WRESTLEMANIA WEEK: 4/3 Breaking News: Multi-Time WWE Champ Retires from WWE

I like the spot Nattie does where she steps on her opponent's back, hits the ropes, and dropkicks them in the face
It LOOKS cool but it looks dangerous. I wish she would stop.

AJ probably got her club shot up and had to dip out like Edge I'm his match with Del Rio

Damn. TIL that Seth Rollins almost signed with TNA.
Yep, just listened to that podcast. His show with Stones Cold. He saved that man's life.
Randy Orton on CM Punk's first fight: 
"Whoever he fights, I really hope he wins because he will help legitimize what we do. We're just not looked at for what we are because the outcome is predetermined."

Nothing shows people you're serious more than unfollowing them on social media.

I've been preparing myself for Layla retiring ever since her last title run in 2012 when she washed the entire divas division. I didn't want her to just be ripped away from me, so I have been trying to make it easier on myself since then.
Why on earth did SHE get a title run? 
What about Trent Baretta 
New Japan
Hope she released a cold cabana podcast as well.

She's getting out now before the superior female wrestlers of NXT get called up.

She scared.
Please. AJ can go man. Why do yall think she can't hang?
Same for me!! At a dinner and my ex sits next to me not across cause that's how we did it. And she'd try slippin that finger down my butthole
not havin it
At dinner though? 
What exactly scares you about it?... It doesn't make you gay 

I'm not even going to bring up prostate massages 
Just the thought of anything around that area isn't cool with me. I am with whoever said, Nah
Vince was furious with saxton and his commentary on RAW. He sent lawler to "breath life" into Byron but nothing changed. When Byron went to the back vince was ignoring him. Cole was coachin saxton but was not successful. Vince and Dunn felt saxton did not "grab the brass ring"

Vince and Dunn are very high on renee young and may call her up to the RAW commentary team sooner rather than later but at the same time want to stick with her doing backstage interviews.

He was completely set up to fail. I hate this self-sabotage thing the WWE does

I think Nattie deserves the next run with the belt..A program between her and Naomi would be greatly appreciated..Maybe call up Charlotte to feud with the Bellas in one of those "I'm going to go through everyone to get to the top" type angles..As long as Nikki and Brie are left out in the cold I'm okay with whoever the next Diva's champ is..

We're def on the same page as far as leaving the Bella's out in the cold. Naomi and Mattie could use a lengthy match together cause I know they can come up with something good, whether in the ring, or sexually

And Naomi deserves her first title run before Nattie gets another. Also...what up D Fly? Case? Peep?

I'm lying in the bed with my gf thinking about recording her snoring just to prove that she does it, then I'm gonna go get me a run in :lol:
Random But wherever I am, I size up folks just in case I need to fight. So I scan like T1000 looking at everyone around me determining how I would have to take them down.These days with everyone wanting to be a fake MMA dude, you really can't sleep on folks based on their looks. In the gym waiting for this kickboxing class to start. So that is why fighting is on my mind
Random But wherever I am, I size up folks just in case I need to fight. So I scan like T1000 looking at everyone around me determining how I would have to take them down. These days with everyone wanting to be a fake MMA dude, you really can't sleep on folks based on their looks. In the gym waiting for this kickboxing class to start. So that is why fighting is on my mind

...size folks up...take them down...MMA dude...sleep on folks..."fighting" on your mind...

Peep I reported you for mimicking MeanJeansAnd Hyperflights you were reported for nut suffocation before noon
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Random But wherever I am, I size up folks just in case I need to fight. So I scan like T1000 looking at everyone around me determining how I would have to take them down. These days with everyone wanting to be a fake MMA dude, you really can't sleep on folks based on their looks. In the gym waiting for this kickboxing class to start. So that is why fighting is on my mind

Please. AJ can go man. Why do yall think she can't hang?

It's not that I don't think "she can't hang"..It's I don't think she's as talented as Nattie, Naomi, or even Nikki..I think she's better than those women at in ring psychology, but she's really not that impressive with her move set..Regardless, I'm glad her and Philemina can sit at home and be dirty jerks together..I give their marriage 8 months and it'll be in the crapper..
Please. AJ can go man. Why do yall think she can't hang?

It's not that I don't think "she can't hang"..It's I don't think she's as talented as Nattie, Naomi, or even Nikki..I think she's better than those women at in ring psychology, but she's really not that impressive with her move set..Regardless, I'm glad her and Philemina can sit at home and be dirty jerks together..I give their marriage 8 months and it'll be in the crapper..
can't say i agree there.

as much as i dont care about her, BaeJay was the best women's worker on the main roster.
Everything isn't about moveset man. As has great timing in the ring. Her move placement is more important and she is on point there.Go back and watch her stuff around 2012. When she was with Bryan. I had tk do research so I went back and watched a bunch of DIVAS matches and she was doing much more then than now. But I still don't agree that her moveset is.lacking
she's literally the best women's worker on the main roster. on all levels. no one can match her mic skills, psychology, selling, etc.

natty and naomi are overrated real talk. both work matches together that are slow and obviously choreographed.
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