WRESTLEMANIA WEEK: 4/3 Breaking News: Multi-Time WWE Champ Retires from WWE

"Rollin'" Colby Black is in the Impact Zone
I think it would be hilarious if Sandow pulled a Hunico, hijacked Miz and became a better version of him. Then have a storyline where Miz falls on hard times and loses everything, and he even finds out Maryse is pregnant by another man.
Mizdow mentions how he beat John Cena in the main event of WM... Complete with photoshop edits of it.
**** filled up them sugarwalls or..something else.

Either way, the answer is ** ****
I'm in the minority but she won't be missed. Boo AJ Brooks.
She's gonna regret all this when she gets a divorce. :smh: female simp
It's only a matter of time. :lol:
She's getting out now before the superior female wrestlers of NXT get called up.

She scared.
She don't wanna get outclassed by real women's wrestlers. :nerd:
So much :smh: and :frown: once I learned that Layla El is rolling with that bum. :smh:
What about Trent Baretta :nerd:
Baretta is teaming with Rocky Romero in NJPW.
I know it's been posted but ** **** tweeted #thankyouaj

Dude was for sure pressuring her to quit wwe. Dude tryna ruin her career and dreams :smh: ******* scumbag...

#neverforget #sadboyz :frown:

It's a mind**** this dude banged both females in this video :wow:
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[thread="622851"]Seth Rollin's cash in was expected.. i would say it had a 50% chance of happening. Taker's streak ending was completely unexpected. Who would haev thought Lesnar, another part timer, would end it of all people? Plus the buildup for the Lesnar-Taker match wasn't even that great so people thought it would be a normal streak victry. Lesnar stood out on top on the go home show too. I for sure thought they were gonna have John Cena end the streak. [/thread]

How was it expected? He wasn't even told until the rock segment.
How was it expected? He wasn't even told until the rock segment.
I somewhat saw it coming with the way WWE books MITB winners right before they cash in; they make them lose the majority of the matches.. I originally thought Rollins was going to win against Orton but fail to cash in, but after Orton beat him so early in the card, I knew he was going to cash in. Orton had dominated the entire feud, even the go-home show, and for him to win was just odd.

Plus they probably held off on telling him to avoid it getting to the dirtsheets and spoiling it
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Now you got ppl who were backstage saying they knew something was up with AJ. She was telling Paige after the match that she loves her and that's drew suspicion.
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AJ probably got her club shot up and had to dip out like Edge in his match with Del Rio
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Charlotte will get called up first. Charlotte has nothing left in NXT and is just jobbing before she gets called up. Banks some time before summer slam.
Vince was furious with saxton and his commentary on RAW. He sent lawler to "breath life" into Byron but nothing changed. When Byron went to the back vince was ignoring him. Cole was coachin saxton but was not successful. Vince and Dunn felt saxton did not "grab the brass ring"

Vince and Dunn are very high on renee young and may call her up to the RAW commentary team sooner rather than later but at the same time want to stick with her doing backstage interviews.
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What do you guys think was the bigger swerve, Taker losing to Brock or Rollins cashing in?

Taker's loss most definitely. I had a feeling Seth was cashing in; WWE had to sent the folks home happy with either Brock retaining or Seth cashing in.

So long, BaeJ :frown:
Taker's loss most definitely. I had a feeling Seth was cashing in; WWE had to sent the folks home happy with either Brock retaining or Seth cashing in.

So long, BaeJ :frown:

Time to change that avy b. I don't like to be reminded of her loss now :frown:
Vince was furious with saxton and his commentary on RAW. He sent lawler to "breath life" into Byron but nothing changed. When Byron went to the back vince was ignoring him. Cole was coachin saxton but was not successful. Vince and Dunn felt saxton did not "grab the brass ring"

Vince and Dunn are very high on renee young and may call her up to the RAW commentary team sooner rather than later but at the same time want to stick with her doing backstage interviews.

I watched RAW on Tuesday after recovering from the weekend. Saxton was very timid on speaking, he was very quiet and I'm not surprised they sent Lawler down.
You right, fam. Gotta take down my wallpapers, too.

I hope Sasha gets called up first but it will be easier to have flair bring Charolette in. I can also hear the Aj Lee chants now whenever the Bella's have a segment lol
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