Who has next to no social life and theyre fine with it...??? Friends FTL... Long vent...

I don't want any friends at all and when I'm alone I'm at my happiest. I focus and read and study. But I give the wrong message to females I like.In class for ex. A male classmate who isn't going out with the girl I'm checking out is friends with her but when he talks to me not really talk butjus say hi or say something about class I jus ignore him like he aint there. Its not hatred I just don't like socializing. I only socialize with femalesthat I find attractive. So then since I don't talk people think I'm conceided. I'm not even stuck up. I just don't want friends and females Iwanna talk or talk to are the ones I wanna get with. They see how I am and get scared. And I'm the guy that just wants to have every woman that's hot.Like a sultan ftw
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Honestly, whether you are Religious or not, go to Church.

My girl is VERY religious. I always had a hard time going to Church because so many of my family members passed when I was young, My father passed when I was barely 6 years old. And I struggle with it to this day (21 years old now). And as much as I would love to say I am living my life for God, I can't at this point. But working on it, and being a part of a Church has helped a lot, it has helped me to understand a bit why I have struggled like I have. And has helped me be thankful for what I have.

I'll admit I used to be crazy depressed, but in the last 2-3 years I have surrounded myself with things in life that help me conquer that.

And working out definitely does wonders.

My gym membership ran out and I hadnt been to the gym in a few weeks, but as soon as I renewed it and got back to what I do, I was feeling great again.
Yes we all have our trials and tribulations. But the build and reveal character. Death is a hard thing to deal with. But you gotta keep going andstay strong. I need to get into a church. It would be nice to find somewhere. Right now I'm at a point where I try to learn about God and his word andshape my life accordingly.

I don't want any friends at all and when I'm alone I'm at my happiest. I focus and read and study. But I give the wrong message to females I like. In class for ex. A male classmate who isn't going out with the girl I'm checking out is friends with her but when he talks to me not really talk but jus say hi or say something about class I jus ignore him like he aint there. Its not hatred I just don't like socializing. I only socialize with females that I find attractive. So then since I don't talk people think I'm conceided. I'm not even stuck up. I just don't want friends and females I wanna talk or talk to are the ones I wanna get with. They see how I am and get scared. And I'm the guy that just wants to have every woman that's hot. Like a sultan ftw

Whats up with that?
Man, I've had two retail jobs, and it is the EASIEST place to make friends. I have 10 people from my current job I can call up on any night. And I stillhave a few friends from my old retial job from two years ago who I talk to ALL The time.
Also its amazing the way complete strangers will care. Like in Fight Club I believe it was, he was going to support groups with strangers, and was able to cryand therefore sleep.

But anyway my point. I remember on my 15th birthday I was really depressed, and made a post on NT. (Crazy to think I've been on here for 6 plus years)

Instantly I had 2-3 guys give me there AIM s/ns and offered to talk to me if I needed it.

You have people here right now telling you to get a grip on things and find things to get you through it.

Things arent all that bad.
I have no real friends either......

sucks when the weekend rolls around and I don't have anything to do..... my girlfriend ain't helping either.

Just stay strong and seek help if it seems impossible to kick your habits. Just stop doing drugs fro a while and analyze things.

sound like me...I just recently cut ALL of my "friends" off...alot of dudes possess female traits actin straight up #$%^& sometimes...I now havemore time to myself in which I can focus more on my weaknesses...Im also happier/smarter than Ive ever been
All my friends either moved to Florida or have a drug addiction. I only chill with my cousins and a few associates now.
I feel you man. I just work all week and stay with my girl in this boss house with a view of the Bay. I'm 23 and so many of my friends either gotdrug/alcohol problems but I only got 2 REAL friends and we like brothers. I'm down to go out on the weekends, but only if its a special occasion, if not,its just me and my girl smoking blunts, watching movies and chillin. Been with her for about a year and no person has ever been as down for me like she has. Wealso got Warriors and Niners season tickets so that keeps us busy and I spend alot of time with my younger sister and cousin (17 and 18) they dont really drinkbut ill have them over and we'll bbq and just chill. My parents are also real cool and we spend a lot of time together...sometimes my moms will just stopby and we'll smoke a blunt and just talk for a couple hours. Pops is real cool too and me and him work together everyday. Couldn't ask for much more inmy life right now. Screw your homies man, keep 1 or 2 around and make sure they down for u, if not, u don't need em son....just get a girl thats down foryou and her and your fam is all you need.

