Will Facebook ever fall off? Serious question

All of the Twitter hop-ons annoy me. So many of them claim that FB is dead and that Twitter has taken over. No, it has not, Twitter is just a mew toy that will get boring with more and more use. FB will still be here and strong.
All of the Twitter hop-ons annoy me. So many of them claim that FB is dead and that Twitter has taken over. No, it has not, Twitter is just a mew toy that will get boring with more and more use. FB will still be here and strong.
Originally Posted by RottenPieces

All of the Twitter hop-ons annoy me. So many of them claim that FB is dead and that Twitter has taken over. No, it has not, Twitter is just a mew toy that will get boring with more and more use. FB will still be here and strong.
To be fair, Ive always though that comparative argument is stupid and sounds immature, BUT I think Twitter engages its users far more. Twitter allows for actual social interaction while Facebook allows for personal edification.

One can't use twitter without acknowledging others. One can use Facebook as merely a tool to connect to others but that level of interaction is very rigid.
Originally Posted by RottenPieces

All of the Twitter hop-ons annoy me. So many of them claim that FB is dead and that Twitter has taken over. No, it has not, Twitter is just a mew toy that will get boring with more and more use. FB will still be here and strong.
To be fair, Ive always though that comparative argument is stupid and sounds immature, BUT I think Twitter engages its users far more. Twitter allows for actual social interaction while Facebook allows for personal edification.

One can't use twitter without acknowledging others. One can use Facebook as merely a tool to connect to others but that level of interaction is very rigid.
Not for now, but all great empires one day crumble.
Well at least when we are talking about social networks.
Not for now, but all great empires one day crumble.
Well at least when we are talking about social networks.
Originally Posted by Napoleon

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Napoleon

For some reason I'm getting a vibe that although people want to remain connected and share their lives... that facebook can go just as easily as it came. I don't see ANY reason for them to have rooted themselves firmly into anything for a very long time. When it comes to social media, people can be extremely fickle.

Yeah they're worth a lot but something about them just screams "bubble"

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]In the grand scheme of things they produce NOTHING. They are just as important as a fleeting idea. They physically represent NOTHING. I feel that the economy is rooted in things that produce tangible outcomes inevitably. [/color]

Its kinda why I respect engineers over designers to some degree.

And this is based of your feelings and intuition? Oh. Okay.

No disrespect but I really don't understand where you're going with this or what you mean to say.

I was pointing out the lack of substantial evidence of your claims along with the fact that your claims are based on your feelings, rather than fact itself.

I'm not even sure what you mean by Facebook produces nothing. They provide two types of services that are (extremely) well received in the marketplace.

1. The (free) service to their users. People can connect socially, share ideas, promote their business, and stay in touch in an organized, efficient manner... much like NikeTalk on a larger scale. In a world where connectivity and information is seemingly instant, you bet there's a high level of value placed on a service that can keep track, supplement, and even enhance people's social and professional lives.
Taken directly from FB: http://www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics

  • More than 500 million active users
  • 50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day
  • Average user has 130 friends
  • People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook

2. The (paying) service they provide to advertisers and companies that use their on-screen real estate as an advertising medium. This, as you may already know, is where they make their money. Those people mentioned above... the 500 million active users... that's a sea of people that you can reach and directly market to using Facebook. If you don't see the value in that, then you have no business talking about business in the first place.

Why don't I think FB will fall off? The same reason I think Google, Amazon and Apple won't fall off. They're constantly evolving, refining their product and breaking into new markets - all part of their core business model.

Unlike Myspace, Facebook never stopped reinventing itself, coming up with new products and increasing exposure through more than your traditional medium (computers) They're on Cell phones, ipads, xbox 360's, playstations and I'm sure they're not planning on stopping.

Myspace, on the other hand, is exactly the same as it was when i left it back in 2003. That's failure.
Originally Posted by Napoleon

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Napoleon

For some reason I'm getting a vibe that although people want to remain connected and share their lives... that facebook can go just as easily as it came. I don't see ANY reason for them to have rooted themselves firmly into anything for a very long time. When it comes to social media, people can be extremely fickle.

Yeah they're worth a lot but something about them just screams "bubble"

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]In the grand scheme of things they produce NOTHING. They are just as important as a fleeting idea. They physically represent NOTHING. I feel that the economy is rooted in things that produce tangible outcomes inevitably. [/color]

Its kinda why I respect engineers over designers to some degree.

And this is based of your feelings and intuition? Oh. Okay.

No disrespect but I really don't understand where you're going with this or what you mean to say.

I was pointing out the lack of substantial evidence of your claims along with the fact that your claims are based on your feelings, rather than fact itself.

I'm not even sure what you mean by Facebook produces nothing. They provide two types of services that are (extremely) well received in the marketplace.

