I think its more the culture surrounding them...Its cool to be able to party, dress fresh and whip the best wheels around...that can all be acquired legally as well, but these guys do it bigger, faster than those of us that report to someone for a check every two weeks.

Plus the women love it b/c so many of them reap the benefits of careless spending...and we all know alot of dudes are going to do what it takes to keep a sexy chick on our sides

Its a hustle just like any other...who could say its cool to work too many hours and deal with the bs of a 9-5. I work everyday, but I do fondly remember the days I engaged in other biz b/c the money came faster with less stress.

I feel where you're going OP, but guys like Meech only embody that Scarface spirit and the public eats it up.
Something about living on the "edge" and doing risky things shows rebelliousness & That is labeled as the "In-Crowd" in 2010..

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

60% of NT = Asian kids who listen to rap music, use black slang, get fades, use the N word on NT, have 0 actual black friends, and pay way too much attention to The Hundreds gear.

30% of NT = Black suburban kids who work at retail stores and instead of saving their money, they waist money on "limted" Js, buy overpriced Rich Yung clothing, and cop Polos when they want to dress "nice"

10% of NT = Other mainly white kids ...nuff said

so your question is when did dealers become cool? Never, it's just that NT shoe goobers want to sound 'cool' and edgy because Young Jeezy, Gucci Mane, and The Clipse say it's cool.

*meh* I could be wrong though

-The Juice
I too, do not fall under any of the category above.
Originally Posted by SoleAsian

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

60% of NT = Asian kids who listen to rap music, use black slang, get fades, use the N word on NT, have 0 actual black friends, and pay way too much attention to The Hundreds gear.

30% of NT = Black suburban kids who work at retail stores and instead of saving their money, they waist money on "limted" Js, buy overpriced Rich Yung clothing, and cop Polos when they want to dress "nice"

10% of NT = Other mainly white kids ...nuff said

so your question is when did dealers become cool? Never, it's just that NT shoe goobers want to sound 'cool' and edgy because Young Jeezy, Gucci Mane, and The Clipse say it's cool.

*meh* I could be wrong though

-The Juice

Only part that's true is listening to rap, but mostly I stick with kpop and cpop.
Originally Posted by Lex Starks

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

60% of NT = Asian kids who listen to rap music, use black slang, get fades, use the N word on NT, have 0 actual black friends, and pay way too much attention to The Hundreds gear.

30% of NT = Black suburban kids who work at retail stores and instead of saving their money, they waist money on "limted" Js, buy overpriced Rich Yung clothing, and cop Polos when they want to dress "nice"

10% of NT = Other mainly white kids ...nuff said

so your question is when did dealers become cool? Never, it's just that NT shoe goobers want to sound 'cool' and edgy because Young Jeezy, Gucci Mane, and The Clipse say it's cool.

*meh* I could be wrong though

-The Juice
And you're part of that 30%. One of which that dates an ugly Asian that NTers gas as hot.

It became cool when kids who had nothing saw that they could support themselves and their family (nuclear) by hustling.

All while destroying another family
This is an easy question to answer..and it's when *pop culture started glorifying it.
The end.

*edit..I won't blame just rappers..other music genres exploit the use and trade of it too as well as movies.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by Lex Starks

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

60% of NT = Asian kids who listen to rap music, use black slang, get fades, use the N word on NT, have 0 actual black friends, and pay way too much attention to The Hundreds gear.

30% of NT = Black suburban kids who work at retail stores and instead of saving their money, they waist money on "limted" Js, buy overpriced Rich Yung clothing, and cop Polos when they want to dress "nice"

10% of NT = Other mainly white kids ...nuff said

so your question is when did dealers become cool? Never, it's just that NT shoe goobers want to sound 'cool' and edgy because Young Jeezy, Gucci Mane, and The Clipse say it's cool.

*meh* I could be wrong though

-The Juice
And you're part of that 30%. One of which that dates an ugly Asian that NTers gas as hot.

It became cool when kids who had nothing saw that they could support themselves and their family (nuclear) by hustling.

All while destroying another family
Well we know they don't give a crap about the other fam. You know whats crazy though? The family destroyed usually produces a member or multiple members who seek a way out which sometimes leads to the drug dealers' end or they destroy another family with violence.

