Woman killed by an Illegal Immigrant

Since the beginning of time man has conquered and taken land from other men.
So at what year did we stop and decided what land you now own is your's and everyone else is illegal?
Definitely also white. Would be interested to know what type though because I want to know at what point it was ok to come to America and make a living and why it isn't ok now?
Suspect does not belong here in the first place, used a deadly weapon and killed an American citizen and putting fear among the nation, since it's in the news.


1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.

2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.

3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

Not even close.
I've seen white women breast feeding in public many times.

Literally just saw it like 2-3 days ago.

Your arguments make no sense because everything you complain about, is also bieng done by legal citizens.

The US economy would collapse if all immigrants left.
 I know you want me to entertain you, but I won't

Peace be with you.
nah the sippin tea thing was just different.....but cook brother 
part native american soooooooooo what else are you? I'm assuming white because you're using your minority side as a pass to say the slick **** you're saying. 

but it's the internet so you can obviously deny it 

Hawaiin and Puerto Rican.

What's that have to do with anything? He's just a dumb lunatic psycho killer who deserves the death penalty.

lmaoo lunatic pyscho?? The dude believe in apartheid, he was a terrorist ,He killed american citizens because of an ideology including a state senator

Okay, the man is a terrorist, do I care for him? Hell no, did I state he should get the death penalty? He sure should.

Suspect does not belong here in the first place, used a deadly weapon and killed an American citizen and putting fear among the nation, since it's in the news.


1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.

2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.

3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

Not even close.

View media item 1619574
I've seen white women breast feeding in public many times.

Literally just saw it like 2-3 days ago.

Your arguments make no sense because everything you complain about, is also bieng done by legal citizens.

The US economy would collapse if all immigrants left.

Uh, yea it's done by legal citizens, but why add more damage to the already damaged? The US economy would collapse if all immigrants left, but not if all illegal immigrants left. You know they send their money back to their home land, they don't pay taxes except for purchase taxes.

Yesterday when I was riding the bus, an illegal immigrant was breast feeding her own baby in public. She may have not known that it's inappropriate to expose her breast in public.

I'm amazed you could check her citizenship status from your seat on the bus.  

I can understand a bit of Spanish, she was speaking if the cops would arrest her if she snuck in the back door of the bus.
I can understand a bit of Spanish, she was speaking if the cops would arrest her if she snuck in the back door of the bus.
If that were even remotely true, you'd have mentioned that you saw a Spanish-speaking woman brazenly sneak onto a bus with her child to evade the fare in the initial account.  You wouldn't omit that "detail" from your story.  Such an action would suit your "they're all criminals" narrative far better than the "she breastfed her child in public" gripe.  

If she committed two crimes during your time together on the bus, you wouldn't ignore the more severe of the two to focus on a far lesser offense to which many people are sympathetic.

Even if we believed every word of your story, you're STILL relying on stereotype to identify her as an "illegal immigrant."  If a White person boarded the rear doors of a bus and asked, "do the cops ever arrest anyone for sneaking in the back like this?" would you immediately assume they're fearful of deportation? 

Says "it's not about the past."  Invokes ancestors.

Says "it's not about race."  Can identify illegal immigrants on sight.  

Seems legit.
I just don't understand someone saying they need to come to the USA the right way when it was their land to begin with :lol:
Please somebody explain at what point in time did we decided immigrants have to jump through crazy hoops to live and work in the US
maybe the issue with the SWS commander named highness is this:

maybe it's not an issue of whether Dylan Roof is a terrorist.

maybe it's because he doesn't see blacks as people, forget about citizens.

I think I just weebay gif'd myself
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It's not terrorism. The church shooting is terrorism. I don't see him trying to inflict political change or put fear into a certain group. Nothing to do with terrorism. It still shouldn't of been allowed to happen.
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It's not terrorism. The church shooting is terrorism. I don't see him trying to inflict political change or put fear into a certain group. Nothing to do with terrorism. It still shouldn't of been allowed to happen.
I like how some people will pick this crime by an illegal as a rallying point for tougher border enforcement

Xenophobia at its finest :lol:
I like how some people will pick this crime by an illegal as a rallying point for tougher border enforcement

Xenophobia at its finest
it's what racists WS like highness do best.

did u see what he bumped the Baltimore thread with?
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