1. The (free) service to their users. People can connect socially, share ideas, promote their business, and stay in touch in an organized, efficient manner... much like NikeTalk on a larger scale. In a world where connectivity and information is seemingly instant, you bet there's a high level of value placed on a service that can keep track, supplement, and even enhance people's social and professional lives.
Taken directly from FB: http://www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics

  • More than 500 million active users
  • 50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day
  • Average user has 130 friends
  • People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook

2. The (paying) service they provide to advertisers and companies that use their on-screen real estate as an advertising medium. This, as you may already know, is where they make their money. Those people mentioned above... the 500 million active users... that's a sea of people that you can reach and directly market to using Facebook. If you don't see the value in that, then you have no business talking about business in the first place.

Why don't I think FB will fall off? The same reason I think Google, Amazon and Apple won't fall off. They're constantly evolving, refining their product and breaking into new markets - all part of their core business model.

Unlike Myspace, Facebook never stopped reinventing itself, coming up with new products and increasing exposure through more than your traditional medium (computers) They're on Cell phones, ipads, xbox 360's, playstations and I'm sure they're not planning on stopping.

Myspace, on the other hand, is exactly the same as it was when i left it back in 2003. That's failure.
Originally Posted by Napoleon

Originally Posted by bijald0331

Facebook will not fall off for many years, at the least. You think all these venture capitalists out there are wrong?  Its valuation continues to climb. 
Yea I actually do.

You see, I can SELL you a CRAZY !!%+*%# idea, but the reality of the situation will still exist. No diss to those making their money but I still feel that one day someone will wake up and realize how stupid it all is and FB will fail. The older I get I'm starting to see its relevance LESS and LESS. Those that really use FB are those who want to escape reality. I think they like the idea of making money by selling ideas but the business itself is not sustaining and represents nothing. Thats why I call it a bubble really.
How so? You act like people can't have a normal social experience outside of using facebook. They're not mutually exclusive.
Originally Posted by Napoleon

Originally Posted by bijald0331

Facebook will not fall off for many years, at the least. You think all these venture capitalists out there are wrong?  Its valuation continues to climb. 
Yea I actually do.

You see, I can SELL you a CRAZY !!%+*%# idea, but the reality of the situation will still exist. No diss to those making their money but I still feel that one day someone will wake up and realize how stupid it all is and FB will fail. The older I get I'm starting to see its relevance LESS and LESS. Those that really use FB are those who want to escape reality. I think they like the idea of making money by selling ideas but the business itself is not sustaining and represents nothing. Thats why I call it a bubble really.
How so? You act like people can't have a normal social experience outside of using facebook. They're not mutually exclusive.
Originally Posted by Napoleon

Originally Posted by RottenPieces

All of the Twitter hop-ons annoy me. So many of them claim that FB is dead and that Twitter has taken over. No, it has not, Twitter is just a mew toy that will get boring with more and more use. FB will still be here and strong.
To be fair, Ive always though that comparative argument is stupid and sounds immature, BUT I think Twitter engages its users far more. Twitter allows for actual social interaction while Facebook allows for personal edification.

One can't use twitter without acknowledging others. One can use Facebook as merely a tool to connect to others but that level of interaction is very rigid.
This is just wrong. I can't think of a single thing you can do on Twitter that you can't do on Facebook. Basically all of Twitter is like the Status update on Facebook, which is a very small part of the whole Facebook experience. Hell, Facebook chat alone should be enough to keep the site relevant. AIM etc are still limping along, and Skype is increasingly popular. If Facebook integrates a video chat that can replace Skype that will be huge. People will always want to stay in touch with friends.
Originally Posted by Napoleon

Originally Posted by RottenPieces

All of the Twitter hop-ons annoy me. So many of them claim that FB is dead and that Twitter has taken over. No, it has not, Twitter is just a mew toy that will get boring with more and more use. FB will still be here and strong.
To be fair, Ive always though that comparative argument is stupid and sounds immature, BUT I think Twitter engages its users far more. Twitter allows for actual social interaction while Facebook allows for personal edification.

One can't use twitter without acknowledging others. One can use Facebook as merely a tool to connect to others but that level of interaction is very rigid.
This is just wrong. I can't think of a single thing you can do on Twitter that you can't do on Facebook. Basically all of Twitter is like the Status update on Facebook, which is a very small part of the whole Facebook experience. Hell, Facebook chat alone should be enough to keep the site relevant. AIM etc are still limping along, and Skype is increasingly popular. If Facebook integrates a video chat that can replace Skype that will be huge. People will always want to stay in touch with friends.
What if it's sold to another media conglomerate like MySpace was? Or suddenly, Mark decides to have it publicly traded?
What if it's sold to another media conglomerate like MySpace was? Or suddenly, Mark decides to have it publicly traded?
i don't think so, but i really hope their management falls into better hands.

Zuckerberg is a selfish tool who is obsessed with global domination, he doesn't give a +%++ about anyone's privacy. i'm just glad Facebook went with Microsoft and not Google. Facebook + Google would be a disaster for all of humanity.
i don't think so, but i really hope their management falls into better hands.

Zuckerberg is a selfish tool who is obsessed with global domination, he doesn't give a +%++ about anyone's privacy. i'm just glad Facebook went with Microsoft and not Google. Facebook + Google would be a disaster for all of humanity.
Originally Posted by 17

i can see it happening within a year or two

word, id say 2-3 though
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