What year did you stop caring that much about Christmas?

this year for some reason, doesn't feel like it usually feels.......

I had money to buy myself mad gift's and everything but there's nothing I really have my eyes on.
this year for some reason, doesn't feel like it usually feels.......

I had money to buy myself mad gift's and everything but there's nothing I really have my eyes on.
16, I havent bought in to any of the hype since then, its really not about the presents.
Im 19 now, I guess when im older with kids i'll care again.
16, I havent bought in to any of the hype since then, its really not about the presents.
Im 19 now, I guess when im older with kids i'll care again.
I will always get excited about Christmas. Seems for a lot of y'all the only thing that you got excited about Christmas when you were young was presents. Partying, food, and drinking with the whole fam FTW!
I will always get excited about Christmas. Seems for a lot of y'all the only thing that you got excited about Christmas when you were young was presents. Partying, food, and drinking with the whole fam FTW!
This year, but I still care. I was just hoping to be in a position to do more or anything for that matter, BUT things fell through big time smh.
This year, but I still care. I was just hoping to be in a position to do more or anything for that matter, BUT things fell through big time smh.
Last year is when the magic was lost for me i was 16 i got great gifts but I realized thats not what matters. Now on christmas eve i sleep like a baby.
Last year is when the magic was lost for me i was 16 i got great gifts but I realized thats not what matters. Now on christmas eve i sleep like a baby.
Yea! At about 17/18 I started not caring about gifts!!! When I was younger I would be waiting for the day to arrive!! Now that I have a nephew I just want to buy him little kicks and clothes.
Yea! At about 17/18 I started not caring about gifts!!! When I was younger I would be waiting for the day to arrive!! Now that I have a nephew I just want to buy him little kicks and clothes.
This year actually. I needed a break from my family (dealing with some stuff with them right now) so they all went to Chicago as they do every year and I stayed in MD. Just needed some time away from them so I'm going to spend Christmas with friends and their fam.
This year actually. I needed a break from my family (dealing with some stuff with them right now) so they all went to Chicago as they do every year and I stayed in MD. Just needed some time away from them so I'm going to spend Christmas with friends and their fam.
this year......I didn't get anything at all
Originally Posted by needsomejays

probably this christmas to be honest, finally have a job and what not, so i pretty much have everything i want, within reason at least 

See that's the thing, Christmas isn't about what material things. It's about enjoying some time with family and friends. Getting together and eating some great food. If there are kids, then of course presents but for us adults it's not about that. When you realize that, then Christmas will be a better day for you. 
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