Woman killed by an Illegal Immigrant

^ Post my elaborated post on that.

M mr highness I didn't fail to comprehend anything you said. You live in California I live in South Texas that makes us both experts on immigration then? Nah b.. You have friends who are illegal immigrants and yet my great grandma was an illegal immigrant from mexico. You have friends I have family that's the difference you will never understand. And I not once said it was mericas responsibility, and I agree it is countries like Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and many others to take responsibility for their people. But I damn sure not gonna look down on somebody who illegally are legally entered this country to start a better life for themselves. Them boys on the Mayflower illegally came over here for a better life so I can't hate on this new generation of immigrants trying the same.

But an illegal immigrant killed an American citizen, that American citizen could have been any of your family, you, or any of your friends. If we continue this influx of illegal immigrants who don't know much of the U.S laws, who's to say another American won't get killed when an illegal immigrant can't find a job so he robs someone?

"I have friends who are illegal immigrants"

"I have friends who are black"

that prototypical Racist script
 do your  minority 'friends' agree with your viewpoints?

I am a minority. And a few, for the most part, I don't discuss this with them.

You're seriously annoying man. You can't ever post anything that's informative or helpful? Always have to troll huh?
says the dude who thinks rape victims asked to be raped.

Where did I say that?

says the dude who thinks rape victims asked to be raped.

Second time I've seen you post this. Please quote it :lol: we need proof

He's trolling, he won't even post my elaborated post of it. He's a sad man.

:rofl: @ "Mexico's growing population since many are catholics and don't use condoms.:

:lol: I take my last post back.

You don't go out much man. For many Catholics, birth control and condoms are sins.

:rofl: sure man.
Sex itself ain't a sin. Otherwise I'd burst into flames and explode if you know what I mean.


But but but, these illegal immigrants want a better life doe. Right? And that's just the "serious" reports.
Oh so that's for some reason not important when you bring up their religion but condoms.... No way Jose LOL

I can find serious crimes of American citizens just as easy. Your point.... I don't see it
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I don't think I've ever met a person of caucasian descent that didn't claim they were part Native American :lol:

I've had racist white folks people tell me go back to where I'm from..All I do is point to my brown skin and tell them "I'm home"..
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M mr highness yet Dylan Roof (american citizen not an illegal immigrant) killed 9 African Americans (also American citizens) in a place of worship, it can go both ways man tit for tat. Violence isn't secluded to a certain demographic b you know that, majority of illegal immigrants arent violent studies shown on multiple studies. The thing is the media loves to glorify a story like the one you posted, rather than focusing on an illegal immigrant working 3 jobs for his family. And trying to obtain legal citizenship and raising US born children who go on to attend 4 year university's and graduate. But they rather focus on the violent immigrant sterotype who comes to this country to wreak havoc because it fits their narrative. And to your point on stopping violent illegal's from entering this country for violent purposes, I just wish the native Americans shared that same sentiment about 400 years ago..
OP this woman was killed by a criminal who just happened to be an illegal immigrant. Should he have been out in the streets or let alone in the US after his past history? Of course not. But what would have been the difference between a US citizen that fell through the cracks to commit such a crime and him? The focus here should be on the flaws of the legal system and how they failed to do their job to keep a criminal off the streets and out of the country. Stop lumping all illegal immigrants in the same boat as this murderer.....

Oh and what jobs are these illegal immigrants stealing that you or anyone would want to do :lol:

But the fact is, the illegal immigrant murdered an American citizen, it's like a terrorist attack. What jobs? You don't go places much, check out the back of restaurants.

M mr highness Wait what? Did you just say that a random act of violence equals terrorism :lol: :smh:...so by your theory every criminal act done by an illegal immigrant is like a terrorist attack...wow :lol:

Do you know how many people choose to not work instead of working in the back of a restaurant...you think US citizens are crying cause an illegal immigrant is a bus boy or porter or barback...let me know when illegal immigrants start taking jobs away from citizens at Google, Microsoft, large corporate positions :lol:

You compared criminal act with violence, not completely related. Dude, illegal immigrants are willing to work, regardless whether it's for $5 an hour. Americans aren't stupid enough to want to take that type of wage. But to illegal immigrants, for many areas, that's more than what they could make an hour at their own home land. If they could even get jobs. Dude, you're not that bright man, did you know East Indians are getting hired with visas to the tech industry for cheaper labor? Also, do you know how many international students are able to get jobs? Again, you're clueless about this

M mr highness

I'm clueless?

