Who are the most Disloyal/ Bandwagon fans in sports and on NT?

Originally Posted by dont be a menace

Warriors bandwagon fans = Bay Area boppers, especially the girls. as far as disloyal.. well we might find out next year.

and lol accidality, just noticed your sig.

basically...the 17 and under crowd has alot of bangwagons. But what they do is go search up rosters from back in the day when they were 5 years old andstart name dropping like they were a fan back then.
Im a clippers fanbtw so no one ever called me a bangwagon
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by tSamShoX

So just because they don't post on NT, they're bandwagon fans?

I didn't become a member of NT until April 2006. Does that mean that I've been a Warrior fan only since April 2006? No, I've been a fan of the Warriors since '97. Posting on NT has nothing to do with how long you've been a fan.

Originally Posted by ady2glude707

Uh No...I dont know what games youve been to but back then when the warriors sucked the arena was always almost near packed and a majority of people were warriors fans. What games did u go to, the kings and lakers games? If so then I know why.
Of course theres a lot more "fans" now than before, people have caught a ride on the wagon...but still there were a lot of warriors fans, even through the down years. They might not have shown it b/c a losing team isnt exciting, but people do still follow their team, maybe just not as close if they arent doing good.
Niner games have no one attending? Why do you think they STILL televise their games on local t tv? The Raiders have a HUGE fanbase...are their games televised locally? The Giants? Would you want to waste your money on a mediocre team? No, I would rather spend my money and time more wisely, but i'll still follow the team. And the A's and Raiders fans are a different creature. Even when the A's were in the playoffs they couldnt sell out the upper level. Thats what you get when your team is located in the Alameda county area.
I think a bunch of u guys are getting loyalty and following their teams mixed up with people spending money on attending games.

Yeah, this makes sense. I can't go to a lot of games just because financially, I'm handicapped. Does this mean that I'm any less of a fan?

I swear, the logic of some NTers nowadays

And my hypothesis as to why you see "more fans" now: The population isn't the same now as it was in the 1990's. There are a lot more people. People grow up and become fans. Old fans never left, unless they really were bandwagon fans or... die. Combine the people growing up and becoming fans at a faster rate than people dying and bandwagoners leaving, it equals more fans.

Look, no one's questioning your loyalty, but you guys are delusional if you think there were all these loyal Warrior fans for the past 15-20years. I was a season ticket holder, so I've seen games where both teams sucked and the attendance was pathetic. Now sure, attendance at gamesdoesn't necessarily mean loyalty, but I think there's a close relationship.

I think the problem is maybe you guys haven't caught too many sporting events outside of the Bay, so you haven't seen die-hard fans packing stadiumsfor teams regardless of their mediocrity or dopeness, I don't know. But I think it's pretty common knowledge that folks out here in the Bay don'tsupport their teams until they start doing well, then all these "fans" show up.
Dude, I guess I must have been blind but is the D in Golden State in your sig not supposed to be there intentionally?

If so,

Good one. I like that. I find it funny how the Lakers' D-League team is called the D-Fenders because the Lakers can't play D either.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Dude, I guess I must have been blind but is the D in Golden State in your sig not supposed to be there intentionally?

If so,

Good one. I like that. I find it funny how the Lakers' D-League team is called the D-Fenders because the Lakers can't play D either.
, the Lakers don't play D like some of the betterteams, but at least you guys have a much better interior presence than we do, hence why you're going to be in the playoffs and we probably won't be.
. _enver is the king of not playing defense, but I'd have to saywith our recent play we might have taken the crown.
I am shocked that there hasnt beeen a mention of RED SOX fans. To me, they are the absolute WORST fans in sports. Yes, there are loyal fans in Boston. But mostfans started feeling bad for them because they were constantly losing to the Yankees. And all of a sudden they started spending money and became good. Now yousee Boston hats everywhere. Its disgusting really.

As far as Warriors bandwagoners go, yes there are some. But as some people stated, most are young. And guess what....young people tend to be bandwagoners.Period. The warriors have no more bandwagon fans than any other good team.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Where are all of the Blazer fans that were around when they drafted Oden, and then when they won 13 straight? There were an awful lot of em back then, now I can only find 2. They all lose their internet connections or something?

You live in Portland don't you? Seriously, Blazers fans, the last 5-7 year, have been some of the worst bandwagoners around. Nobody in the city, except forthe select few that still went to watch games, cared about the Blazers at all. Then all of a sudden Portland lands the no. 1 pick, the news and entire city hitthe ground running with it like there was never a problem.

