whats the greatest album of all time of any genre?


Flawless album, yeah its a compilation of his greatest songs thats why its the greatest for me.
Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

What's scary about "Innversisions" is that Steve was only 23 at the time he did that...


ALL HIM! What are today's artists doing in their early 20s....
As much of a Stevie fan as I am, I still forget he produced all that @%$% himself.

Music of My Mind, Talking Book, Innervisions, Fullfillingness' First Finale, and Songs In The Key Of Life > any stretch of albums made by anybody, period.

And if you was TRILL, you'da through "Where I'm Coming From" on the list....

He had the 70s ON LOCK....and dam if white people loved it cuz it ain't like he didn't get love in the 'hood too.
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

And if you was TRILL, you'da through "Where I'm Coming From" on the list....

He had the 70s ON LOCK....and dam if white people loved it cuz it ain't like he didn't get love in the 'hood too.
Where I'm Coming From has its moments, but overall it just doesn't measure up to any of the next five. After my first couple of listens toit, I was wondering why people didn't put it in the same class. I listened to it again after a couple days, and it just didn't have that"umph" in it. It wasn't of the same quality, didn't flow well, and he wasn't challenging my ears with his melodies. It's prettyboring too.
This is another thing that depends on my mood.

I have Songs in the Key of Life on vinyl in my closet, and may just pull it out a little bit later. An amazingeffort, all around.

But my pick has to go to John Coltrane's A Love Supreme. When I was younger I thought his arrangements on theproject were meandering and haphazard, but this may just be one of most seminal musical achievements in the history of recorded sound.

Edit: And as I've gotten older, I don't agree with people choosing Sgt. Pepper as the greatest album evermade. It's not even the Beatles' best album period.
Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

And if you was TRILL, you'da threw (why nobody told me I did that
) "Where I'm Coming From" on the list....

He had the 70s ON LOCK....and dam if white people loved it cuz it ain't like he didn't get love in the 'hood too.
Where I'm Coming From has its moments, but overall it just doesn't measure up to any of the next five. After my first couple of listens to it, I was wondering why people didn't put it in the same class. I listened to it again after a couple days, and it just didn't have that "umph" in it. It wasn't of the same quality, didn't flow well, and he wasn't challenging my ears with his melodies.
While, yes, it doesn't measure up...you can't leave it out cuz that was his first TRUE solo effort.....it is the line of succession. Youhave to add it to the list for that reason alone. Yes, he did experiment more but he had some #$@% on there was was cold. I mean, the opening song[color= rgb(102, 102, 102)]"Look Around"[/color] was just as dark as "They Won't Go When I Go"...and yet the latter was done, what? 4-5years later? Had that ominous tone to it but the message is cold...... [color= rgb(102, 102, 102)]"Think of me as your soldier"[/color] could have easily fit on Talking Book and Ihonestly think it is one of his BEST love songs/ballads. The melody is monotone and simple...almost as if it's like "look....my love is steady andeasy; I'm your man and you my girl; I ain't gotta sing all high and do crazy runs for you to feel this" [color= rgb(102, 102, 102)]Sunshine in Their Eyes[/color] started the whole two songs in one movement that wascapitalized in Superwoman. Hell....3 songs in one actually. I also think that song could've easily fit on Fulfillingness first finale...maybe even songsin the key of life. It has the political message intertwined with the love message that Steve went IN on in his later 70s works....plus the melody was onpoint and let's not get started on the last couple of minutes of it. It also bears a striking similarity to "[color= rgb(102, 102, 102)]Heaven help us All[/color]" with the choir and uptempo meoldy infused with somberlyrics.

[color= rgb(102, 102, 102)]"If you Really Love Me"[/color].....he sang his BUTT off on that song. It has the fun uptempo happy go lucky Stevie that we got in the motown era, but the lyrics are more heartfelt and he is singing more in his range. [color= rgb(102, 102, 102)]"Never Dreamed You'd Leave in Summer"[/color]
Needs noexplanation. [color= rgb(102, 102, 102)]"Something Out of the Blue"[/color] another one thatcould've easily meshed with "Music of My Mind," another simple love song that is straight to the point and just authentic. I also think it isone of his best.

That right there is 5 outta 9 that are heaters wit' music and lyrics are on point. You got to be a die hard fan to really *** wit' the other 4 on thatalbum.

[color= rgb(102, 102, 102)]It's pretty boring too.[/color]
my brain can't even process that right now
Originally Posted by akajaedeuce


i NEVER get tired of listening to this. i want to be dying on my deathbed and have this playing in the background
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

You got to be a die hard fan to really *** wit' the other 4 on that album.
Well... that's what separated it from the others. Iunderstand your point though.
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Edit: And as I've gotten older, I don't agree with people choosing Sgt. Pepper as the greatest album ever made. It's not even the Beatles' best album period.
I thought everybody knew this. Personally, I think Evolver has to be the best if not top 2 beatles albums ever. Thats just me. Sgt. Pepper is goodand all, but I think its their most recognizable album out of all the other ones.
Thriller gets my vote. Got 2 Vinyl coipes, 1 cassette, 1 Reg CD, The 1st Re-Issue CD, & Thriller 25 CD. Was born in '81 and was the first thing thatgot spins on my Fisher-Price record player!
Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Edit: And as I've gotten older, I don't agree with people choosing Sgt. Pepper as the greatest album ever made. It's not even the Beatles' best album period.
I thought everybody knew this. Personally, I think Evolver has to be the best if not top 2 beatles albums ever. Thats just me. Sgt. Pepper is good and all, but I think its their most recognizable album out of all the other ones.
...you mean Revolver ?

unless you talkin bout John Legend..

at least get it right fam.

and i've already made my case bout Sgt. Pepper's. not my fave, but i understand / won't argue why itsrecognized as it is.
legitimately there are a few in my eyes....
the cool
college dropout
ready to die

are among my favs for greatest album of all time...no songs on anyof them are skippable in my eyes
Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Edit: And as I've gotten older, I don't agree with people choosing Sgt. Pepper as the greatest album ever made. It's not even the Beatles' best album period.
I thought everybody knew this. Personally, I think Revolver has to be the best if not top 2 beatles albums ever. Thats just me. Sgt. Pepper is good and all, but I think its their most recognizable album out of all the other ones.
Exactly. "Eleanor Rigby" is one of my favorite songs ever.
I can't decide, so I'll just pick one that hasn't been mentioned.
Originally Posted by jomitm

Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Edit: And as I've gotten older, I don't agree with people choosing Sgt. Pepper as the greatest album ever made. It's not even the Beatles' best album period.
I thought everybody knew this. Personally, I think Evolver has to be the best if not top 2 beatles albums ever. Thats just me. Sgt. Pepper is good and all, but I think its their most recognizable album out of all the other ones.
...you mean Revolver ?

unless you talkin bout John Legend..

at least get it right fam.

and i've already made my case bout Sgt. Pepper's. not my fave, but i understand / won't argue why its recognized as it is.
sorry typing fast. And why would Imention a John Legend album when I was talking about the beatles? lol
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