WRESTLEMANIA WEEK: 4/3 Breaking News: Multi-Time WWE Champ Retires from WWE

In response to Roberts’ column, WWE has issued the following statement:

“It is offensive to suggest that WWE and its executives had anything but altruistic intentions in honoring Connor and his legacy with The Warrior Award. In conjunction with Connor’s father, Connor’s Cure was established by Stephanie McMahon and Paul Levesque to raise awareness and funds for pediatric cancer, and to honor a boy that so many people within the WWE family came to love. The fund is managed by the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Foundation and has already raised more than $200,000 for pediatric cancer research.

In addition, following the Ultimate Warrior’s impassioned Hall of Fame speech last year encouraging WWE to recognize its unsung heroes, the Warrior Award was established in his memory to honor those who exhibit unwavering strength and perseverance, and who live life with the courage and compassion that embodies the indomitable spirit of the Ultimate Warrior. With the full support and input of Ultimate Warrior’s widow, Dana Warrior, Connor Michalek was the first recipient of the Warrior Award, and moving forward the award will be given annually to acknowledge other unsung heroes among WWE’s employees and fans.

WWE is proud to use our global platforms to raise awareness for important social causes, including Connor’s Cure as well as our longstanding partnership with Make A Wish, our on-going partnership with Susan G. Komen, which has resulted in more than $1.5 million in funds raised, and our international partnership with Special Olympics.”

Roberts 0
Are you saying she's splitting with him and retiring? I don't see the connection...

I think what @PLVN is inferring is that AJ and CM Punk got into some sort of disagreement which resulted in AJ unfollowing Punk. She was probably standing her ground and showed that by the unfollow but untimely caved into whatever Punk ultimately wanted which somehow correlates to her untimely reitrement.
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I should've went to her line at axxess instead of sasha baenks....hmmm not sure how I feel about this now... :lol:
What exactly scares you about it?... It doesn't make you gay :lol:...

I'm not even going to bring up prostate massages :lol:...

Well it felt weird when girl slipped the finger. Idk man. It's a double standard I guess...? My *** is only for ******** not for a chick to lick or anything :lol: but you can for damn sure bet ima slip it in her butthole. Doesn't do it for me for a girl to eat my *** :lol: But when she starts suckin the balls....

What do you guys think was the bigger swerve, Taker losing to Brock or Rollins cashing in?
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I gotta say though, the way Reigns was being pushed down our throats I had concluded he was gonna walk out of WM31 with the title.

Can't lie I got a little nervous :lol:

It set up the cash in like when Edge lost to Ric Flair in the first match of New Years revolution and then cashing in on Cena after the elimination chamber..

Word just re watched that cash in yesterday :nthat:
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