You are the one who compared a violent act by an illegal immigrant as an act of terror. So a criminal act can't be violent? Which in your previous statement was an act of terror. Which is it?? :rolleyes Last time I checked a violent crime did not have to involve murder..

So you went from the back of the restaurant to the tech industry..ok...Now you're telling me that American companies are LEGALLY HIRING East Indians and the US GOVERNMENT is giving them VISAS (an H-1, 2 or 3), allowing them to work for much less than an American Citizen would? Maybe you should have a problem with those companies and the government for allowing that to happen. As an immigrant and someone who has lots of family all over the world I know how difficult it is for them to even obtain a visa to come here, whether it be to visit, go to school or work....The East Indians are not at fault in your example but the process itself is..you keep trying to pin everything on immigrants but you fail to look at this country as the root of the problem.
I remember that post 

then he tried doing the smooth backpedal after he got called out on it. 
dude hit the moonwalker grandpa simpson exit and tried to deflect afterwards.

he kept trying to throw personal insults at me.

Finally meth hit him w da cold hard fax b:
@Meth, I said that's a different story, that's the first thing I said, and that was an implication of different variables. I already said this before. And that "depends on where she goes" answer is a general answer, it depends on where she goes

If you haven't experience being raped, then please don't bother with this topic.
Have you ever experienced police brutality?
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Every argument or counter argument  MR Highness has made in this thread reminds me of the trivia scene in Billy Madison.

I award you no points and may God have mercy on your sole. 
But an illegal immigrant killed an American citizen, that American citizen could have been any of your family, you, or any of your friends. If we continue this influx of illegal immigrants who don't know much of the U.S laws, who's to say another American won't get killed when an illegal immigrant can't find a job so he robs someone?
This is amazing.

Who's to say an American citizen won't do the same thing? Are illegal immigrants the only criminals in your world?

You seem to be obsessed with the fact that an illegal immigrant killed someone when there is probably an american citizen killing someone as I type this post. It's unfortunate, but that's the country we live in. 
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I implied on it depends on the situation and where. Never did I say it's a girl's fault. That's why we have 1st degree rape, 2nd degree, and sexual assault charges, etc. Dang these people need to know more about the justice system.

^ This is what I said when I elaborated. I also mentioned Kobe Bryant and false accusation rapes some where. We went 2-3 pages talking about rape because Instagram couldn't think of anything else to try to bring me down. It's sad he has to bring back the topic though as his defense mechanism. He has to be more educated.

I don't think I've ever met a person of caucasian descent that didn't claim they were part Native American :lol:

I've had racist white folks people tell me go back to where I'm from..All I do is point to my brown skin and tell them "I'm home"..

I'm not caucasian. Man you have to read every page, stop judging me by reading my latest post.

M mr highness yet Dylan Roof (american citizen not an illegal immigrant) killed 9 African Americans (also American citizens) in a place of worship, it can go both ways man tit for tat. Violence isn't secluded to a certain demographic b you know that, majority of illegal immigrants arent violent studies shown on multiple studies. The thing is the media loves to glorify a story like the one you posted, rather than focusing on an illegal immigrant working 3 jobs for his family. And trying to obtain legal citizenship and raising US born children who go on to attend 4 year university's and graduate. But they rather focus on the violent immigrant sterotype who comes to this country to wreak havoc because it fits their narrative. And to your point on stopping violent illegal's from entering this country for violent purposes, I just wish the native Americans shared that same sentiment about 400 years ago..

Studies shown on multiple studies? Yet we can't even count what the complete total number of illegal immigrants are in this country. You know every illegal immigrants' lives? You think they're mostly innocent just because it's not as reported as frequently? Uh, they hide in the shadows? Glorify the story? AN AMERICAN CITIZEN GOT KILLED FOR NOTHING!

