What year did you stop caring that much about Christmas?

I was like 17 when I stopped really being into it, but being around my nephew keeps the joy there cause he reminds me of how I was during christmas time.
Muslim, we never celebrated christmas

but i wasn't deprived, friends always got me presents
Muslim, we never celebrated christmas

but i wasn't deprived, friends always got me presents
for me it ended when i was 16, an started back up at 22. its good seein my neice and nephew get ALLL KINDS of S!!! from santa haha
for me it ended when i was 16, an started back up at 22. its good seein my neice and nephew get ALLL KINDS of S!!! from santa haha
its pretty much the same every year, i stopped caring around 17 or 18 years old the feeling wasn't their anymore
its pretty much the same every year, i stopped caring around 17 or 18 years old the feeling wasn't their anymore
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