Originally Posted by LDJ

Very well put, couldnt have said it better myself. Thing is this what is the difference between a pharmaceutical company and a drug cartel=a degree.
Big Meech is no diff then cvs,eckards,walgreens etc. Its not like he forces or creates crack fiends, in the same sence walgreens doesnt create pill poppers.

Matter of fact drugs are drugs anyway you look at it, whether it is zanies or herion. All are man-made substances that were created to aid/help mankind. Both are harmfull and detrimental when abused. As far as people like meech etc destroying lives communities, cvs etc other drug stores and pharmacies. They by yall definition, do that more then any drug dealer.

I was recently watching cnbc, and they reported over 50% of these pharmacies etc are giving the wrong prescriptions/or over dosages of medicine to patients. Also 1/3 of them are allowing people to buy drugs without prescriptions, hell without a proper ID.

So actually walgreens, eckerds, etc... Are killing more people by giving out wrong dosages, wrong medicine, and giving drugs to people who arent suppose to have them, then big meech is killing with crack. And i know theres enough intelligence on this site, to not think that there are more people buying crack, then going to the doctors, or going to a pharmacy and getting/filling a prescription.

End of the day they are both doing the same thing, just one is deemed ok because govt regulates it, funny thing is govt regulates and controls both. So if you really cared and concerned about the misappropriation of drugs and drug abuse, dont blame the pawns. Go after the H.H.I.C the govt.

For the record, I take no part in the drug circle. Not my thing.

But wouldn't the legalization of certain drugs (not all) sweep up some of the drug dealers?

How is marijuana any different than certain prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc? Stuff that alters one's state of mind. Yet marijuana gets such a bad rep because it's "illegal". Well why is it illegal? The only explanation I can come up with is that the government's response to anything is a knee-jerk reaction. And if they don't like something? ILLEGAL. Right away. But at this point what is the worst thing that could come out of it?
Mobsters going back to Al Capone have always been glorified, they represent Anti-establishment, being a step ahead of the Feds........you know...There was a resurgence in the the whole "mobster" persona when John Gotti became boss in the 80's...hes pretty much made the mobster a star...RIP

Very well put, couldnt have said it better myself. Thing is this what is the difference between a pharmaceutical company and a drug cartel=a degree.
Big Meech is no diff then cvs,eckards,walgreens etc. Its not like he forces or creates crack fiends, in the same sence walgreens doesnt create pill poppers.

Matter of fact drugs are drugs anyway you look at it, whether it is zanies or herion. All are man-made substances that were created to aid/help mankind. Both are harmfull and detrimental when abused. As far as people like meech etc destroying lives communities, cvs etc other drug stores and pharmacies. They by yall definition, do that more then any drug dealer.

I was recently watching cnbc, and they reported over 50% of these pharmacies etc are giving the wrong prescriptions/or over dosages of medicine to patients. Also 1/3 of them are allowing people to buy drugs without prescriptions, hell without a proper ID.

So actually walgreens, eckerds, etc... Are killing more people by giving out wrong dosages, wrong medicine, and giving drugs to people who arent suppose to have them, then big meech is killing with crack. And i know theres enough intelligence on this site, to not think that there are more people buying crack, then going to the doctors, or going to a pharmacy and getting/filling a prescription.

End of the day they are both doing the same thing, just one is deemed ok because govt regulates it, funny thing is govt regulates and controls both. So if you really cared and concerned about the misappropriation of drugs and drug abuse, dont blame the pawns. Go after the H.H.I.C the govt.
Lock this thread up
Originally Posted by RKO2004

"Free Ant"


But I have a "respect" for drug dealers.

Money, power, and respect. That is what they have, and what we
strive for. Drug dealer or not, thats what we all want. The image
and lifestyle is just appealing to us.
it starts when your a kid and you see your parents busting their !%% to make ends meet and the drug dealer down the block has a new car, expensive clothes, jewelry and women.
good post Rex/LDJ/BSmooth.

Nobody considers "Drug Dealing" cool (w/ the exception of either the ignorant or those who's never been close enough to have it affect their lives), the money that comes out of it is thoughm and thats what we as people respect & desire..... and when you from section of America that is built to exclude you from "their" society, it's felt the easiest way for us to reach success is through entertainment or those avenues (especially if you come from a broken home).

Yet see who gets demonized behind it all?
.....word to Chris Rock and his rant about how illegal cigarettes & alcohol would be if it was invented by a black person.

scarface !

and pablo escobar !

wake up and smell the coffee, the pharmaceutical companies are the biggest drug dealers in the world, these ppl are just entrepreneurs trying to do the same thing. why not just legalize everything ?
I hate when dudes think they're so cool by saying "I smoke weed all day, I get high all night..."
...Just stop it please!
Drug dealers always have been seen as cool. Whether it be the one with the smooth butter soft leather jacket, or the one with the labcoat. For yrs ppl looked at, esp for they daughters to mate/be with a doctor=legal drug dealer. So some ppl admire the drug dealer on the block, and some admire the drug dealer at the hosp.
Originally Posted by sneakerfan93

I hate when dudes think they're so cool by saying "I smoke weed all day, I get high all night..."
...Just stop it please!


^ Well how much is moved ?
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Hitman Holla

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Al Audi

if you just sell weed are you considered a drug dealer?
of course...

but u small time.

depends on how much u sell..
true, one of my best friends is doing VERY well....
Obviously not that close if you put his steez on the internet like that.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Hitman Holla

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Al Audi

if you just sell weed are you considered a drug dealer?
of course...

but u small time.

depends on how much u sell..
true, one of my best friends is doing VERY well....
Obviously not that close if you put his steez on the internet like that.
yeah cuz ya gonna read my mind thru da keyboard to see who it is.
WOW. Dudes actually came out to defend them. Welp I guess this is another battle lost. Drug dealers aren't going anywhere 
. Yet.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Hitman Holla

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Al Audi

if you just sell weed are you considered a drug dealer?
of course...

but u small time.

depends on how much u sell..
true, one of my best friends is doing VERY well....
Obviously not that close if you put his steez on the internet like that.

that was just dumb

u think the cops gonna raid the whole heights cuz of what he said?

Originally Posted by FedExciter

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Hitman Holla

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Al Audi

if you just sell weed are you considered a drug dealer?
of course...

but u small time.

depends on how much u sell..
true, one of my best friends is doing VERY well....
Obviously not that close if you put his steez on the internet like that.

that was just dumb

u think the cops gonna raid the whole heights cuz of what he said?


Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

When dudes like MLK and Malcolm X died and were replaced by Lil Wayne, Nelly, and Jay Z types

Good answer.

Its amazing that from 1960 to 2010, the world has crashed this much. We supporting drug use, sells, prostitution, and etc.

 They're just kids man...
Then there are some old kids out there then 
Umm in 1960 we had segregation and black people still being lynched so how has the world crashed?

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