Wrestling Thread 10/21-11/3 | Oct 28 RAW - Orton & Cena Are Champs | NTWT Secret Santa Q Due Tonight

WCW Lacey Von Erich







Two kids?  Still appreciated
Damn Brie gets another title shot? Let's have aj go up against nattie. Someone who can actually wrestle

And damn tamina got a huge bulge!!

I like how they're pairing her with aj to resemble hbk and diesel though
Been saying Nattie deserves the belt.  She's pretty much the only wwe diva that can wrestle.  Though, Brie is my girl
The quality sucks, but it's a pretty cool match. Read about it in Foley's book way back when. Believe it's Jim Ross calling the action as well.

Cactus Jack vs Sting Falls Count Anywhere

1992 - WCW - Sting vs Cactus Jack by BigB26
One of the things I like about this match is how they make use of everything around them right away. From that back body drop and bull dog on the ramp in the beginning, to the missed stinger splash on the ropes, to Foley's elbow off the apron to the outside, using the railing, etc.

Really liked that Foley clothesline at 5:38. The one at 7:35 is a cool little spot to the outside.

Nice hearing a younger JR getting hyped at 9:18

The finish isn't anything special, but the chair shots setting up the scorpion deathlock that Foley rolls out of was a decent sequence.
One of the things I like about this match is how they make use of everything around them right away. From that back body drop and bull dog on the ramp in the beginning, to the missed stinger splash on the ropes, to Foley's elbow off the apron to the outside, using the railing, etc.

Really liked that Foley clothesline at 5:38. The one at 7:35 is a cool little spot to the outside.

Nice hearing a younger JR getting hyped at 9:18

The finish isn't anything special, but the chair shots setting up the scorpion deathlock that Foley rolls out of was a decent sequence.

You failed to mention the best part..And that is a young Bill Alfonso (Taz/Sabu/RVD's ECW manager) is reffing the match..Dude is the true definition of a rat-face..:smokin
One of the things I like about this match is how they make use of everything around them right away. From that back body drop and bull dog on the ramp in the beginning, to the missed stinger splash on the ropes, to Foley's elbow off the apron to the outside, using the railing, etc.

Really liked that Foley clothesline at 5:38. The one at 7:35 is a cool little spot to the outside.

Nice hearing a younger JR getting hyped at 9:18

The finish isn't anything special, but the chair shots setting up the scorpion deathlock that Foley rolls out of was a decent sequence.

You failed to mention the best part..And that is a young Bill Alfonso (Taz/Sabu/RVD's ECW manager) is reffing the match..Dude is the true definition of a rat-face..:smokin

I can see Randy getting in HBK's head. HBK loses it and goes for a super kick and misses. Hits Bryan and Orton goes for the pin.

HBK does "what's right for business" and counts

Yeah sounds like summerslam from 97'
I have a feeling hhh actually believes everything he been saying in his promos since 1999.
He definitely believes what he said last night

100%. His burying is always steadily over 9000, but this guy was 18K last night :lol: :smh: I can sort of get him saying that about RVD just cause he's forever 1 piss test away from being gone, and maybe even Edge just cause his full solo character didn't take off until 05/06, but the WWF at the time could've very well had focus around Jericho. He was on fire then and the crowd was behind him whether he was heel or face.
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03-05 while it was good HHH went over too many guys on a hot streak. He should've lost to Nash, Steiner, & Goldberg the first time. But WCW boys are only used as stepping stones.
HHH is cool but that 2002-05 reign of terror he had made Raw unwatchable. At least Smackdown at the time had the Super 6 :smokin

Explain this time period. I was out of Wrestling by then.

As soon as Eric Bischoff handed the World Heavyweight title to HHH in September 2002, HHH did the Dougie all over Booker T, Jericho, RVD, Steiner (I don't blame that one though), Kane, Goldberg, Orton and a host of other dudes who either deserved a title run, or at least deserved to look respectable against him. Even when he did lose, he was still made to look good. Booker T and Goldberg were probably hosed the most from around this time. They went with the race angle with Booker T, and had the perfect opportunity to have Booker beat the bad guy, but instead (based on the angle) had the "bigot" stand tall at the end of the day. With Goldberg, he one the title top late. He should have won at Elimination Chamber, where he washed everybody, until the last cage opened and a fat injured HHH hit him with a sledgehammer and pinned him. The fans were aching for Goldberg to win that night. He won the title a couple weeks later, and it practically meant nothing. He did put Benoit over huge at WMXX...yet, Benoit had to defend his title in the undercard vs Kane while HHH and HBK took the main event spotlight. As you can tell, I can go on and on about that period :lol:
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Explain this time period. I was out of Wrestling by then.

This was that period right after his and Shawn Michaels return from injures. I'll give you 10 examples of how bad it was

-He and Shawn had at least 6 PPV main events when interest with the feud died after the third match
-Between 2002-05 he possessed the title around 2 years total
-Killed Booker T at Wm19 and he never fully recovered
-Killed Scott Steiner at Elimination Chamber
-Killed Goldberg(well finished what the Rock started at Backlash 2003)
-Held Jericho down even tho he was getting a top 5 pop at the time
-Killed Orton after Summerslam 2004(Orton only recovered because of his year long feud with Undertaker)
-The Kane/Katie Vick storyline
-Trying to push Edge down the card even tho he was obviously getting over as the No.1 heel after the Matt Hardy angle
-Killed RVD in the Fall of 2002
The Great Muta & Sting vs the Steiner Bros 1992

It's a short match, but I like how Sting got the win. Also some solid team work at 1:25

Sting vs The Great Muta Starrcade 1989

Decent sequence by Sting at 2:45

Cool recovery by Muta at 8:40. Really liked that kick.

Liked Sting's dropkick to Muta on the top rope at 8:50 setting up the superplex for the win. Ok finish.

I'll post some crow Sting tomorrow.
:x :smh:

Now I see why y'all hate him. This is also during the Evolution period right? I remember the whole kicking Orton out angle then I lost track.
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