WRESTLEMANIA WEEK: 4/3 Breaking News: Multi-Time WWE Champ Retires from WWE

Taker losing to Brock for sure. Seeing that go down in person was shocking that entire Dome was in utter shock.
Chael Sonnen was at the wrestlemania after party. He brought this conversation up on his latest podcast. Episode 25.

Randy Orton on CM Punk's first fight: 
"Whoever he fights, I really hope he wins because he will help legitimize what we do. We're just not looked at for what we are because the outcome is predetermined."
AJ Lee has retired according to WWE's Twitter

Pretty sure even though April 1 has passed this is a April Fool's joke and would carry as a storyline. AJ's first real name is April after all. She loves WWE and wrestling, and even acknowledged her Wrestlemania streak as a joke.
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"Rollin'" Colby Black is in the Impact Zone

Wonder what Mizdow's new gimmick will be after his feud with Miz is done

I think it would be hilarious if Sandow pulled a Hunico, hijacked Miz and became a better version of him. Then have a storyline where Miz falls on hard times and loses everything, and he even finds out Maryse is pregnant by another man.
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Damn. TIL that Seth Rollins almost signed with TNA.

This is true.

If you guys watched the Shield Summerslam special, Rollins said he was hitting up Johnny Laurenitis to sign him. He had another offer from "another place" (TNA).

I'm dying at Cornette saying TNA is a black hole.
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"Rollin" Colby Black :rofl: :rofl:

Those variant Impact Zone names are always money. The way Jim Cornette retells stories is so entertaining for some reason.
"Rollin'" Colby Black is in the Impact Zone
I think it would be hilarious if Sandow pulled a Hunico, hijacked Miz and became a better version of him. Then have a storyline where Miz falls on hard times and loses everything, and he even finds out Maryse is pregnant by another man.
I don't watch TNA but what names has the company changed? All the wrestlers I know from there still have their regular names.
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