerreros. WGTT didnt come around till early 2003 and the quality had actually starting going downhill a little by that time already.
HHH isn't/wasn't a racist, but the not so subtle undertones of that entire feud made you believe otherwise :lol: this period is why I call it the "HHH Kill You Back To Midcard World Tour". Nash lost to HHH, then headed to a "feud" with Jericho, who had already been squashed at WM 02. Steiner didn't help himself by stinking up his matches with HHH, and headed into a feud with Test :smile:hat), then team with him. HHH DDT'd RVD so hard, he was drafted to Smackdown to team with Rey and feud with Rene Dupree and Kenzo Suzuki. Orton took the title from Benoit so HHH could take it from him. And when Booker at got bust to the midcard, he was feuding with a rising Christian for the IC title. And even when Booker T had been champ as King Booker, HHH made his return in 07 to beat him in an extended squash match :smh: :lol: HHH has been living the life.

And Goldberg's WWE run was meh. I loved the fact that he was there, but there wasn't much other that than. I dig enjoy him mauling the crap out of people though at Elimination Chamber and Royal Rumble that year.
The Great Muta & Sting vs the Steiner Bros 1992

It's a short match, but I like how Sting got the win. Also some solid team work at 1:25

Sting vs The Great Muta Starrcade 1989

Decent sequence by Sting at 2:45

Cool recovery by Muta at 8:40. Really liked that kick.

Liked Sting's dropkick to Muta on the top rope at 8:50 setting up the superplex for the win. Ok finish.

I'll post some crow Sting tomorrow.

Terry Funk called him "athletic and supple"..:smokin:smh:
I think most people's problem with HHH is that he got to that top spot by sleeping with the boss's daughter.
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