Who are the most Disloyal/ Bandwagon fans in sports and on NT?

I rep the Knicks, Yankees, G-Men, Duke, Notre Dame, and SJU. Say something...

NY fans are the most loyal. Us and hockey fans, those people are for real.
Originally Posted by tSamShoX

LOL that was my point...

I know... I was just emphasizing it with using me as an example.
lmao this thread is comedy.

I love how there are real warriors fans here that feel like the have to defend their loyalty to the team. Nobody ever said that EVERY warriors fans is abandwagoner. Naturally with that playoff run you guys had last season, and the exciting basketball your teams plays, you've gotten bandwagoners rooting forthe warriors now. It doesn't make a loyal fan a bandwagon fan just because there are bandwagon fans.

But you warriors fans can at least acknowledge that there are much more people repping the warriors here on NT now that the team is better and exciting. Andyou can at least acknowledge that bandwagon fans have taken over the oracle. The crowd today was like any average nba crowd in the most important game of thewarriors season. That wouldn't have happened had the arena been packed with the real fans that were there for the mavs series.

I'd go on some more but the lap top battery is gunna die any second and i'm too lazy to charge it. Peace.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

if you only come on nt when your team is doing well, and disappear when they suck, or if you are on nt 24/7 and only post in threads when your team is doing well, i consider you bandwagon.

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

lmao this thread is comedy.

I love how there are real warriors fans here that feel like the have to defend their loyalty to the team. Nobody ever said that EVERY warriors fans is a bandwagoner. Naturally with that playoff run you guys had last season, and the exciting basketball your teams plays, you've gotten bandwagoners rooting for the warriors now. It doesn't make a loyal fan a bandwagon fan just because there are bandwagon fans.

But you warriors fans can at least acknowledge that there are much more people repping the warriors here on NT now that the team is better and exciting. And you can at least acknowledge that bandwagon fans have taken over the oracle. The crowd today was like any average nba crowd in the most important game of the warriors season. That wouldn't have happened had the arena been packed with the real fans that were there for the mavs series.

I'd go on some more but the lap top battery is gunna die any second and i'm too lazy to charge it. Peace.

That I fully agree with...I'm not sure if we were discussing it in this thread or the game thread, but it seems like since the Dallas series last year,Oracle has been bought out by resellers and bandwagoners lookin to get in. like, some tickets for upper level will run u 100+ now for the big games. It'sstill a nice atmosphere but it's definitely lost some of the luster.
Perhaps I'm being a little defensive, but it's not just NT where peopleassume the majority of Warrior fans are bandwagoners, which is why I feel like I need to hammer the point in, because the vast majority of Warrior fans on NTare not.Are there a couple? Of course...but IMO not anyone who posts regularly.
Whenever a team has success, there will be bandwagoners...and when they don't, there'll be less people...happens all the time. See: 2007 Calfootball.
I'm kinda laughing about all the "success" the Warriors have had.

What is there to bandwagon over? 1 playoff appearance and a 1st round win? They're not even making the playoffs this season, so if there are bandwagonWarriors fans, surely they can find a better team to jump on.
I don't care about the Nuggets or the Warriors.

No playoffs and no real chance to be a legitimate title contender aren't the type of teams I associate with attracting fair weather fans.Sorry but IMO youteam is not worth jumping on the bandwagon.

If you are a bandwagon fan, and you have jumped on the Warriors you are an idiot. Pick a good team, like the Spurs or Lakers or Phoenix.
No one likes the Spurs. And no one likes PHX on this board except for a certain individual who doesn't really exist here anymore.

We have bandwagon fans because it's "cool" to like our team, so these bandwagon fans usually don't even know much about bball to begin with.Especially in the Bay Area...
I've always been a Knicks fan since I was little, grew up watching Knicks in the 90s, but I only recently started posting in the Knicks threads just tryingto get more involved in Sports and with the Knicks and Yankees on NT.

I've always been a fan, although it's hard to be nowadays, but I was born in New York and my relatives are still there, so I always have love for theKnicks, Yankees, and Giants... and I have show love for the NY Islanders, just cause I was born in Commack so any team from L.I. gets love.

