When did you realize that these females aint innocent?

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@RustyShackleford   I'm crying son lol "Didn't even tell dude I wasn't gay

That girl played you like the young fool you were. Knew exactly what you wanted and took advantage of your little horny self. "Brother" - that word hurts. You still talk to that girl or nah?
and well say it again...

Guys aren't portrayed as delicate flowers ...

Guys cheat, they're dogs. Women v cheat, they're emotionally disconnected or its somehow the husband's fault.

Stop pretending like women and men are perceived the same.

Reverse these stories and people would say "hmmmm... I could see that"

The reason why men come to these drastic revolutions is because we're forever told it's our fault...

Happy wife happy life.

What's his is hers and what's hers if hers...

Stop it famb

if it took ****** THIS long to throw away perceptions and focus on REALITY then that's an entirely different thread...

actually, that is this thread... dudes who's views are being skewed because they were lead to believe men are responsible for women's feels -- and not that its been working both ways for since the stone age

****** woke up in Lawrence Fishburns magic spaceship and threw up on themselves

guess it took this long to wake some of yall up because social media got people out here being all extra.. too much access to attention and temptation

disloyalty and weakness are easier to expose ...shoulda never gave y'all ****** smart phones
 Yo I remember this original post. Legit tears. 
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Yo Rusty can weanother story like how you was doing in crazy work stroies thread ?
I believe that one was from there to
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Mannnn, this thread is the realest. I have quite a few stories, but one that stands out to me was something that happened to my best friend in High School. He was dating this girl Courtney, homie was in looooooove, thoroughly. Anyways, she was a cheerleader and he didn't play any sports. One of my homies on the football team was like yo, your boy's girl is a major garden tool. I was like, what? He says, yea, she's been banging the whole football team, especially this one cat Vinny. I'm like ok, before I say anything to my boy, let me make SURE this is true. Spoke to Vinny, he had pics on his Motorola Razr, it was definitely Courtney doing all kinds of ish. So I tell my boy about it. He's like nah, no way, not her. She's going to be the mother of my kids. I tell him, you're gonna need a DNA test. So he's like ok, lets see if she really is a ho. He sends me on a mission. It gets bad here.....he's like, you're my brother right? I'm like yea. He's like so you'll do this for me. I want you to press her and see if you can smash. I'm like bruh, this will not end well. He's like just do it, I agreed reluctantly. I see Courtney after school, she lives in Far Rockaway, but her grandmother's house was a couple blocks away from the school by Atlantic Avenue across from BAM. I'm like yo, I gotta use the bathroom, can we run to your g'mas crib real quick, she's like sure. We go over there, her grandmother is like 85 living by herself in a brownstone and had no idea we were there. I use the bathroom and when I come out I can't find her. She pops out of nowhere and starts playfighting with me, I'm like, ok here's the shot. I'm like yo, I know you dealing with my boy, but I've always wanted to smash, what's good. She's like, come find out. I'm in SHOCK. My boy was like if you get the opportunity, do it, and get proof. So while she's doming, I'm snapping pics on the low. Hitting it from the back, snapping pics. I show him, he's in tears. He gets over it in like 2 weeks. We proceeded to smash her regularly, tag team for the next few months. It was then that I realized that NONE of these chicks ain't good for nothing. She's now married with 3 kids and he still smashes regularly.
Same thing happened to me except my boy wasn't in love with her and I told him I was going to smash and he didn't care given he stopped smashing this chick and basically moved on but never broke up with her. She kept dropping the wild innuendo and euphemisms in aim chats about being bi and other freaky **** soI told my boy she wants the D. He was like do you Zik, just let me know if you nut in her mouth. Son lives a block away from me so when she came she took this wild roundabout route to get to my place when the B82 is two direct blocks away from my house :lol: So I smash, twice, raw, and when I walk her back I purposely walk her back by my his house to the bus stop. Last thing she tells me is not to tell him :rofl: I'm thinking she don't even know. Now I tell him and now his whole thing is to make her feel bad since she was on the sneak tip. Shorty got caught up in her lies and exposed. Smashed a couple times more even though she was mad and at this point my boy was probably just using her for money or something.

