What year did you stop caring that much about Christmas?

Christmas is great for me. I look forward to it more for my kids now...love to see their face light up when they open their gifts.
Christmas is great for me. I look forward to it more for my kids now...love to see their face light up when they open their gifts.
Probably like 14/15.. once you get to a certain age.. the art of opening gifts on Xmas morning kinda fades.. I can always count on my mom for a good gift, but its not even like its wrapped up and under a tree.. its just a "thank you, I appreciate you getting me that:smile:" kinda thing.. once you hit 19.. its kinda wack when/if you can't get anybody a gift.
Probably like 14/15.. once you get to a certain age.. the art of opening gifts on Xmas morning kinda fades.. I can always count on my mom for a good gift, but its not even like its wrapped up and under a tree.. its just a "thank you, I appreciate you getting me that:smile:" kinda thing.. once you hit 19.. its kinda wack when/if you can't get anybody a gift.
Im 25, and it....... feels good man. When i was younger, my family was so broke that my mom got me a 12 pack of Brisk for Christmas.
Now my Parents, and I are both doing well, so its always a
Christmas. Back then not so much.
Im 25, and it....... feels good man. When i was younger, my family was so broke that my mom got me a 12 pack of Brisk for Christmas.
Now my Parents, and I are both doing well, so its always a
Christmas. Back then not so much.
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

It's important to my kids, that they have the best Christmas they can have every year.  that i never had...

fixed... we grew up poor no one got me %@@+ for christmas until my mid teens when i started dating girls with money....  but its all about the wifey and kids....

look forward to it more for my kids now...love to see their face light up when they open their gifts. 
co sign... christmas list be long as hell though..  at least my son dont give a %@@+ about anything but iron man/war machine
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

It's important to my kids, that they have the best Christmas they can have every year.  that i never had...

fixed... we grew up poor no one got me %@@+ for christmas until my mid teens when i started dating girls with money....  but its all about the wifey and kids....

look forward to it more for my kids now...love to see their face light up when they open their gifts. 
co sign... christmas list be long as hell though..  at least my son dont give a %@@+ about anything but iron man/war machine
I enjoy Christmas.

Definitely not the same way it used to be when I was younger, but now that I have nieces and nephews all under the age of 3...the Christmas Spirit has found its way back to me. It's an absolute blast watching them go ape #@%+ over presents. Brings a smile to my face just thinking about it.

Giving > receiving.
I enjoy Christmas.

Definitely not the same way it used to be when I was younger, but now that I have nieces and nephews all under the age of 3...the Christmas Spirit has found its way back to me. It's an absolute blast watching them go ape #@%+ over presents. Brings a smile to my face just thinking about it.

Giving > receiving.
This year solidifies it for me..

It's funny I hear Chuck say on TNT thurs. that you shouldn't even get gifts past 18..

Moms been outta work for a few years, but I got my best present ever last year and it was my only one. Some Bose headphones that were an epiphany of bass thumping through my ears.

Now, I just got hit off with some $, expecting nothing, but I can't *!$* with Christmas. There isn't even a tree. My great-uncle just died a few weeks ago, so *@#$ is #+!@+* anyway.

It's all about buying *@#$, when it's supposed to be about Jesus..and I'm an atheist so this holiday just isn't for me.

Idk what I'll do for my kids..I don't want em to be excluded, but I don't want em to be raised up in the typical %@*%%+!@ commercialized American society.
This year solidifies it for me..

It's funny I hear Chuck say on TNT thurs. that you shouldn't even get gifts past 18..

Moms been outta work for a few years, but I got my best present ever last year and it was my only one. Some Bose headphones that were an epiphany of bass thumping through my ears.

Now, I just got hit off with some $, expecting nothing, but I can't *!$* with Christmas. There isn't even a tree. My great-uncle just died a few weeks ago, so *@#$ is #+!@+* anyway.

It's all about buying *@#$, when it's supposed to be about Jesus..and I'm an atheist so this holiday just isn't for me.

Idk what I'll do for my kids..I don't want em to be excluded, but I don't want em to be raised up in the typical %@*%%+!@ commercialized American society.
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

It's important to my kids, that they have the best Christmas they can have every year.

Me? Believe when I say I don't care about Christmas on bit, don't get me nothing
don't expect nothing

Same for my birthday ...just another day

Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

It's important to my kids, that they have the best Christmas they can have every year.

Me? Believe when I say I don't care about Christmas on bit, don't get me nothing
don't expect nothing

Same for my birthday ...just another day

After 14 or 15 it became more about buying than receiving gifts.. Now it is nice to see my family or girl get excited when opening presents. (got her a camera after our staffordshire terrier destroyed it on her graduation day)..
After 14 or 15 it became more about buying than receiving gifts.. Now it is nice to see my family or girl get excited when opening presents. (got her a camera after our staffordshire terrier destroyed it on her graduation day)..
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