I highly doubt I'd get accused of bandwagoning the Knicks though... so I'm not too worried
Originally Posted by acidicality

No one likes the Spurs. And no one likes PHX on this board except for a certain individual who doesn't really exist here anymore.

We have bandwagon fans because it's "cool" to like our team, so these bandwagon fans usually don't even know much about bball to begin with. Especially in the Bay Area...

you put it best acidicality
when it comes to the bay area...its a footbaLL and basebaLL town...even though the niners,raiders,the a's and giants sucked the fanbase was prettybig...everyone here aLways wear these team but i rareLy saw warrior jerseys before this year...ive ran into peopLe back in the day who say they arent big hoopsfans but now everyone here is a hoops fan...me being a big Laker fan in the bay the majority were kings fan in earLy 2000s and i got so much hate and noweveryone is a warrior fan out of the bLue
...me personaLLy ive neverLiked the warriors and never been fond of them especiaLLy now...being a warrior fan in the bay is a fad...i get hate from heads who said they werent big on theNBA before and are "die hard warrior fans" now
...but i giveprops to the true warrior fans out there
Warriors bandwagon fans = Bay Area boppers, especially the girls. as far as disloyal.. well we might find out next year.

and lol accidality, just noticed your sig.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

lmao this thread is comedy.

I love how there are real warriors fans here that feel like the have to defend their loyalty to the team. Nobody ever said that EVERY warriors fans is a bandwagoner. Naturally with that playoff run you guys had last season, and the exciting basketball your teams plays, you've gotten bandwagoners rooting for the warriors now. It doesn't make a loyal fan a bandwagon fan just because there are bandwagon fans.

But you warriors fans can at least acknowledge that there are much more people repping the warriors here on NT now that the team is better and exciting. And you can at least acknowledge that bandwagon fans have taken over the oracle. The crowd today was like any average nba crowd in the most important game of the warriors season. That wouldn't have happened had the arena been packed with the real fans that were there for the mavs series.

I'd go on some more but the lap top battery is gunna die any second and i'm too lazy to charge it. Peace.

That I fully agree with...I'm not sure if we were discussing it in this thread or the game thread, but it seems like since the Dallas series last year ,Oracle has been bought out by resellers and bandwagoners lookin to get in. like, some tickets for upper level will run u 100+ now for the big games. It's still a nice atmosphere but it's definitely lost some of the luster.
Perhaps I'm being a little defensive, but it's not just NT where people assume the majority of Warrior fans are bandwagoners, which is why I feel like I need to hammer the point in, because the vast majority of Warrior fans on NT are not.Are there a couple? Of course...but IMO not anyone who posts regularly.
Whenever a team has success, there will be bandwagoners...and when they don't, there'll be less people...happens all the time. See: 2007 Cal football.

This happens to almost every team with loyal fans when they get good. Most fans that could afford ticket prices when the team was awful essentially get"priced out" of the stadium when the team becomes good. Not only does the orginazation raise ticket prices, but re-sellers are hungry for theirpayday and the tickets now become the "cool" thing to do in town. The exact same thing happened to the Kings when they got really good. The Maloofsraised ticket prices, there suddenly became an overload of corporate "fans", and re-sellers had their day flipping tickets. With that being said,there is an incredible amount of bandwagon Warriors fans in the bay area, and being a Kings fan, I coudn't be happier that they are now holding down that#9 spot. See you in the lottery boys.
Originally Posted by amrcangangstr

Lakers fans. I remember when they were winning titles back in 2000-2003, everyone and their grandmother were "Laker fans". Almost every car had those stupid car flags, everyone had Laker apparel on. This also happened when the Angels won the World Series and when the Ducks won the Stanley Cup. It's safe to say that in general, So. Cal is full of "bandwagoners"
Exactly, don't get it wrong though, there are a handful of true Lakers fans here. Overall the Lakers have this title easy.
Originally Posted by Bastitch

You can tell people are n00bs to the NikeTalk Sports Forum when they say Warriors fans on NT are "bandwagoners".

