What to do?

^^^^ PLEASE tell me that isnt you licking the bottom of your shoes in that avy....
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

Originally Posted by GreyScaleMethod

Gravedigging FTL

I'm at the top of the page with 188 posts, now I got 1148

1000 posts in 2 months


I know it's pretty bad
, but when I came back after my ban I started posting like crazy and now I can post at work unlike before.
I agree you have to choose who to call out and who to leave alone, its not worth getting beat up by gang members for the sake of calling one of their dudesout...

but if its one of those arrogant dudes that thinks hes the sh-t strolling through the mall with fake jays and a couple of hood rats, i will make everyattempt to embarass his ***...especially if its in a footlocker or something
Originally Posted by luvtheshoe

Keep in mind guys that many, many people don't know the difference. They do a quick google search and see Jordans for $25 and think they're buying overstocks.

this is so true. for this reason, i don't confront. the only time i ever said anything was if i was cool with the person. i just say, you know those arefake right?
Cover your mouth and chuckle... point and smile as you walk away shaking your head...
Originally Posted by jyhwkwrth34

So im at a MAYB tourny this weekend and you would not believe what i saw. Fake jordans everywhere. Today i saw some fake 11s, 3s, 23's and the worst was this ugly %@$ pair of V's with a completely yellow tongue. Yesterday, another pair of fake V's. And earlier in the week i saw a fake pair of six rings. WHATS GOING ON!!!! I had even seen kids at my own school sporting fakes, and they gladly told me about their "awesome" money saving jordans. This just pisses me off.
It seems everywhere i go, i only see fakes. So, when you see a pair of fakes, what do you do? Do you confront them about their fakes or walk on by like nothings happened?
Focus on yourself ,, as long as you know your tightened up, theres no need to worry about what others wear..

If they want to make clowns outta them selves, let them ,, its not fading you ,,so let it ride.......................
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