Ol girl is in a lesbian relationship now.

This was like soph year of hs I think or the summer leading up to it.
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brehhhhh.. that Rusty Shackleford story might have been theeeeeeee funniest story I have ever read in my life

the tears ain't never been realer..

I been known ppl ain't ****, learned that early.. I was exposed to some real sketchy individuals at a young age..

But the Rusty story got me wanting to share some dirtbag tales

When I was in HS, my girlfriend introduced me to one of her best friends... the best friend got my # somehow and started hitting me up ...eventually we ended up having sex

One night I invite her over and she says she's gonna bring a friend for my boy..I'm like cool.. My mom was out of town I think so I told them to spend the night... from the jump her friend is giving me **** faces, looking like a real thirst bucket.. I walk past her in my upstairs hallway and she just stops and stares... say no more... I take her in my room and ho **** the **** out this girl...next thing I know the girl I had come over for me is standing there watching...

The friend jumps up and starts apologizing and acting like joey Greco and the cheaters van just rolled up. They both run outside crying and doing girl ****. My boy ends up leaving cz he figures he ain't getting no buns tonight now. So after a while outside they come back in and decide they wanna just go to sleep.

I'm downstairs chillin and guess who comes down -- the friend. As if nothing ever happened, she bends over on the couch and just invites the D. I bang her out all night. Next morning they go home. Ol girl still pissed at me. I let a few days go by and I call ol girl like,"sooooo, can I have your friends #" lol...

I get the number and call the friend tryna set up more sexcapades. BREEHHHHSSSS. she threw me the illest curve of life. I'm like what's up, she's like "why are you calling me". I was damn near speechless. Never talked to her again. Fast forward damn near 20 years later and me and the og girl still talk and shes interested in me.
Rusty we need more chapters of classics from you :lol: I remember that thread.

You really need to redo that script or write a damn book focused on your wild sexcapades on some Rusty Shackleford: An Erotic Life steez.
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Rusty we need more chapters of classics from you
I remember that thread.

You really need to redo that script or write a damn book focused on your wild sexcapades on some Rusty Shackleford: An Erotic Life steez.
He needs to do more stories like that one with the old lady going straight DBZ on that young chick.
When I first migrated to the US, I was fat, short, spoke no English and had a terrible accent, all I cared about was seeing snow and ninja turtles bruhs, I was happy as hell, till one day, I was riding around with my mom, her friend and her daughter, I was 10 and she was 8, we was in the back seat of this big *** Buick and I remember vividly driving through the crossbronx and every time the car would go under an underpass (stuck in traffic) chick would grab my hand and put it in her pants and had me rub her ****** I was mindblown, I think I came in my pants immediately or peed myself...idk....she took my innocence away bruhs, I was never the same after that....btw her ****** smelled like hot piss, then again she was 8 years old..
When I first migrated to the US, I was fat, short, spoke no English and had a terrible accent, all I cared about was seeing snow and ninja turtles bruhs, I was happy as hell, till one day, I was riding around with my mom, her friend and her daughter, I was 10 and she was 8, we was in the back seat of this big *** Buick and I remember vividly driving through the crossbronx and every time the car would go under an underpass (stuck in traffic) chick would grab my hand and put it in her pants and had me rub her ****** I was mindblown, I think I came in my pants immediately or peed myself...idk....she took my innocence away bruhs, I was never the same after that....btw her ****** smelled like hot piss, then again she was 8 years old..
Even at the age of 8 you cant trust em. Took his damn innocence..
When I first migrated to the US, I was fat, short, spoke no English and had a terrible accent, all I cared about was seeing snow and ninja turtles bruhs, I was happy as hell, till one day, I was riding around with my mom, her friend and her daughter, I was 10 and she was 8, we was in the back seat of this big *** Buick and I remember vividly driving through the crossbronx and every time the car would go under an underpass (stuck in traffic) chick would grab my hand and put it in her pants and had me rub her ****** I was mindblown, I think I came in my pants immediately or peed myself...idk....she took my innocence away bruhs, I was never the same after that....btw her ****** smelled like hot piss, then again she was 8 years old..