We were strong on here when the Warriors sucked.

You can rationalize it any way you want. Back then, people said there were tons of Warriors fans on NT because there were a ton of NTers from the Bay Area. Now we're "bandwagoners".

Good call.

Bastitch you are 100% WRONG.....

You know damn well most of the Warriors fans turned to Kings fans....and now that they made it to the playoffs last year, they are back...

Exactly, don't get it wrong though, there are a handful of true Lakers fans here. Overall the Lakers have this title easy.
WRONG. Laker game post have the most posts of ANY team and this is including the years that shaq was traded. Sorry but your blind hate for thelakers has got you replying like a bitter man.
Originally Posted by truthmain

Originally Posted by Bastitch

You can tell people are n00bs to the NikeTalk Sports Forum when they say Warriors fans on NT are "bandwagoners".

We were strong on here when the Warriors sucked.

You can rationalize it any way you want. Back then, people said there were tons of Warriors fans on NT because there were a ton of NTers from the Bay Area. Now we're "bandwagoners".

Good call.

Come on dog, me and you probably about the same age and I've been to the Coliseum when the Warriors were garbage and the only reason the place was packed was because there were a ton of fans for the other guys. There was never any problem walking up to the ticket booth 5 minutes before the game and purchasing some tickets. Now you guys might not be bandwagoners, but there's a ton more "fans" now all of a sudden. And this is real life, which correlates with all the NT Warrior "fans."

I'll go ahead and extend the whole disloyalty thing to the entire Bay, it's downright pathetic. Now that the Niners suck no one goes to the games, and I guarantee people won't be going to AT&T when the Giants lose 100+ games. And while the A's and Raiders have a small pocket of loyalty, we all know how their attendance is. And to dude who said the Sharks are probably the least loyal, you trippin. Hockey fans are no joke, Sharks' fans included.

Unfortunately our area isn't that great with sports, yall might be too young to know this. We're too busy protesting torches and living in trees.
100% on the money. I am a warriors season ticket holder. Courtside.... and
@ the wave being brought up... I
every game that!$@$ starts
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

I've been around NT since 2000...and I'd say the biggest bandwagon fans on here have been for the Miami Heat and the New Orleans Hornets.

Warriors fans have been repping hard on this board for a long time so they don't belong in this discussion. But Heat and Hornets? Them N's popped up out of NOWHERE all of a sudden when they got good. And you HARDLY see any Heat fans posting these days. If you're a true fan you're there repping your team through the good and the bad.

See I don't understand when people say this.. Go look at our season thread.. It was created from the jump.. Even though it's only 2 pages long haha
We've been strong before the season even started.. And sorry thatyou guys have never seen me post before, but I just registered last year... And I've been a Hornet fan since Alonzo Mourning came in the league.. I canonly recall about 7 people that posted in that season thread so there isn't a ton of us... And there are some people from New Orleans who now post in gamethreads from time to time.. You'd expect our season thread to be about 100 pages by now with the success the Hornets have.. We just low key.. So Idon't see how we have band wagoners.. Besides Frontrunner

My hometown team is the Rockets.. I rep them hard too.. Just not as hard on here as other forums.
Where are all of the Blazer fans that were around when they drafted Oden, and then when they won 13 straight? There were an awful lot of em back then, nowI can only find 2. They all lose their internet connections or something?
Originally Posted by franchise3

Yeah, Warriors fans have been here for awhile.

Word to SantaRosa and everybody calling Musselman, Musselhead.

Whatever happened to that guy?
I remember dude used to have the avy with the Warriors fan with a paper bag over his head.

Ya'll remember that? Those avy's used to have me
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by franchise3

Yeah, Warriors fans have been here for awhile.

Word to SantaRosa and everybody calling Musselman, Musselhead.

Whatever happened to that guy?
I remember dude used to have the avy with the Warriors fan with a paper bag over his head.

Ya'll remember that? Those avy's used to have me

I remember.

Him and DPG21 were like the OG Warriors fans on here.

Now they're both gone.
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