What time do you wake up for work?

May 26, 2003
Simple thread, What time do you have to be to work? What time do you wake up? And Do you eat breakfast?

I don't have a time where I have to be clocked in or something, but I usually wake up at 6 am, lay in the bed for 17 min every morning looking at instagram, twitter, facebook, etc then get up, eat some fruit or cereal and get ready for work, usually get to work around 7:40-7:50. Lol I will say I feel so sick when my alarm goes off at 6am I`m starting to think abou just waking up at 7 and taking my "breakfast" to work. I always say I~m going to go to bed at 10, but always end up sleeping at 1130-Midnight . What do you guys do?
ima morning person so...

3:30 am if i feel like walking to the bus stop

4:00 am if i drive to the bus stop
I have to be up at work by 7:30. Leave work at 4.

My normal routine is:

6:00 - Wake up and take a dump

6:10 - Make breakfast

6:20 - Eat breakfast and watch Sportscenter

6:40 - Shower and get ready

7:10 - Out the door

My routine this past week:

6:40 - Wake up, take a dump, shower

7:10 - Out the door

7:35 - Eat breakfast at work for a 15 minutes while reading the news

Still recovering from labor day weekend
5:30am, Monday through Friday. I'm usually in to work around 6:30am or 7am. I'm not much of a breakfast guy in the morning. I usually eat pretty light (fruit or a protein shake).
Up at 5:15am

Gym at 6am

Back home by 7:30am

Leave for work at 9am

Bed time is 9pm

Being "grown up" sucks
I wake up at 5:30, eat breakfast, check out stuff online and then get ready for work and leave hoping theres no traffic. Then I gotta clock in at 8.

If i didnt live far from my job, I wouldve gotten more sleep :smh:
Alarm at 5:00 am

Run downstairs pour coffee grab my lunch i made the night before out of the house by 5:20-5:30. At work by 6:30. (i drive 65 miles to work each day)
I wake up at 5:30, eat breakfast, check out stuff online and then get ready for work and leave hoping theres no traffic. Then I gotta clock in at 8.
If i didnt live far from my job, I wouldve gotten more sleep :smh:

man thats why I didnt move in with my moms to save money, I could be saving soooo much money if I lived at home but my mom lives about 40-1hr away from my job + add in ATL traffic thats at least 1hr and a half/ 2 hrs to drive to work in the AM, NO THANKS.
Iron clothes for work before bed... I'm always tired around 9pm But don't fall asleep til 11 

Alarm rings at 5:45

Snooze til 6:00

Get dressed/Brush Teeth 6:05

Catch Bus at 6:18 out my door everyday

Work from 7-6 Monday-Friday and Weekends 11-5 
Alarm at 5:00 am
Run downstairs pour coffee grab my lunch i made the night before out of the house by 5:20-5:30. At work by 6:30. (i drive 65 miles to work each day)

Sounds identical to my life. I just started this commute only about 3 months now. I must say the commute isnt bad, its the waking up at 5AM part and being away from the crib for 12 hours is the problem.

O, and for breakfast, I usually keep oatmeal in my office and eat it plain every morning.
Sounds identical to my life. I just started this commute only about 3 months now. I must say the commute isnt bad, its the waking up at 5AM part and being away from the crib for 12 hours is the problem.
O, and for breakfast, I usually keep oatmeal in my office and eat it plain every morning.

Wake up at 7, get out of bed at 7:25, and be at work by 7:45. I'll leave work around 530 right now and probably 7 when the season starts
Alarm at 5:00 am
Run downstairs pour coffee grab my lunch i made the night before out of the house by 5:20-5:30. At work by 6:30. (i drive 65 miles to work each day)

Sounds identical to my life. I just started this commute only about 3 months now. I must say the commute isnt bad, its the waking up at 5AM part and being away from the crib for 12 hours is the problem.

O, and for breakfast, I usually keep oatmeal in my office and eat it plain every morning.

Bro i have tons of packets of oatmeal at my desk i do the same exact thing :lol:
The worst part is trying to get to bed at 10ish so you can get some sleep. But i feel like im tired most of my life very rare i wake up feeling refreshed.

Leave house at 5:30am get home at 5:30pm.
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I get up at 7am and have to be in by 8:30am. Thank God my commute isnt long at all. I hate waking up in the morning. Im not a morning person at all.
Wake up 6 am out the house at 7 don't get there till 8:45 most days smh

No lie I came onto NT today to make a thread about breakfast at work. I eat oatmeal at my desk every morning

I also have saltines on deck for my snack throughout the day
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6:45am- alarm goes off, but I hit the snooze button.
7:00am- finally wake up
7:40am- finish brushing teeth, shower and put on clothes
7:55am- finish eating breakfast
8:05am- leave the door
8:50am- arrive to work 10 mins early
7:12am i wake up.. snooze until 7:30

730am-8:00am = #1, #2, brush, shower, get ready roll my J for the ride.

9:00am be at work :smokin

then i slave for 8 solid hours

breakfast?? sometimes. mostly just tons of water
Wake up - 6:00 AM

Eat breakfast and make my lunch - 6:10 - 6:40 AM

Brush teeth, floss, shave, put on clothes - 6:50 - 7:20 AM

Out the door - 7:25 AM

As long as I get to my job anywhere from 8:00 - 9:00 AM, I'm good. I like arriving on the earlier side (8:15 ish) because I can leave work earlier. My commute is about 45 minutes but I don't mind it at all. There's not much traffic that I have to deal with.
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