When did you realize that these females aint innocent?

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Knowing what we know how do you even begin to trust one? Cuz of these **** I turn into a paranoid nut job when **** starts to get real with one. I'm not at that level of mastery over my ego yet.
Knowing what we know how do you even begin to trust one? Cuz of these **** I turn into a paranoid nut job when **** starts to get real with one. I'm not at that level of mastery over my ego yet.

Do shrooms or meditate...or both. :lol:

Seriously your outlook on life changes. Things become clear.

Or you could just keep growin up...ya know...the natural way.
I just imagine that when a girl isn't with me, she's probably flirting or smashing some other cat.

If you can picture that and keep a level head, you can always be somewhat prepared if things go sour. Maybe a sad way to live but ain't nobody got time to be feeling sad about a woman. Life keeps moving.
"Never become attached to anything you can't leave behind in 30 seconds"

                                                              -Deniro in Heat
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Knowing what we know how do you even begin to trust one? Cuz of these **** I turn into a paranoid nut job when **** starts to get real with one. I'm not at that level of mastery over my ego yet.

Do shrooms or meditate...or both. :lol:

Seriously your outlook on life changes. Things become clear.

Or you could just keep growin up...ya know...the natural way.

Honestly young'n, shut the **** up.
Knowing what we know how do you even begin to trust one? Cuz of these **** I turn into a paranoid nut job when **** starts to get real with one. I'm not at that level of mastery over my ego yet.
i dont turn into a paranoid nut job lol but I know what your sayin
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I just imagine that when a girl isn't with me, she's probably flirting or smashing some other cat.

If you can picture that and keep a level head, you can always be somewhat prepared if things go sour. Maybe a sad way to live but ain't nobody got time to be feeling sad about a woman. Life keeps moving.

"Never become attached to anything you can't leave behind in 30 seconds"
                                                              -Deniro in Heat
This is exactly what I'm talking about when I say be prepared. The moment I notice a chick is feeling me even if I aint interested, I never think foolish stuff like "Nah she's not like that" or "Nah she would never cheat on me." Every time a chick aint in my presence in my mind she's getting ran through by multiple dudes.

I remember I use to be extra hesitant to kiss a chick in public with ppl I knew around when I heard this chick from jhs was swallowing dudes babies and then directly after tongue kissing her bf without washing her mouth :x The disrespect and disgust :smh:
Knowing what we know how do you even begin to trust one? Cuz of these **** I turn into a paranoid nut job when **** starts to get real with one. I'm not at that level of mastery over my ego yet.

Do shrooms or meditate...or both. :lol:

Seriously your outlook on life changes. Things become clear.

Or you could just keep growin up...ya know...the natural way.

Honestly young'n, shut the **** up.
Son basically saying take mind altering drugs to purposely change your perception :lol:

Paranoid your wife is cheating? Take some bath salts and ponder the mysteries of life.

:rolleyes :smh: :lol:
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Got so many stories

Real quick: Had this chick I was IN LOVE with my freshman year of college. I met her during summer orientation and thought she was the most beautiful girl I ever laid eyes on but every dude was after her and thought I was out my league. First semester starts and I'm already ahead of the game because I met her over the summer. I had a class with her and I end up getting the digits. I was always letting it be known that was my chick, I saw her first, I'm gonna smash! A lot of dudes were plotting on her but I didn't care cause I thought I was in there. As time went on first semester, I would chill with her and find out she was pretty wild. I was always trying to smash but she was always giving me excuses
at that point I was feeling her a lot so I was like "I care about her". We were in this party promotion group in college and every time we would go to the club she would get WILD drunk to the point where she couldn't recognize faces and dudes were tryna violate her. I usually wouldn't say anything and would be workin on other chicks but one night I saw about 4-5 dudes around her grabbing on her and I tightened up my cape to go save her. I grab her and tell her I'm taking her home and she snatches her hand from me and tells me "that I'm trying too hard" and that I'm acting like her boyfriend when she doesn't even know me like that
I'm dead. The cats that were all over her start clowning me and laughing and I walk off and leave the club go back to my dorm room. The next morning there's news all over campus that she got caught in the club getting gangbanged and that she was so drunk she wanted to tell the police but was too ashamed.
I couldn't even begin to tell you how I felt. She kept trying to call me and I didn't want to talk. After one of our classes, she stopped me outside the hall and tried to talk to me and put on the tears and the look of disgust I gave her was just
....just to wrap this story up she apologized to me, I never smashed, moved on with life and looked at **** different forever
This story deserves more reps 

Do shrooms or meditate...or both. 