Makes so much sense...
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When I first migrated to the US, I was fat, short, spoke no English and had a terrible accent, all I cared about was seeing snow and ninja turtles bruhs, I was happy as hell, till one day, I was riding around with my mom, her friend and her daughter, I was 10 and she was 8, we was in the back seat of this big *** Buick and I remember vividly driving through the crossbronx and every time the car would go under an underpass (stuck in traffic) chick would grab my hand and put it in her pants and had me rub her ****** I was mindblown, I think I came in my pants immediately or peed myself...idk....she took my innocence away bruhs, I was never the same after that....btw her ****** smelled like hot piss, then again she was 8 years old..

Makes so much sense...
The fingers? :rofl:
-Learn in 9th grade, my GF did me real dirty. Even saw it if my own eyes

Anyway, another I posted this years ago in the "Grimmiest things people did to you thread". Guess it fits this criteria too. :smh:

First job out of high school was at a retail store, I was 18. There was a damn sexy cashier that work there who I was crazy about, she was 24, and had 2 kids. We started chillin, but never did anything, I tried though. She would always say she wanted to take things slow. Me being anxious to smash was me showing my age/immaturity and was a turn off. On Saturday afternoons after work I would always drive her home. Even though I been inside her place other times she never let me come inside on Saturdays because he said her kids where home and did not want to bring another man around before she knew it was something serious. I didn't care cause that explanation made sense in my young mind. She claimed to live with just a roommate and her 2 kids. Baby's father is a bum and out the picture, she claims to be single.

If I didn't drop her home, or at her other job, her homegirl used to pick her up from work. She tells me that's her roommate. So one night I drop her off and she tells me her roommate needs a ride to her job, cause the car is in the shop. I say cool no problem. And she says her roommate is watching the kids and would need time to change so it might take a while for her to come out. Still I say cool no problem.

So I'm in the car waiting for her roommate to come out. My head is down reading a book. when I hear the car door open. I look up at sitting there is the biggest, blackest, most Anthony Mason looking dude I have ever seen. And homegirl is outside the car looking freshly smashed. They kiss goodbye and I'm like :wow: :x: . Then she smiles and waves to me and says something like "Bye, thanks, your the greatest "brother" a girl could ask for" . So now I gotta give drive this gangsta looking Terry Crews to work, which is 30 mins out the way. While we're talking in the car I find out that's the kid's dad and homegirl told dude I was gay :smh: :lol:. Homeboy tells me he would never of guessed it cause I give off a "real *****" vibe, but he been locked before so he knows how it is. I wanted to blow up her spot but I was scared out my mind of dude. So I never took my eyes off the road and made small talk the entire ride. Didn't even tell dude I wasn't gay.
Kindergarten or First grade, first time at a new school had this lil lightskinned shorty. She wasn't my girlfriend but we was rockin together for the most part. We used to sneak under the turtles during recess and get our fondle on. Me and this other dude was competin for her but we were both coo we each other at the same time :lol:

One day I let my older brother know about her and how she tryna rock w/ me and the other bull and he told me to let her be and she'll only want u. So for the next week or so I got my dodgeball game on at recess while she was flirtin w/ the other bull until one day she ignored him and was goin after me completely. By that time I had moved on like the Alpha that I am :lol:
Got so many stories :smh:

Real quick: Had this chick I was IN LOVE with my freshman year of college. I met her during summer orientation and thought she was the most beautiful girl I ever laid eyes on but every dude was after her and thought I was out my league. First semester starts and I'm already ahead of the game because I met her over the summer. I had a class with her and I end up getting the digits. I was always letting it be known that was my chick, I saw her first, I'm gonna smash! A lot of dudes were plotting on her but I didn't care cause I thought I was in there. As time went on first semester, I would chill with her and find out she was pretty wild. I was always trying to smash but she was always giving me excuses :rolleyes at that point I was feeling her a lot so I was like "I care about her". We were in this party promotion group in college and every time we would go to the club she would get WILD drunk to the point where she couldn't recognize faces and dudes were tryna violate her. I usually wouldn't say anything and would be workin on other chicks but one night I saw about 4-5 dudes around her grabbing on her and I tightened up my cape to go save her. I grab her and tell her I'm taking her home and she snatches her hand from me and tells me "that I'm trying too hard" and that I'm acting like her boyfriend when she doesn't even know me like that :x :x :x :x I'm dead. The cats that were all over her start clowning me and laughing and I walk off and leave the club go back to my dorm room. The next morning there's news all over campus that she got caught in the club getting gangbanged and that she was so drunk she wanted to tell the police but was too ashamed. :smh: :smh: :smh: I couldn't even begin to tell you how I felt. She kept trying to call me and I didn't want to talk. After one of our classes, she stopped me outside the hall and tried to talk to me and put on the tears and the look of disgust I gave her was just :smh: ....just to wrap this story up she apologized to me, I never smashed, moved on with life and looked at **** different forever
Got so many stories :smh:

Real quick: Had this chick I was IN LOVE with my freshman year of college. I met her during summer orientation and thought she was the most beautiful girl I ever laid eyes on but every dude was after her and thought I was out my league. First semester starts and I'm already ahead of the game because I met her over the summer. I had a class with her and I end up getting the digits. I was always letting it be known that was my chick, I saw her first, I'm gonna smash! A lot of dudes were plotting on her but I didn't care cause I thought I was in there. As time went on first semester, I would chill with her and find out she was pretty wild. I was always trying to smash but she was always giving me excuses :rolleyes at that point I was feeling her a lot so I was like "I care about her". We were in this party promotion group in college and every time we would go to the club she would get WILD drunk to the point where she couldn't recognize faces and dudes were tryna violate her. I usually wouldn't say anything and would be workin on other chicks but one night I saw about 4-5 dudes around her grabbing on her and I tightened up my cape to go save her. I grab her and tell her I'm taking her home and she snatches her hand from me and tells me "that I'm trying too hard" and that I'm acting like her boyfriend when she doesn't even know me like that :x :x :x :x I'm dead. The cats that were all over her start clowning me and laughing and I walk off and leave the club go back to my dorm room. The next morning there's news all over campus that she got caught in the club getting gangbanged and that she was so drunk she wanted to tell the police but was too ashamed. :smh: :smh: :smh: I couldn't even begin to tell you how I felt. She kept trying to call me and I didn't want to talk. After one of our classes, she stopped me outside the hall and tried to talk to me and put on the tears and the look of disgust I gave her was just :smh: ....just to wrap this story up she apologized to me, I never smashed, moved on with life and looked at **** different forever
View media item 899563like this? :lol:
im only up the page two ... but the thread is Funny as Hell!! :rofl:

Shout out to those that recovered well though :pimp:
like this?
Got so many stories

Real quick: Had this chick I was IN LOVE with my freshman year of college. I met her during summer orientation and thought she was the most beautiful girl I ever laid eyes on but every dude was after her and thought I was out my league. First semester starts and I'm already ahead of the game because I met her over the summer. I had a class with her and I end up getting the digits. I was always letting it be known that was my chick, I saw her first, I'm gonna smash! A lot of dudes were plotting on her but I didn't care cause I thought I was in there. As time went on first semester, I would chill with her and find out she was pretty wild. I was always trying to smash but she was always giving me excuses
at that point I was feeling her a lot so I was like "I care about her". We were in this party promotion group in college and every time we would go to the club she would get WILD drunk to the point where she couldn't recognize faces and dudes were tryna violate her. I usually wouldn't say anything and would be workin on other chicks but one night I saw about 4-5 dudes around her grabbing on her and I tightened up my cape to go save her. I grab her and tell her I'm taking her home and she snatches her hand from me and tells me "that I'm trying too hard" and that I'm acting like her boyfriend when she doesn't even know me like that
I'm dead. The cats that were all over her start clowning me and laughing and I walk off and leave the club go back to my dorm room. The next morning there's news all over campus that she got caught in the club getting gangbanged and that she was so drunk she wanted to tell the police but was too ashamed.
I couldn't even begin to tell you how I felt. She kept trying to call me and I didn't want to talk. After one of our classes, she stopped me outside the hall and tried to talk to me and put on the tears and the look of disgust I gave her was just
....just to wrap this story up she apologized to me, I never smashed, moved on with life and looked at **** different forever
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