oh yeah bro, tone down the drinking too....not sayin stop, but i used to drink pretty much everyday of the week and it would always be killin a 5th of hennyand tons of blunts...i stay smoking but hardly every drink anymore...only a few beers tailgaiting at the niners games or a special occasion, drinking broughtout the worst of me and I got 2 DUI's for that. paid a heavy price but thank god I didnt hurt anyone or myself. but nothing wrong with that purp...all day
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by CjGenius368

I drank a whole 5th of Seagrim in 7min


bro...7min is pretty quick but if you a alcoholic that doesn't surprise me one bit.....me and my girl would finish a 5th of whatever in like20min some days and still wanting more. its a problem and thankfully i gave that %*!% up.
my firends and my girl think im some type of loser cuz i dont go out as much as everyone else ... i just genuinely love to stay home lol ... i enjoy chillingin my room a whole hell of a lot more than going out ... i have less friends because of it and fell out of touch with some of my older friends, but thats theway the cookie crumbles
I think people need time off from friends and time off, If you know what I mean if you spend too much time with em you'll eventually find things you dontlike, you'll hate them and it'll make you antisocial, gotta find that line.
Same here except on the drinking stuff. I sometimes go out with acquaintances (don't call anybody my friend) and we get high and what not but other thanthat I go to school, play xbox, and skateboard. Not a very social person nawww meen?
Originally Posted by bbrroowwnnssuuggaarr

Im so high n ****ked up help me out with this %!!% babe...

Bro, I've been on NT almost since day 1.. I remember getting into bid wars with you on eGay over some kicks back in the day lol..I think I might have soldu some too I don't really post much, but I felt the need to say something here, especially since your SN is one I recognize...Please seek some counseling,the drugs and alcohol are out of control my man. If you need to talk PM me I'll hit u with my AIM/MSN/Gtalk. If I don't reply soon it's cuz Idon't check the board too often, but I'll be checkin the next couple days. As for myself, I can say that I might not have the craziest social calendar(though it does get sickk once in a while) but I am lucky enough to finally have a group of fellas I can call good friends, people I can depend on at times.Now if I could find a girl that I could trust or that things would work out with....but thats a whole other topic. Keep your head up man, and I hope you makeit through. God bless.
I dunno about drinking by myself, but I choose to stay home a lot now over the weekends. I don't kick it with my homies as much. Maybe because they allhave a family to raise and we're all growing up. Having a social life isn't that big of a deal to me. I actually prefer going to the gym at night onthe weekends instead of going out. But that's just me.
i have no real friends and i'm good. i mean i still go out but i care about myself enough to not let myself get hurt, by others or by making foolishdecisions. i love myself, and i love spending quality time with myself. if i spend too much time with other people i get irritated. i have problems
I understand where you're coming from. I've had "friends" steal money from me, get locked up or straight up disappear. When you see all thesethings, you finally start to understand that those aren't your friends. Friends aren't supposed to do +#*! like that to you. Even if you have nofriends it's better off being alone in this world. Stop doing the drugs though. I was in your situation. Popping rolls, drinking a whole lot, sniffing. Getyourself out of that situation. The people who do drugs with you only want one thing from you: DRUGS.
I been in a Drought also

hanging out with only a handfull of friends & the whole weed ( dont drink ) thing


Its ight


I been Lockin' In Crazy

cocaine city vol.13
French montana
Lloyd banks
Players circle album
an Artist i produce alot for getting signed major this year
Almost signed to slipnslide/defjam for a production deal but aint want to be owned for that many years
busta rhymes wants beats from me

& other talks is only the start

"You got that big fame homie, and you just changed on me
You can ask big homie, man the top so lonely III....
So lonely III....
Let me see what we have tonight (what we have tonight)
I'm high as a satellite (satellite)"

I moved from BK to Tampa, just me and wifey, can honestly say I made like TWO friends out here, dont really check for cats up north like that cuz everyonedoing something, but anyway, friends hold u back, if you're lonely read a book, came in this world alone and youll die alone
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