What time do you wake up for work?

Tip for those who don't have much time to eat breakfast. Hardboil a dozen eggs on Sunday and keep a bowl of them in your fridge. Grab two every morning. Breakfast can be over in 5 min tops.

Also, keep a box of oatmeal (like dude above) in your desk. Very easy to make, and will hold you over till lunch
Get up at 6 AM.
Be at work at 8AM.(Highway 59 :smh:)
Cup of Joe for breakfast.
Up @ 5:45 and out the door by 6:30. I will be changing my schedule for the new year. This 7AM start is for the birds.
65 miles to work? no ******g way
My crib is a 2 minute drive and 10 min walk from my job
65 miles I'd better be makin atleast 80k a year
typically 6am wake up out of bed at 630 to try and roll out by 7-715. work is at 8. but much of the office doesn't roll in till 9. starting work at 8am is the worst for me id would so prefer 10am...

ironically on days i don't work i get up at 8/9am on my own.
4:15am for the mornings I go to the gym

4:45am for the mornings I run

I leave for work at 6:45. Don't have to be in until around 7:45 or so, but I have to drop my daughter off at daycare and I usually get in around 7:30.


I eat breakfast at home.
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I can tell a lot of y'all don't shower in the AM. :x

I get home from work go directly to the gym. Home shower then. Wake up deodorant (body spray/cologne) make sure hair isn't a mess and get out of the door. 2 showers a day would be OD.
i hate the mornings. reading these times and routines makes me mad i got to wake up early tomorrow.
Wake up 6 am out the house at 7 don't get there till 8:45 most days smh

No lie I came onto NT today to make a thread about breakfast at work. I eat oatmeal at my desk every morning

I also have saltines on deck for my snack throughout the day

I need to do the same and I will start by picking up some oatmeal and crackers this weekend. It beats spending unnecessary money on breakfast and maybe even lunch.
6:00 wake up brush my teeth, contacts vitamins etc. walk the dogs.
6:30 go to gym. Rather work out than drink caffeine plus night work outs suck.
7:45 eat breakfast
8:15 shower
8:45 leave house
11:00 pm sleep
I used to drive 70+ miles each way to work, with no traffic though. I would wake up around 5 am for that and be out the door by 6:30 to make it there before 8 am.

Now I slug/carpool to the city. Wake up at 6 am, out the door by 6:50, hop in the slug/commuter vehicle by 7:00 and make it to work by 7:30.

If I work at the corporate office across town like these last few months, I wake up at 7:30/8:00 and don't leave until 8:45 to make it there around 9:15-9:30.

****, shower and out the door at 4:30.

I have no clock in or clock out time, just done whenever I hit all my stops. Sometimes I'm home by 12:30, sometimes, 4:30. On average though, home by 2..

And that's Monday-Saturday..
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Up at 5:45-6:00AM
At work by 7:00AM

Depends on how much work I have waiting for me, between 500-6:15am and get to the office @8:30.. I commute 1hour and 15min + - each way. Living in northern queens and commuting to lower manhattan sucks.

ha, this is my same breakfast every morning too . . . plus 1 8.4oz Red Bull

Alarm goes off 6am.
Out the door by 8am.
1 hour long drive in traffic (about 20 miles)
At my desk by 9am.
Leave for home at 6pm.
Home by 7pm.
6:30 alarm rings, get up change, brush teeth, etc.
6:45 random bs on computer
7:00 drop a deuce and then do my hair
7:15-7:20 Grab my lunch and leave the house
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