That was the city, but then on this board they all disappeared after Oden got hurt, came back during the streak, then left when the team returned to beingaverage. But whatever, every team has the bandwagon fans. As long as people come to the Garden and watch the games on TV to keep the team from moving, I amhappy.
I am shocked that there hasnt beeen a mention of RED SOX fans. To me, they are the absolute WORST fans in sports. Yes, there are loyal fans in Boston. But most fans started feeling bad for them because they were constantly losing to the Yankees. And all of a sudden they started spending money and became good. Now you see Boston hats everywhere. Its disgusting really.

Maybe outside of Boston, but in Boston no way. I hate everything about Boston but one thing I have to give them is that they are loyal to the Red Sox. Makesthe games and going to the games that much better. After 2004 the epidemic of Red Sox nation swept across the US but in Boston it was always there.
Originally Posted by JONFARR

Originally Posted by CP1708

Where are all of the Blazer fans that were around when they drafted Oden, and then when they won 13 straight? There were an awful lot of em back then, now I can only find 2. They all lose their internet connections or something?

You live in Portland don't you? Seriously, Blazers fans, the last 5-7 year, have been some of the worst bandwagoners around. Nobody in the city, except for the select few that still went to watch games, cared about the Blazers at all. Then all of a sudden Portland lands the no. 1 pick, the news and entire city hit the ground running with it like there was never a problem.

That was the city, but then on this board they all disappeared after Oden got hurt, came back during the streak, then left when the team returned to being average. But whatever, every team has the bandwagon fans. As long as people come to the Garden and watch the games on TV to keep the team from moving, I am happy.

Seriously, there seemed to be dozens of the dudes earlier in the season.
Originally Posted by JONFARR

Originally Posted by CP1708

Where are all of the Blazer fans that were around when they drafted Oden, and then when they won 13 straight? There were an awful lot of em back then, now I can only find 2. They all lose their internet connections or something?

You live in Portland don't you? Seriously, Blazers fans, the last 5-7 year, have been some of the worst bandwagoners around. Nobody in the city, except for the select few that still went to watch games, cared about the Blazers at all. Then all of a sudden Portland lands the no. 1 pick, the news and entire city hit the ground running with it like there was never a problem.

That was the city, but then on this board they all disappeared after Oden got hurt, came back during the streak, then left when the team returned to being average. But whatever, every team has the bandwagon fans. As long as people come to the Garden and watch the games on TV to keep the team from moving, I am happy.

Trust, I hear ya man. It's why I'm always ridin them fools so hard. True dudes I can handle, fake a%^ people I can't stand. Couple weeks agowhen we played at the garden, Lakers lost and my desk was littered with Blazers stuff when I came in. Some guy thought it would be funny. So I told him, hey,we beat you guys 3 days ago, where were you? He gave me complete and utter stoneface. He had no idea we even played 3 days earlier, he just knew they won thenight before. Now, every time I see him in the hall, i ask him who they playin next just to show him up.

I'm sure they'll all be back next year when Greg gets back. But I'll weed em out for ya.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by JONFARR

Originally Posted by CP1708

Where are all of the Blazer fans that were around when they drafted Oden, and then when they won 13 straight? There were an awful lot of em back then, now I can only find 2. They all lose their internet connections or something?

You live in Portland don't you? Seriously, Blazers fans, the last 5-7 year, have been some of the worst bandwagoners around. Nobody in the city, except for the select few that still went to watch games, cared about the Blazers at all. Then all of a sudden Portland lands the no. 1 pick, the news and entire city hit the ground running with it like there was never a problem.

That was the city, but then on this board they all disappeared after Oden got hurt, came back during the streak, then left when the team returned to being average. But whatever, every team has the bandwagon fans. As long as people come to the Garden and watch the games on TV to keep the team from moving, I am happy.

Seriously, there seemed to be dozens of the dudes earlier in the season.

Yeah and they all thought Roy was in the running for MVP.
MOST warrior fans....dont even complain about this...people he not even likin bball until the y got the 8th seed and then beat the mavs...i have even read onanother post that the arena was loud in the first round and in the second round when all the rich band wagoners showed up it wasnt nearly as loud.....now thatthe warriors are basically OUT of the playoffs people dont even talk about them or they say oh he sucks and stuff like that....

Yankee fans are huge band wagoners.....i hate the yanks.if your not from new york or ever lived there and cant name there starting rotation then you are a NODOUBT band wagoner.....since the yanks lost torre fans are sayin how much he sucks....as well as there are not nearly as many fans...because NO RINGS......

future band wagon....... GIANTS.....(new york)...lol
Originally Posted by caLiwestcoast1

Originally Posted by acidicality

No one likes the Spurs. And no one likes PHX on this board except for a certain individual who doesn't really exist here anymore.