I'm clueless?

You are the one who compared a violent act by an illegal immigrant as an act of terror. So a criminal act can't be violent? Which in your previous statement was an act of terror. Which is it?? :rolleyes Last time I checked a violent crime did not have to involve murder..

So you went from the back of the restaurant to the tech industry..ok...Now you're telling me that American companies are LEGALLY HIRING East Indians and the US GOVERNMENT is giving them VISAS (an H-1, 2 or 3), allowing them to work for much less than an American Citizen would? Maybe you should have a problem with those companies and the government for allowing that to happen. As an immigrant and someone who has lots of family all over the world I know how difficult it is for them to even obtain a visa to come here, whether it be to visit, go to school or work....The East Indians are not at fault in your example but the process itself is..you keep trying to pin everything on immigrants but you fail to look at this country as the root of the problem.

You further confused the situation. Fail to look at this country as the root of the problem? Dude....I am blaming the country as the root of the problem, but sadly there's still many people like you who say, "Open all borders, let them in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The East Indians in our tech industry is just another example of how foreigners are taking jobs.

Every argument or counter argument  MR Highness has made in this thread reminds me of the trivia scene in Billy Madison.

I award you no points and may God have mercy on your sole. 


But an illegal immigrant killed an American citizen, that American citizen could have been any of your family, you, or any of your friends. If we continue this influx of illegal immigrants who don't know much of the U.S laws, who's to say another American won't get killed when an illegal immigrant can't find a job so he robs someone?

This is amazing.
Who's to say an American citizen won't do the same thing? Are illegal immigrants the only criminals in your world?
You seem to be obsessed with the fact that an illegal immigrant killed someone when there is probably an american citizen killing someone as I type this post. It's unfortunate, but that's the country we live in. 

We already have American citizens doing it, but once again, why have more of those type of people here? Obsessed? I'm concerned about a life being lost. But you don't really give a damn and just want all immigrants to come here, to your own home.
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He had a lot more quotables then that:
"Wear a suit so you won't be suspicious or killed"
And the good old "European culture is superior, we all would be lost without them"
Once again stop arguing with dude, it's like talking to a toddler, eventually you just give up and laugh.
Sad thing is there are ALOT of people like him out here that have minority/indigenous blood in them and spout the same rhetoric.
rape culture advocate still hasnt explained "where" its ok for a girl to get raped though.
He had a lot more quotables then that:
"Wear a suit so you won't be suspicious or killed"
And the good old "European culture is superior, we all would be lost without them"
Once again stop arguing with dude, it's like talking to a toddler, eventually you just give up and laugh.
Sad thing is there are ALOT of people like him out here that have minority/indigenous blood in them and spout the same rhetoric.
ah yes, good ole if only black people could act more like germans looking boy
He had a lot more quotables then that:
"Wear a suit so you won't be suspicious or killed"
And the good old "European culture is superior, we all would be lost without them"
Once again stop arguing with dude, it's like talking to a toddler, eventually you just give up and laugh.
Sad thing is there are ALOT of people like him out here that have minority/indigenous blood in them and spout the same rhetoric.

Putting words in my post? Typical. It's what happens when you can't think of anything else to say to counter a man's point, so you go to old threads, dig up something, bring something up and hope for the best right? Quote me where I said all that. It's a sad world man, can't believe people would actually do this just to defend themselves. This is about illegal immigration and now they want to bring it about how I'm a villain. Sad.

