!!!! What the hell did Kanye West just do!!!?


Someone's PISSED

btw, I just deleted all of Kanye's music from my iTunes. I hate him!!!
If Lady Gaga win best artist, and he hops on stage and says Drake should have won, Imma die.
he tried to pull some ODB type of stuff but failed miserably.. he looks like a bigger $%% than ever before
Originally Posted by Sqant0

a spade is a spade
like dude said
he just called it out for what it really was

Kanye speaking his mind>

there are other ways he could have spoken his mind (via blog/twitter/interview) without having to embarrass another artist.
Originally Posted by MFTIOA

Originally Posted by Sqant0

a spade is a spade
like dude said
he just called it out for what it really was

Kanye speaking his mind>

there are other ways he could have spoken his mind (via blog/twitter/interview) without having to embarrass another artist.
And would you have cared? or heard/read/seen it at all for that matter?
Originally Posted by viiheaven

Originally Posted by AceBoogie

Originally Posted by smoothrick007

that @#$%^ straight flippen embarassed the whole black race

i'm not embarrassed as a black man. i don't care who said it, someone needed to air the foolishness of that robbery out, straight like that.
Seriously? Needed to be said? Robbery?

It's the VMA's... not even the Oscar's or some important award show. Get your priorities straight.
Never claimed to be a saint. I personally would carry it in a similar fashion. Especially when beyonce', pink, and katy perry definitelyhave better videos. I don't expect people to agree with me, this is just one facet that i would definitely speak upon in a given situation.
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