We have bandwagon fans because it's "cool" to like our team, so these bandwagon fans usually don't even know much about bball to begin with. Especially in the Bay Area...

you put it best acidicality
when it comes to the bay area...its a footbaLL and basebaLL town...even though the niners,raiders,the a's and giants sucked the fanbase was pretty big...everyone here aLways wear these team but i rareLy saw warrior jerseys before this year...ive ran into peopLe back in the day who say they arent big hoops fans but now everyone here is a hoops fan...me being a big Laker fan in the bay the majority were kings fan in earLy 2000s and i got so much hate and now everyone is a warrior fan out of the bLue
...me personaLLy ive never Liked the warriors and never been fond of them especiaLLy now...being a warrior fan in the bay is a fad...i get hate from heads who said they werent big on the NBA before and are "die hard warrior fans" now
...but i give props to the true warrior fans out there

THIS is SOOOOO true and SOOOOO +@$@$** annoying. I've said this in the Norcal Warrior thread but before, i could count on ONE hand how manyWarrior/NBA Basketball fans i knew, now all of a sudden EVERYONE i KNOW is a bball fan.
Originally Posted by Proshares

I am shocked that there hasnt beeen a mention of RED SOX fans. To me, they are the absolute WORST fans in sports. Yes, there are loyal fans in Boston. But most fans started feeling bad for them because they were constantly losing to the Yankees. And all of a sudden they started spending money and became good. Now you see Boston hats everywhere. Its disgusting really.

Maybe outside of Boston, but in Boston no way. I hate everything about Boston but one thing I have to give them is that they are loyal to the Red Sox. Makes the games and going to the games that much better. After 2004 the epidemic of Red Sox nation swept across the US but in Boston it was always there.

Hence the reason I stated that there ARE loyal fans in Boston. Clearly the point of my message was not the fans IN Boston.
eff all the haters saying warriors fans are bandwagoners. I been in the oracle foreva
Originally Posted by eaglebball1499

Damn, my Miami brethren are taking a beating in here...
and they're not here to defend themselves, because they all left after the heat started sucking again
Damn, my Miami brethren are taking a beating in here...
pretty much,
,but i can't lie there a lot of bandwagon people in Miami

however, there are still many who are loyal and still support the teams even when they are down
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

I'm not going to lie some Yankee fans (Not the ones on NT) are on/off when it comes to A-Rod.

One minute he is a hero next minute he sucks. I support the entire Yankees team. I have faith in my team.

Every season I believe that we are going to win it all.

I only think the on/off A-Rod fans are disloyal, not most Yankees fans. I think most Yankee fans are loyal.

A Rod sucks never liked him never will. He makes 30 mil but he is a !*%%!@+ choker. disgraceful.
future band wagon....... GIANTS.....(new york)...lol
naw man. I give it up to those cats. I mean you'd have a few here and there that jumped on late (like every team when it's winning), butthey were strong during the football season.
I hate them all, but they supported their team

I'm actually really surprised there wasn't more Pats fans during the season.
oh yeah, that's right, most people hate the Pats with a passion.

there's like 5 Pats fans on this board...

Originally Posted by jakecuevas

future band wagon....... GIANTS.....(new york)...lol

Shut the hell up.

I've been to Colorado


naw man. I give it up to those cats. I mean you'd have a few here and there that jumped on late (like every team when it's winning), but they were strong during the football season.
I hate them all, but they supported their team

At least someone recognizes.

however, there are still many who are loyal and still support the teams even when they are down
I dunno if you're talkin about NT or outside of NT, doesn't matter anyway because when I watch the Heat play that crowd is ridiculouslyempty. I remember when yall first moved from Miami Arena (will always HATE that building as a Knick fan
) to the American Airlines Arena the seats werecolored Red, Yellow, and Orange. Someone within the organization decided to color in the yellow seats to either red or orange because of how obvious it wouldbe to see the empty seats. Not sure if you know about that.... Even today when they play its empty as hell...
Originally Posted by Proshares

I am shocked that there hasnt beeen a mention of RED SOX fans. To me, they are the absolute WORST fans in sports. Yes, there are loyal fans in Boston. But most fans started feeling bad for them because they were constantly losing to the Yankees. And all of a sudden they started spending money and became good. Now you see Boston hats everywhere. Its disgusting really.

Maybe outside of Boston, but in Boston no way. I hate everything about Boston but one thing I have to give them is that they are loyal to the Red Sox. Makes the games and going to the games that much better. After 2004 the epidemic of Red Sox nation swept across the US but in Boston it was always there.
Thank you
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