what's something u silently judge people for vol....u just gonna let ya baby cry wen im watchin dis

Hipsters who like to perp a rugged style but haven't even lifted a bag of top soil before

Brahs who think callus on their hands and scraped knees are a rite of passage into bein alpha/hardcore
Sooooo much ignorance in this post

You ever think maybe.... just maybe some people like the dog?

My 70yr old granny has had several pits never had a single issue, those dogs are loving, great with the kids and overall just big kids themselves

Yeah, of course I thought of that. That's why they'd even say it was their favorite breed in the first place.

There's just much better choices out there IMO.

So, my friend has driven the same Ford Tempo for 20 years. He doesn't see a reason to change it & he's never really had any problems with it. He actually likes it and is very proud of it. Does that change the fact he's too stuck in his ways/inexperienced to know there are much better cars out there in general than a 1993 Ford Tempo?

Why get a jr bacon cheeseburger when there are much better burgers out there? And if a jr bacon cheeseburger from jack in the crack is your favorite burger - You just don't know any better. Applies to a lot of things in life. & no, I don't think I'm a better person than those people because my tastes differ.
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But that's your bias, people who actually understand politics never get riled up by it

They actually make money off of it.......
people with (pop) music ringtones

People with ringtones, period.  It's 2015, man.  Put that #*&$ on vibrate.
Lol I've had my phones on vibrate since 2007

It got annoying turning it on and off whenever I was going/coming to/from class
people who say that dont want kids because this world is too crazy..

translation.. YNS..

I find this to be wild lame as well, and their reasoning when asked to expand on what exactly makes this world such a scary place compared to any previous decade almost always seems to showcase some level of ignorance.
People and even strangers walking up to you sometimes even me specifically, when youre talking to someone and asks if u got green.

I understand it but i want to smack someone insulting me on some lowlevel kid ****. Especially when i dont know them.
People who call up radio stations early in the morning for anything other than money.

You don't work fam? The breakfast club doesn't give a damn about what you think.
people who say that dont want kids because this world is too crazy..

translation.. YNS..
I think that is a valid reason to question whether or not you want to have kids. Yes the world has always been crazy but as a parent, you know you only have a certain level of influence on your child. They will be only with you for about 3 hours once they start going to school. And unless you place themin Utopia Middle School, people with screwed up parents will be sending their kids to influence your child.

Yes, you are to teach your child the right way. That is a given, but so much can go wrong. It is a gamble. And for anyone that says that, I completely understand.

Not sure what their ability to have constant sex has to do with that either but ok
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people who say that dont want kids because this world is too crazy..

translation.. YNS..
agreed...not having children is selfish, we need to keep adding to man's legacy...

matter of fact, even the bible says "go forth and be fruitful," its mans duty to pass on his seed and the more he does it, the better he is... 
agreed...not having children is selfish, we need to keep adding to man's legacy...

matter of fact, even the bible says "go forth and be fruitful," its mans duty to pass on his seed and the more he does it, the better he is... 
I think this can be a good discussion. I want to address that statement of it being selfish but I don't want to derail this thread

Is NOT Having Children Considered a Selfish Act? http://niketalk.com/t/638380/is-not-having-children-considered-a-selfish-act
agreed...not having children is selfish, we need to keep adding to man's legacy...

matter of fact, even the bible says "go forth and be fruitful," its mans duty to pass on his seed and the more he does it, the better he is... 
Stop trying to warp other people into your miserable logic and beliefs....

Misery loves company.....
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When you're being fruitful, when does it cross the line? I think having 10+ kids is OD, although I have a really big family :lol:. But the not having kids thing because of the crazy world is a good excuse.
Picture this, let's say about 500,000 teenagers get their licences and their parents buy them a car (new or used doesn't matter) every year. That's 500,000 god dam cars that are gonna be on the streets. Imagine how bad traffic is gonna be assuming they all drive the same day. And the next year 500k more cars and so on. We're gonna run out of parking space eventually don't you guys realize that? I'm talking specifically suburbs/outskirts peeps because the city people take public transportation.

Anyways my point is don't judge anyone that doesn't want kids. Hell it might be for selfish reasons too but that's ok.
How can you be selfish towards something that doesn't even exist yet?? That's like saying by eating the slice of pizza in the fridge I'm being selfish because the invisible dog I don't own would have wanted it.

If you insist on validating your life by having children, there are plenty of children without families that can and should be adopted. People acting like this is some Children of Men scenario where the Earth's population is decimated and everyone are sterile so repopulating this planet is Goal #1.

Waaaah I want something with my own DNA in it so I can have real offspring. The words from other NT threads come to mind: "Elitism", "Privilege", "Lack of empathy". If you were really selfless, you'd adopt a child and help out a kid whose unfortunate circumstances in life that were out of their control caused them to be in that situation. Something people on NT like to say is important.
You do know at the base of all organic biology our ultimate goal is to reproduce right?

Just because we're a self proclaimed, self-aware species doesn't mean we don't adhere to basic biology, we will find any and every excuse to reproduce because that is your sole purpose in life whether you want to believe it or not
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