The cycle is destructive and horrible but genius because we're killing each other for a quick come up and dudes are asking am I mad.
This is an easy question to answer..and it's when rappers started glorifying it.
The end.
Its not the end
. I'm trying to bring attention to a glaring problem that's being ignored and or supported.
Because they make a dollar turn into a fortune by doing something the Government doesn't want them to do... sure they are destroying the world but at the same time if they didn't then the feens would get drugs from elsewhere

Cars, Chains, Women.... who wouldn't idolize these guys and especially seeing that you could do the same thing just as easy...

And drug penalties are way to severe these days... someone tryna feed their family and end up doing 15 years in jail
its because we as a society follow rules. we are scared to do any thing that will break the law because we are scared of what a couple of humans who happen to be in a higher position is gonna drag you outta your house into a cell with bars, were your raped. literally u cant go anywhere or do anything your trapped from your family and friends. your no longer a member of society your put away in a room that keeps your out of whats going on in the world your confined to 4 walls. why are we scared of this? we were put on earth do do as our free will wanted. All of a sudden some people just like you decided to write something on paper and tell you your no longer allowed to this or i will literally charge you a fine which means all the hard worked money YOU made you have to give to me cause i said so, or ill drag you into a cell and you keep you in there for 35 years cause i said. but drug dealer they say f that. i ma do what i wanna do. i ma grab this plant, THIS PLANT, and ima sell it for large amounts of easy money. who am i to write on a piece of paper you no longer allowed to smoke the plant that grows on earth or ill put you in jail. its stupid. but the dealer dont care , hell still sell it, doing what he wants as his freewill lets him. hes a free man. that is why we cheer for the bad guy, cause they had the balls to do what you are scared of.
That's good but if you are serious about making a significant impact..

go out into the community and volunteer your time to teach our youth and put them on the right path.

Bringing attention to it on NT is a start but it won't have much of an impact.

I myself already set an example for my younger cousins and I volunteer my spare time at the salvation army and boys and girls club and always encourage the kids to stay away from that lifestyle.
People have always glorified gangsters. Because of the power they exude as well the lifestyles they live. This isn't a new phenomenon and it is evident in all cultural groups.
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

People have always glorified gangsters. Because of the power they exude as well the lifestyles they live. This isn't a new phenomenon and it is evident in all cultural groups.
Exactly.  BET had their own show basically glorifying the life of gangsters.  Its not new

ShaunHillFTW49 wrote:
Unfortunately, there are some things that shouldn't be viewed in purely economic terms.

If by "economic" you mean pecuniary, dollars and cents, I agree.

However, economics would consider looking at things "in purely economic terms" to mean maximizing happiness and the quality of life for yourself and your community and in that sense, the war on drugs should be ended on purely economic grounds.

However, even if you do not want society to maximize its utility, you would be hard pressed to make moral argument that equate selling and buying drugs, a transaction between two consenting adults, with not only murder but to even say that it is in the same class as other acts of force like battery, assault, rape, robbery or even vandalism, theft or even playing your music too loudly and disturbing the neighborhood.

If we are looking at thing in terms of morals and in terms of philosophy then what matters is if force was used or not and in drug deals force what not used so even if drug dealing harmed the community, morally and philosophically it is nowhere never murder and equating the two was wrong.
I mean we all got our own opinion's on this but I feel that first off, a lot of people do drugs (where I'm from) hence the drug dealer is automatically in the good with people who buy and use drugs. Another thing, anyone who's around drugs knows how easy it is to flip a lb or 2 and make some decent money and the dealers who really are doing it just happen to have enough of the required knowledge to make a living off of it.

Also I think the question gives more entitlement than the answer itself.....dealers dont wake up wanting to sell drugs for people's "cool factor", they do it for whatever reasons they have. I think drug dealers are only as cool as the public opinion makes them out to be, because trust, they dont care.

Anything else OP need checked on the cool factor?? Lol I kidd....Jason
I hate drug dealers man. From the lowest in the chain (the nickel and dimer), to the highest one (kingpin). They ruined Mexico for me. Pinches putos!!! Then they go and ruin all these lives and make all that money just to get caught up by the gov. Thus resulting in a civil war type thing between cartels or neighborhoods. Selling drugs has never been cool with me.
Dealers always been glorified in the hood... The biggest dealers tho... The dudes flipping a couple oz might get a little seatback love but the love goes to the dudes in the jects with bentley GTs and 745s like what....
Some people don't have any other option than the drug game..if you have a bad background nobodys going to hire you with a well paying job..so some people turn to selling drugs..I don't condone selling drugs but when you have kids to feed and stuff like that..you have to make money by any means
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