WRESTLEMANIA WEEK: 4/3 Breaking News: Multi-Time WWE Champ Retires from WWE

Brenda had the nerve to say Rhonda Rousey is a nobody. Had 100,000 fans chanting her name last night. Can't say the same for your bum a*** NXT boys. Nobody knew who KENTA was. 
Walking home...

Following this blond girl wearing mango yoga pants...

Good god at the moment... Every step there's a damn bounce... It's so damn full for a white girl like this....

And she just walked into a house..
Brenda had the nerve to say Rhonda Rousey is a nobody. Had 100,000 fans chanting her name last night. Can't say the same for your bum a*** NXT boys. Nobody knew who KENTA was. :lol:

Deepsea you exaguratin now. I said renee is better looking. And they were chanting Hideo's name. Go back to watching great puta matches and telling us how we aren't real wrestling fans cause we don't dig through dailymotion and YouTube for Japanese matches from the 80's
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Deepsea you exaguratin now. I said renee is better looking. And they were chanting itamis name. Go back to watching great puta matches and telling us how we aren't real wrestling fans cause we don't sig through dailymotion and YouTube for Japanese matches from the 80's
Now he wants to fight me because I cooked his NXT boys.
if they just let Roman be a humble badass, I'll have no problem cheering for him. just let him be natural. it's all i ask.
Oh yea, that Sting stuff was horrible. It made no sense on SO many levels. Forget nostalgia. We see ALL of those dudes multiple times per year. How can you feel nostalgia from any of them? Sting should have kept himself at home man. Stupid idea when he signed. Stupid idea now. Stupid idea if he wrestles Undertaker.
Well I guess that's where me and you differ..Cause I love Bray's character and actually enjoy seeing him get beat up..Seth is very blah to me..He's a natural babyface and struggles really hard to be a heel..His mic work is average at best and the whole J & J Security thing, to me, weakens his character because they're gawd awful..I know it's supposed to be an updated version of the Stooges, but the thing about those guys that made the gimmick work so well is the were legit world class wrestlers/HOF'ers..Noble and the other guy are jobbers at best..I think they need to have Seth break from the Authority and turn him face and then he'll blow up..Plus being a baby face would help mask his weak promo skills..
I agree with you regarding Bray, but can't get down with anything you're saying regarding Seth. Seth is the absolute perfect weasel heel and J&J definitely add to it. The way he went in there, stole the belt and ran away was perfection. While I do see him as an incredible, high flying babyface in the future, I truly do think he is the best heel in the company right now...
Couldn't agree more..Hopefully they put him down to the IC or US picture..He doesn't belong near the main event..

Thank you case the old man voice of reason
ic and us belt should be consolidated and reserved for your youngsters on the cusp of greatness. your nxt graduates, your mid carders, etc. dont like having legit main eventers chasing that belt.
ic and us belt should be consolidated and reserved for your youngsters on the cusp of greatness. your nxt graduates, your mid carders, etc. dont like having legit main eventers chasing that belt.
thats part of  what made them irrelevant in the first place though. let cena have the US title so the youngster that beats him gets some actual credibility, rather than taking it from santino lol

even trips went back to the IC title after having the wwf title (probably because SCSA had the wff title and they were a tag team on top of that, but still)
Oh yea, that Sting stuff was horrible. It made no sense on SO many levels. Forget nostalgia. We see ALL of those dudes multiple times per year. How can you feel nostalgia from any of them? Sting should have kept himself at home man. Stupid idea when he signed. Stupid idea now. Stupid idea if he wrestles Undertaker.

For somebody like myself that doesn't watch wrestling all the time... And haven't watched a lot in a very long time. It was cool to see all them guys together... I think it was just supposed to be a good fun moment... And IMO it was.

Will be watching raw tonight I hope it's good.
I'm officially declaring myself NT's #1 Roman Reigns fan after last night

I don't blame you. Like DeepSea said, he looked legit last night. Nothing was forced, and everything he did was with a purpose. Some people complain about him smiling while taking punishment, but I think that served to make him look more badass, like a maniac.

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Rhonda wanted Rock so damn bad :lol:
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