What time do you wake up for work?

I've never heard of there being a "wrong " way to shower whether its before you sleep or after you wake.

But I shower the night before I hop in bed.
Lay out my clothes.

Wake @2:30 - 2:45am. Be at work 3:45am

Sometimes I push the snooze button a little too much. And wake at 3 and gotta rush
My Job is very flexible. anywhere from 8 hour shifts to 14 hour shifts. Sometimes less than 8. I pretty much come and go as I please.

5am hit snooze until about 5:40 in 9 minute intervals,lol. I have the HARDEST time waking directly up by an alarm, I've been that way since I was in elementary school. So I must take my mini naps b4 I get up.

Put my pants on brush my teeth, and im at work anywhere between 6:00-6:30 supposed to be clocked in by 6:10

I swear I've been late to work WELL over 200x in 2 1/2 years. I've got written up 2x for it. My next write up will have me in that forbidden line. Probaly for my 300th tardy.

My Job loves me :smile:
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Wake @2:30 - 2:45am. Be at work 3:45am

This is sooooooooo early. What you do?

And at what time you go to bed? 7h30 :nerd: ?

I have a bad tendency to not fall asleep till around 1am. I just feel like there is something going on or something to do at all times before 1. I browse nt or Netflix till I knock out
My entire family sleeps late so I guess I adopted that.

I sleep for maybe 2 hours. Then go to work and go right back to sleep there for a couple hours. Get off 1230 pm. And got the entire day to play with.
LOL man I be waking up the same time as yall for no reason.

I wake up 7 am and don't even go to work until 3 pm now that I'm out of school.
if i could get to work at 5:30 am that would be the perfect time. I'm usually there by 6:15-6:30 and out 8 hours later.

I'll never understand why, if people have flex time for work, they would go in at the latest time. i like having afternoons to myself, but i don't since my commute sucks. I don't usually get home until 5 pm or so.
5am hit snooze until about 5:40 in 9 minute intervals,lol. I have the HARDEST time waking directly up by an alarm . . .

I'm the same way, I set my alarm maybe an hour before I have to really get up. I wear out my snooze button . . .
straight foolin for that av B

i wake up at 6am, dont get out of bed until like 6:50 and have to be at work at 7:45, errday, the monotony is slowly killing what little youth i had
UP at 5:15 a.m.
then to the gym at 6
at work between 7:45 and 8:30
off between 4:30 and 5

Work and the gym are walking distance from the house (less that 5 minutes)
- Wow I would not even think of going to the gym before or after work if I had a 45 minute commute like some of you do. I guess living in a somewhat small town does have it advantages. I hate it when I have traffic here, could not imagine if I was stuck in it for an hour, much less 5 minutes...
I work swing shifts, but when I'm on day shifts I have to be there at 730 am. I live about 5 minutes away from my job though so I usually wake up around 640 and leave my house around 715. I hate the 1130-730 3rd shift cause I can never get good sleep through the day. I always tell my self that I'm gonna go to sleep at around 630 and get a good 4 hours since I sleep that morning as soon as I get off but I never do. I always end up just laying in bed watching tv til it's almost time to get ready for work and then I feel like a zombie when I get there.
Wake up at 7:45AM
Leave the house by 8 and grab some breakfast on the way to work
Be at work by 9:30AM (Traffic is super unpredictable)
Wake up between 4:00am -- 4:30am

Sit on the couch for about 15 minutes watching sportscenter or news and just trying to actually wake up.

Make coffee, eat breakfast

Shower, shave, etc...

Leave house by around 5:45 to get to work before 6:00am

Usually get out of work anywhere from 6pm to 8:30pm depending on the day.
7:00 -alarm goes off
7:10 - I get up
7:15 - I grab breakfast
7:40 - I leave to catch my train
I start around 9 am, but I'm usually in early.
mondays i usually wake up at 10-11 am head into work at around 12-1. back home by 5. oh to be young...
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