What time do you wake up for work?

depending on when i work but if i have a 6am shift for example out of bed at 5 out the house at 535 clocked in at 559
my shift ranges from 530-130, 6-2, 7-3, i hate getting up in the morning but I love getting off with practically the whole day still ahead of me
and the perks of no traffic in the am
12 PM... I work at home so I feel like I have no structure in life.. work when I want to... this has led to working 4 or 5 hours a day... and drinking every night.. I dont know what the days are anymore... I need to create a schedule and stick to it
12 PM... I work at home so I feel like I have no structure in life.. work when I want to... this has led to working 4 or 5 hours a day... and drinking every night.. I dont know what the days are anymore... I need to create a schedule and stick to it

What's your job?
go to bed everynight after midnight
alarm goes off at 3:45am
snooze until 4:10
brush teeth and out the door at 4:20
speed to work to make it by 4:30am work until 1pm
4 days a week hit up school at 2pm

that's brutal
12 PM... I work at home so I feel like I have no structure in life.. work when I want to... this has led to working 4 or 5 hours a day... and drinking every night.. I dont know what the days are anymore... I need to create a schedule and stick to it

lol if I had it like you I would at least be in the gym 24/7 and seeing stuff
go to bed between 11pm-12am

wake up at 6am 

lay in bed until 6:20am

get dressed and leave to get to work by 7am

i iron my clothes and shower at night
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I work two part time jobs, I am still in school.

I don't have classes on mondays or fridays, if I have to work I wake up 2 hours before hand. Cook breakfast (eggs, bacon), eat, shower, brush teeth, get dressed, head out to work about 15-20 min before.

On tuesdays and thursdays my first class starts at 8am so I get up at 6am, eat breakfast (usually leftovers from the night before), eat, shower, brush teeth, get dressed and head to campus to find a parking space.

on wednesdays my only class is at 3:30 so i leave whenever, I'm usually on campus doing some kind of work anyway.
I dont have an issue with Night Showers. I take mornings one though for the simple fact that it wakes me up in the morning and it also helps curve sweating.
BTW kinda offtopic but damn you americans seem to work too much. How much do guys average in a week?
My jobs not big on making us stay past when we're supposed too so they try and push for everyone to put in their 40 a week and go home but it hardly ever works out that way. 50-60. I know people doing way more than that though.
Wake up 6 am out the house at 7 don't get there till 8:45 most days smh

No lie I came onto NT today to make a thread about breakfast at work. I eat oatmeal at my desk every morning 

I also have saltines on deck for my snack throughout the day
I need to do the same and I will start by picking up some oatmeal and crackers this weekend. It beats spending unnecessary money on breakfast and maybe even lunch.
I buy food once a week maximum. I just bought a new box of Oatmeal today, the fruit and cream box. Strawberries and cream, blueberries and cream, peaches and cream, bananas and cream. 

The crackers are good too cause you get so much for so little money and youre better off than the guys eating doritos and stuff. I want to transition to fruit at some point though.
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Depends...normal shift I wake up at 6:30..Work at 7:30..I live 15-20 minutes from my job driving wise

I cover for other positions and my place of business which opens at 5:30

so sometimes my wakeup times could be 4:30 or 5:30
Mondays - 6am (USPS job, routes from 7-4pm)
Tuesdays - I'm off (unless there was a holiday Monday, then I wake up @ 6am) so whenever I want
Wednesdays - about 10am (Foot Locker job; usually work 11 or Noon - 6pm or so)
Thursdays - same (Foot Locker)
Fridays - 8am (USPS job, routes from 9-1pm)
Saturdays - 8am (USPS job, routes from 9-1pm)
Sundays - I'm off so whenever I want

Usually stop by IHOP for the $5 weekday breakfast special, pop my One-A-Day energy pill/have a latte, & I'm good to go. I just snack on stuff in the afternoons & eat a big dinner. Tend to shower @ night, wash my face/brush teeth when I wake up, & hang my outfit/uniform in the front of my closet the night before.
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i go to bed between 11:30-12:30 and then wake up mon-fri at 6:15 and leave the house at 6:40... i brush my teeth then eat breakfast and out the house... get out of work at 5:00 but usually stay over time anywhere between 5-6 so an hour or less i stay late...then get home 6:30-7:00 depending on what time i leave work and traffic... it take 45min to get home but an hour if theres traffic
I go to work later in the day (part time Lab Tech), but I still roll over at 7:30am to run. I'm just glad I don't really have a commute since my job is walking distance from my house. Only thing I hate is since I've been so use to hearing an alarm clock go off at 5:45 in the morning for track/CC practice all those years, I still have a habit of just waking up at that time, then not always being able to go back to sleep. ****
the strength to get up before 6 and work until the evening :x some of yall are hardcore. i don't consider myself a great sleeper so i value sleep too much to even think about that kind of lifestyle. i get it tho...the pursuit of dat paper aint easy..
5:15- Alarm goes off

5:20-5:30- Clean up, get dressed

5:30-5:40- Eat, pack lunch

5:45- commute, get to work by  6:05-6:10 (always late but IDGAF
since they don't)

8:30- take my break, snack, daily dump

Get off between 2:30-4:00
Monday - Friday

wake up 4:15AM shower ect...
leave home at 5:15AM
Get to work at 6:00AM
First Break if possible at 8:30AM - 9:30AM
Lunch 11:00AM - 12:00PM
Get off at 5:00PM -6:00PM
Home - Dinner rest play games or watch tv
10:00PM - 11:00PM - Sleep
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alarm goes off at 6:45 --wake up at 7

shower/eat and out by 7:35

Work 8-3

2nd job 4-10

In bed by 12-12:30
Up by 5:30a leave by 6:15a clock in 7a clock out 330pm

Im 19 not much on my social life these days.


"Being "grown up" sucks"

"Being "grown up" sucks"

"Being "grown up" sucks"

"Being "grown up" sucks"

"Being "grown up" sucks"

"Being "grown up" sucks"

"Being "grown up" sucks"

"Being "grown up" sucks"
Up by 5:30a leave by 6:15a clock in 7a clock out 330pm

Im 19 not much on my social life these days.


"Being "grown up" sucks"
"Being "grown up" sucks"
"Being "grown up" sucks"
"Being "grown up" sucks"
"Being "grown up" sucks"
"Being "grown up" sucks"
"Being "grown up" sucks"
"Being "grown up" sucks"

What do you do? I expect most 19 year olda to be in school
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