What made you start collecting


Sep 6, 2008
Sorry guys if its already been posted but just wanted to know... for me it was watching Do The Right Thing for the first time if you have never watched pleasedo its a great movie and seeing Buggin out with those cement IV's
if anyone can find the scene on youtube post it.
I dont consider my self a collector dont really follow the hype , I just do need a 1-23 in my shoes lol ...
im at 21 hhahah lol the rest at at my parents crib in Chicago
in 7th grade my science teacher showed me a pic of his collection and the rest is history

its his fault i barely have money these days
My cousins back in 91 or 92 i assume (air jordan VI spt Blue was the first pair i can actually remember having)

My cousins had all the fly gear...., while i grew up on the east side of los angeles and only wore British Knights...
my friend robert did back when the 18's dropped in 2003... i was able to sccop a pair at sportzone.... thats it for me...
i started collecting my freshmen year of college when within the span of a few months, I blew out my knee and got my first job. I always bought sneakers but Inever collected them. I wore them all to the ground. Since I couldnt play ball, and i started making money, I had disposable income and sneakers just startedpiling up around the house.

always bought/liked sneakers. purple flightposites were the first shoe i actively hunted down when they released. then the bred xi's retros released; ifound niketalk and it was a wrap.
dont really know... i just dont like it to wear the same shoe everyday so i started to buy more .. and more and more....
I got a hand me down pair of 4's in 1991 from my uncle....then started get jordans as my school shoes...I always kept them clean as per my unclesinstructions, next thing you know I had 5 or 6 pairs of shoes and never looked back.....

damn my uncle for those 4's......
was a clueless child. saw MJ on tv playing, fell in love. found out he had signature shoes..had to collect. im not a big big collector, i jus buy what i like.
No collection here. But what made me start to buy ab-normal amounts of shoes was my style. From an early age I've like to look fresh. Like 4th grade lol.
I grew up in the 90s. Given the sheer amount of heat released during that era, its no surprise that I can't stop buying kicks to this day.
What made me start is my father sense he had so many shoes i just wanted to have some like him keep the collection going in my family
around 6th grade not alot of kids had $$ for jordans and to have acouple fresh pairs everyone would be on your meat about.. but i started with shells andairforces then moved on to jays.. but i remember even in 5th grade i brought recess shoes to school so my fresh shells with blue strips (hhahah) didnt get mestup
black/grey 17's were my first and got me started. The feeling that i got when i bought the shoes made me get more..lol sounds strange but ehh..
I was at the mall a couple of days after my b-day to spend my b-day cash, everything went to the 17's lol..I just fell in love 'em
i guess i collect shoes? i just like em alot. my dad always had the hot @%+% when i was a kid so i wanted to be like him
for me it was simple ever since i was young i liked thembut couldnt really afford them
my parents were a two pair a year for school parents but eventually i started to do odd jobs a finnaly got money to buy kicks
i dont really collect i just buy what i like but the Mettalic Vs started it all for me
Honestly the reason I started getting into shoes was because of my brother
I saw all the shoes he had in his room and I liked them so I started getting into shoes as well
My first pair of Jordans were the white/mocha 3's in 3rd grade
To be honest I only bought them because they were Jordans
but now Ionly buy stuff that I like
Oh yeah and I don't consider myself a collector just someone who likes shoes
my brother had a lot of shoes
i looked up to my brother so much
r.i.p rodney
he gave me his og XII's and they were like 5 sizes to big for me but i wore em anyway
i can fit them but now there hella beat i really wanna get em restored
he bought me a pair of teams and the rest was history
i love the smell of new shoes
its something about shoes that give me enjoyment that nothing else can
i dont have a huge collection but i have passion and i love what i do have
once i get a job im going to buy all the shoes that my brother used to have
there will e no more room in my closet lol
i started collectin just to be fly
when i started gettin my own money nd buyin clothes i needed shoes to rock with em
eventually a couple pairs turned into 150+ and now im a collector i guess lol
I just woke up one morning with 200 pairs of shoes... I'm not a collector, collecting is about keeping things mint to preserve its value and memory,I'm all about dogging out...
It all started when I got some school shoes Air Max 90 Blue Ribbon Sports pack. Then I did some research found Niketalk along with the Infrared 90s and therest is history. I don't call myself a collector I only have around 40 pairs and I wear them all. I only buy what I like. I love the entire cultureinvolved with it. I enjoy meeting new people and conversing over kicks. I will still be in fly kicks when im 80.
just seeing all those shoes moms wouldnt buy me when i was younger just made me want shoes that much more so when i was old enough to buy for myself i sortajust went shoe crazy
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