WRESTLEMANIA WEEK: 4/3 Breaking News: Multi-Time WWE Champ Retires from WWE

i've never heard of Sting getting injured or anything like Taker has.

True, but I'm saying that Sting has probably wrestled just as many, if not more, matches than Taker has..

And I thought both of them looked like they were in great shape last night (even though I've only seen about 3 minutes of Taker's match)..I wouldn't be mad at them having a match at 32..
i've never heard of Sting getting injured or anything like Taker has.

True, but I'm saying that Sting has probably wrestled just as many, if not more, matches than Taker has..

And I thought both of them looked like they were in great shape last night (even though I've only seen about 3 minutes of Taker's match)..I wouldn't be mad at them having a match at 32..
for sure. taker looked butch as hell though.
Would Dbry still be able to walk right now if he had been booked into that match with Lesnar last night instead of Reigns?
Sting doesn't have the mileage that Undertaker does. Seeing his Enterence live last night gave me chills

Really?..They made their debuts within a year of each other and Sting has been wrestling more in the past 7-8 yrs than Taker has..
i've never heard of Sting getting injured or anything like Taker has.

What has sting really been doing since WCW folded? I know he was in TNA but still
I'm sure it didn't help that they was outdoors either..Ain't no amount of product keeping that thin *** hair in place.. :D

time to cut it low then

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He should just go bald and paint his face/head like Goldust.


Man I love how Bray just throws his body around with zero dambs given..I can't wait for Owens to get called up so them 2 can have a lengthy program together..
What has sting really been doing since WCW folded? I know he was in TNA but still

He was wrestling full time in TNA..I know that's probably only equal to a part time schedule in WWE, but when was the last time Taker was on the road witha full schedule?..Maybe 6 yrs ago?..
Man I'm excited for RAW now that I finally got my ticket... Hopefully there's some swerves or surprises tonight.
So all of you marks who for the past month did nothing but complain about the card for Wrestlemania actually enjoyed the show.

Who would have guessed Seth Rollins would become the World Champ and the best heel in the business all in a year??
So all of you marks who for the past month did nothing but complain about the card for Wrestlemania actually enjoyed the show.

Who would have guessed Seth Rollins would become the World Champ and the best heel in the business all in a year??

Seth's the best heel in the business?.. :smh:
:lol: I think he'll need a lawn edge trimmer to cut that dry thing off on top of his head.
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Reigns/Lesnar was supposed to go 35 minutes but due to time constraints it went less than 20 minutes.

There was also a Bray/Taker video that did not air.
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