Can't believe these people would seriously want to consider opening all our borders for the whole world to come. Damn...I pray that some of you don't get into politics.
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Wow, rape isn't rape depending on location :rofl:

Why don't you go make a thread about it, this thread is about illegal immigrants. And when I said depending on where she goes, I don't think I was referring to location, it was where she goes and "How it proceeds", like I said before, there's 1st degree rape, 2nd degree, there's sexual assaults, and there's false accusations, (Kobe Bryant in Colorado). It's so sad people have to change the subject now to make me look bad. Wish I knew what educational level some of you guys were able to achieve through some times, no offense. But I just feel like some of you guys just like to come online and troll, and hope to get reps, try to be funny, etc. This is a serious situation.
Putting words in my post? Typical. It's what happens when you can't think of anything else to say to counter a man's point, so you go to old threads, dig up something, bring something up and hope for the best right? Quote me where I said all that. It's a sad world man, can't believe people would actually do this just to defend themselves. This is about illegal immigration and now they want to bring it about how I'm a villain. Sad.

Can't believe these people would seriously want to consider opening all our borders for the whole world to come. Damn...I pray that some of you don't get into politics.
i quoted your rape quote and u still back pedaled.

should we quote your european culture is superior quotes to?

the interesting thing is that youre apparently puerto rican and native american. yet u subscribe to european culture as the ideal? you sure u aint oneilmatt. dude is also hard for euro culture and racist football culture there
Putting words in my post? Typical. It's what happens when you can't think of anything else to say to counter a man's point, so you go to old threads, dig up something, bring something up and hope for the best right? Quote me where I said all that. It's a sad world man, can't believe people would actually do this just to defend themselves. This is about illegal immigration and now they want to bring it about how I'm a villain. Sad.

Can't believe these people would seriously want to consider opening all our borders for the whole world to come. Damn...I pray that some of you don't get into politics.
i quoted your rape quote and u still back pedaled.

should we quote your european culture is superior quotes to?

the interesting thing is that youre apparently puerto rican and native american. yet u subscribe to european culture as the ideal? you sure u aint oneilmatt. dude is also hard for euro culture and racist football culture there

Hey instagram, can you PM me a picture of your high school, middle school, elementary school and college degree? I'm being dead serious. PM me. Did I say, "Yes to your rape question?" Did I say, "Yes it's her fault!"? Because I didn't. Now stop talking about rape, this is about illegal immigrants. Make a thread and mention me if you want to talk about rape and I can further educate you on how it goes, the laws and justice, etc. No, I don't know who that is, nor do I care. Yea quote me, make sure you don't edit it though.
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I'm clueless?

You are the one who compared a violent act by an illegal immigrant as an act of terror. So a criminal act can't be violent? Which in your previous statement was an act of terror. Which is it?? :rolleyes Last time I checked a violent crime did not have to involve murder..

So you went from the back of the restaurant to the tech industry..ok...Now you're telling me that American companies are LEGALLY HIRING East Indians and the US GOVERNMENT is giving them VISAS (an H-1, 2 or 3), allowing them to work for much less than an American Citizen would? Maybe you should have a problem with those companies and the government for allowing that to happen. As an immigrant and someone who has lots of family all over the world I know how difficult it is for them to even obtain a visa to come here, whether it be to visit, go to school or work....The East Indians are not at fault in your example but the process itself is..you keep trying to pin everything on immigrants but you fail to look at this country as the root of the problem.

You further confused the situation. Fail to look at this country as the root of the problem? Dude....I am blaming the country as the root of the problem, but sadly there's still many people like you who say, "Open all borders, let them in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The East Indians in our tech industry is just another example of how foreigners are taking jobs.

M mr highness

Just answer the question. Can a criminal act be considered violent or not? How is that confusing you?

And so who are you blaming again :lol:

Also where did I say let them all in?? Please quote me where I said that. I just stated that I know how DIFFICULT it is for an immigrant to come here LEGALLY.

HOW ARE THE EAST INDIANS TAKING JOBS IF THEY ARE BEING HIRED LEGALLY AND GIVEN VISAS BY THE GOVERNMENT!?!? Stop blaming them for coming here legally :lol: Do you think that they just fill out some paperwork and get their passport stamped and thats it?...Do you even know how the process works to be able to come here LEGALLY to work, go to school or visit?? Many immigrants are denied multiple times before they are granted a visa. Its also very expensive and can be a very lengthy process. You don't just wake up and say "hey I think I'm gonna go work in the States next week"...

I love how you just answer the questions you want to and ignore the rest :lol:
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