Seriously your outlook on life changes. Things become clear.

Or you could just keep growin up...ya know...the natural way.
idk why y'all hating, dude is right

the bath salts comment above me just show me how ignorant NT can be, but then again, I did previously block dude for a reason I guess 
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Got so many stories

Real quick: Had this chick I was IN LOVE with my freshman year of college. I met her during summer orientation and thought she was the most beautiful girl I ever laid eyes on but every dude was after her and thought I was out my league. First semester starts and I'm already ahead of the game because I met her over the summer. I had a class with her and I end up getting the digits. I was always letting it be known that was my chick, I saw her first, I'm gonna smash! A lot of dudes were plotting on her but I didn't care cause I thought I was in there. As time went on first semester, I would chill with her and find out she was pretty wild. I was always trying to smash but she was always giving me excuses
at that point I was feeling her a lot so I was like "I care about her". We were in this party promotion group in college and every time we would go to the club she would get WILD drunk to the point where she couldn't recognize faces and dudes were tryna violate her. I usually wouldn't say anything and would be workin on other chicks but one night I saw about 4-5 dudes around her grabbing on her and I tightened up my cape to go save her. I grab her and tell her I'm taking her home and she snatches her hand from me and tells me "that I'm trying too hard" and that I'm acting like her boyfriend when she doesn't even know me like that
I'm dead. The cats that were all over her start clowning me and laughing and I walk off and leave the club go back to my dorm room. The next morning there's news all over campus that she got caught in the club getting gangbanged and that she was so drunk she wanted to tell the police but was too ashamed.
I couldn't even begin to tell you how I felt. She kept trying to call me and I didn't want to talk. After one of our classes, she stopped me outside the hall and tried to talk to me and put on the tears and the look of disgust I gave her was just
....just to wrap this story up she apologized to me, I never smashed, moved on with life and looked at **** different forever
Damn homie thats some truly ****** up ****...
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idk why y'all hating, dude is right

the bath salts comment above me just show me how ignorant NT can be, but then again, I did previously block dude for a reason I guess :lol:
Fam, if you think taking shrooms or any other drugs and meditating is the answer to certain worries you tend to have you got a problem. Blocking me aint gonna change that.

I mean really how old are you to where that's the answer to such a simple problem of worrying if most chicks you meet are out here smashing mad dudes?

The bath salts comment was obvious hyperbole and sarcasm about that suggestion but I guess I'm ignorant despite you not being able to get that :smh:
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The drugs or meditating could ease the stress if you have any.

I remember one time in middle school where I was liking this girl a lot and she liked me, then one day a dude I knew was copping feels like it was nothing. :\
Fam, if you think taking shrooms or any other drugs and meditating is the answer to certain worries you tend to have you got a problem. Blocking me aint gonna change that.

I mean really how old are you to where that's the answer to such a simple problem of worrying if most chicks you meet are out here smashing mad dudes?
Wow, your really making yourself look bad fam 

I mean really how old are you to where that's the answer to such a simple problem of worrying if most chicks you meet are out here smashing mad dudes?
Knowing what we know how do you even begin to trust one? Cuz of these **** I turn into a paranoid nut job when **** starts to get real with one. I'm not at that level of mastery over my ego yet.
When @Mark Antony  posted, he stated that he needed to gain control of his ego in order to even begin to trust a female after knowing what we know about them. Psychedelics, such as psilocybin mushrooms, are known to give a person "control" over their ego, or "kill" their ego. You become in tune with yourself and those around you. It's very hard to explain to someone as simple minded as you.

Do your research before coming at me.

How old am I? 


PS: I blocked you before that post for some other reason that I can't remember, but this seems to be a pretty useful strategy to use on NT. If I blocked you before, you probably said something stupid that made my see who your character was and disregard any opinion to come from your keyboard. Have a good one though fam
-Learn in 9th grade, my GF did me real dirty. Even saw it with my own eyes

Anyway, another I posted this years ago in the "Grimmiest things people did to you thread". Guess it fits this criteria too.

First job out of high school was at a retail store, I was 18. There was a damn sexy cashier that work there who I was crazy about, she was 24, and had 2 kids. We started chillin, but never did anything, I tried though. She would always say she wanted to take things slow. Me being anxious to smash was me showing my age/immaturity and was a turn off. On Saturday afternoons after work I would always drive her home. Even though I been inside her place other times she never let me come inside on Saturdays because he said her kids where home and did not want to bring another man around before she knew it was something serious. I didn't care cause that explanation made sense in my young mind. She claimed to live with just a roommate and her 2 kids. Baby's father is a bum and out the picture, she claims to be single.

If I didn't drop her home, or at her other job, her homegirl used to pick her up from work. She tells me that's her roommate. So one night I drop her off and she tells me her roommate needs a ride to her job, cause the car is in the shop. I say cool no problem. And she says her roommate is watching the kids and would need time to change so it might take a while for her to come out. Still I say cool no problem.

So I'm in the car waiting for her roommate to come out. My head is down reading a book. when I hear the car door open. I look up at sitting there is the biggest, blackest, most Anthony Mason looking dude I have ever seen. And homegirl is outside the car looking freshly smashed. They kiss goodbye and I'm like
: . Then she smiles and waves to me and says something like "Bye, thanks, your the greatest "brother" a girl could ask for" . So now I gotta give drive this gangsta looking Terry Crews to work, which is 30 mins out the way. While we're talking in the car I find out that's the kid's dad and homegirl told dude I was gay
. Homeboy tells me he would never of guessed it cause I give off a "real *****" vibe, but he been locked before so he knows how it is. I wanted to blow up her spot but I was scared out my mind of dude. So I never took my eyes off the road and made small talk the entire ride. Didn't even tell dude I wasn't gay
LMAO aww man these broads are foul , flip the script on you .
:lol: y'all are hilariously entertaining.

I said or meditate. I've done shrooms twice just to do them and i started thinking about things differently.

I also meditate, started that before I tried shrooms and that really is a gateway to clear free thinking.

Whatever do y'all though. Idc. I wouldn't just do shroom because "I'm paranoid my wife is cheating" I was just saying it makes things clear.

And to Ricky idk where y'all got that i think I have it all figured out from.

Y'all used to tell me me and my girl weren't gonna work and I said y'all knew nothing about us and it could work put or it couldn't.

Other than that, I don't have it all figured out that's why I meditate.

So yeah go ahead put words in my mouth, give me attributes I don't have, it's cool.

I was just sharing my thoughts on how perceptions can change.

And now dudes are discrediting meditation? :lol: :lol: :lol: I hope y'all stay paranoid and have no control of y'all ego.

Bye bye for now paranoid NTers. :rofl:
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I got a story bout last year with this one girl who tried to play games with me, but i saw them coming from a mile away. Really, the best thing to keep it in mind is that anything you do in the dark will come to light so i don't lose sleep over these girls out here. Not every girl is out to run game on yall lol

i gave in a few times out of vengeance. once she was doming me, her son started choking on his saliva, each cough was more violent than the last, to the point that i was even concerned. she wouldn't stop until i was finished, then tended to her child. :smh: i can't front... i loved pummeling her while her welfare baby cried, knowing she would suffer for all she'd done. it was liberating.

"all the girls after that, it was straight pay back."  – boosie

Damn son so she sucked your **** so good that her baby choked on it?
Here's my story

Dealt with my ex. Crazy *** *****. She begged me to put our relationship on FB. I'm like nah, I'm not a public person like that. She starts complaining and **** and said "it's not fair if I have it up and u don't"
I give in and say **** it and I put it up. Months later I'm on my mans FB page logged in as him and I look at shorty's profile...and I can't see ****. Turns out she programmed it so only I cus see her relationship status, while everyone else sees that it's blank. Same thing with all the pictures of us that she has up...no one could see it but me. (I wondered why it never got no likes). Canniving *** thot

One day I go through her phone and find out she got pregnant and had an abortion from some ***** from the block

Deaded her
Here's my story

Dealt with my ex. Crazy *** *****. She begged me to put our relationship on FB. I'm like nah, I'm not a public person like that. She starts complaining and **** and said "it's not fair if I have it up and u don't"
I give in and say **** it and I put it up. Months later I'm on my mans FB page logged in as him and I look at shorty's profile...and I can't see ****. Turns out she programmed it so only I cus see her relationship status, while everyone else sees that it's blank. Same thing with all the pictures of us that she has up...no one could see it but me. (I wondered why it never got no likes). Canniving *** thot

One day I go through her phone and find out she got pregnant and had an abortion from some ***** from the block

Deaded her

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