What Jill Scott has to say about interracial couples...

Originally Posted by PigeonFree11

i think a lot of black women are concerned more about the here and now rather than the future. i wasn't your type back then, but now that i'm a hop skip and jump from being a physician, we're soul mates??? +%$*. i haven't changed one bit, so pardon whomever the successful black man has found that accepted them for them while they were building to become what they are today. if you don't want to lay some bricks for the foundation, don't expect a room in the mansion.
True statement. Black males get crapped on for being broke, not dressing stylish, talking funny, yet they or willing to put aside all the hateful comments and conversations When I get a job and have a decent modern car now all of sudden I'm the next Morris Chestnut. No it doesn't work like that . If you showed no love for me when I was broke and bummy why support when I'm making a lot of money. Its pathetic really this goes to all females who marry for upward mobility and not for love.
Originally Posted by The Fresh Sole

I know its probably a small percentage but a few of my "broke" black friends are in relationships with well paid white women

The stigma is white women chase after wealthy black men, but its Women of All races chase after wealthy men.

But they are not married. Dont under-estimate the difference between lusting and desire for the jungle fever ... and marriage/creating a family.
Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

Originally Posted by PigeonFree11

i think a lot of black women are concerned more about the here and now rather than the future. i wasn't your type back then, but now that i'm a hop skip and jump from being a physician, we're soul mates??? +%$*. i haven't changed one bit, so pardon whomever the successful black man has found that accepted them for them while they were building to become what they are today. if you don't want to lay some bricks for the foundation, don't expect a room in the mansion.
You do realize that black women are SIGNIFICANTLY more likely to graduate from high school and attend college (two and four-year) than black men right? On a socio-economic level, black women statistically have achieved a lot more than black men career-wise and educationally by the time they turn 40.

I'm not sure what your statistic has to do with the point he was trying to convey. It almost seems like you're trying to belittle his own personal accomplishments. He's just simply saying that if you weren't down for him before then don't look to him later down the road. Honestly that's how many black men end up feeling. It seems like black women aren't looking for a man that's making his way to the top they don't see you until you've made it. I keep seeing everyone throwing around the word "successful". What does that mean? $100K+? If that's what most black women's definition of the word is then good luck finding your better half. I love black women with all my heart but in MY lifetime I haven't come across many willing to give that support some men need to make it through the tough times. Black Stilletos you certainly don't seem like that type raving about how unlikely the black man is to finish school. Sounds like you're a part of the problem. I'm just sayin'... Let me just finish by saying I'd never turn my back on the black woman just trying to help people see the other side.

That was excellently written - I'm now wondering if she writes any novels or regularly articles.
Very talented with the pen.

and no way am I reading 8 pages of what I expect most NT'ers to say

What do you guys think of this poem/song she did a few years back on DPJ? I know there are a couple of different interpretations, but I took away interracial couples from it.
I do not understand why this is even an issue because it is still rare and most people seek lifelong companionship within their own race.

As a Black Man I don't see myself marrying a Woman outside of my race,but I don't know what the future may hold.

As much as I adore Jill Scott,statements like that show me that she has picked the wrong men for companionship and refuse to find proper closure.

As a Man it is our job to pursue.But if you,Woman of any race, turn me down,I have no choice but to move on to a woman who is open to me right now, not when you hit 30 and start to reflect on life.
Originally Posted by Mister DoItNice

Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

Originally Posted by PigeonFree11

i think a lot of black women are concerned more about the here and now rather than the future. i wasn't your type back then, but now that i'm a hop skip and jump from being a physician, we're soul mates??? +%$*. i haven't changed one bit, so pardon whomever the successful black man has found that accepted them for them while they were building to become what they are today. if you don't want to lay some bricks for the foundation, don't expect a room in the mansion.
You do realize that black women are SIGNIFICANTLY more likely to graduate from high school and attend college (two and four-year) than black men right? On a socio-economic level, black women statistically have achieved a lot more than black men career-wise and educationally by the time they turn 40.

I'm not sure what your statistic has to do with the point he was trying to convey. It almost seems like you're trying to belittle his own personal accomplishments. He's just simply saying that if you weren't down for him before then don't look to him later down the road. Honestly that's how many black men end up feeling. It seems like black women aren't looking for a man that's making his way to the top they don't see you until you've made it. I keep seeing everyone throwing around the word "successful". What does that mean? $100K+? If that's what most black women's definition of the word is then good luck finding your better half. I love black women with all my heart but in MY lifetime I haven't come across many willing to give that support some men need to make it through the tough times. Black Stilletos you certainly don't seem like that type raving about how unlikely the black man is to finish school. Sounds like you're a part of the problem. I'm just sayin'... Let me just finish by saying I'd never turn my back on the black woman just trying to help people see the other side.
You missed my point. He tried to make the argument that was extremely offensive in that he was suggesting that some black women choose to pursue black men once they are successful in their chosen fields. That's wholly inaccurate and suggests very ill of the black female community when if anything, a lot of us are dating and pursuing black men who are not on our soio-economic level. That is a fact, dude, and there are many studies to corroborate that. There is nothing wrong with that. There are MANY accomplished black women out there down for black men who are not up to certain standards, who stand by them, support them, love them, accept them, protect them when they have nothing, and some of those men turn their noses down to those very black women when they become successful by acting like they are beneath them. THAT'S my point, so you suggesting I am part of the problem? Laughable. I am supporting my bf through one of the toughest life events anyone can go through, and I've done that for many ex-bfs. I don't care how much you have in the bank, whether you finished college, etc. If you're a good man, you're a good man. But how dare some black men act as they deserve better than a black woman because of idiotic, pre-conceived notions.

I was not belittling is accomplishments at all. I was dismissing his very offensive claim about black women.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by KanyeBreast

Originally Posted by datprepboivinc3

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

shes entitled to her own, albeit fat as %@%+, opinion.

we should strive to become better human beings thru cross breeding.

staying within your race is selfish for your own children.

thats why the amount of children with defects are rising also.

cause people like this fat broad wanna continue to inbreed within her own race.

its not that my white girlfriend is white... its cause shes sexually attractive.
where as jill scott is fat as %@%+ and jiggly. not unlike a jigglypuff and or wigglytuff.

and pmac... my girl cook better than most black women i know over the age of 50.
black women arent the best chefs in the world.
mexican women are.

I agree with this MAN.

my dudes post always include the lulz and plentiful qfts
Stop feeding the trolls. Dude was half a whopper a way from obesity, hit the gym and thinks all of a sudden his opinion matters
Talking nonsense ftl.
Mexican women tho
they age so badly its good at first when they 17 they look 23 but when they 23 they look 50 lmao pass on mexican women easy
Well Black Stillettos I merely made my statement based on the overall tone of what you said. I commend you for doing the things you do for your man. I in no way condone a man turning his back on a woman that has helped him progress. Unfortunately like I said I haven't come across many black women willing to stick it out. I know they're out there though.
Other than the cases of black men who illegitimately give themselves too high a standing to date black women, how can any other case be wrong. Popular culture has such a profound influence over everything in our lives, including what our notion of beauty is. There is no denying the fact that white women are highly popularized and displayed in beauty and fashion industries, so if its always there, I don't see how a black man can be in the wrong if his taste in women is influenced by what he sees in the general culture. The same way that advertisements in the streets guide a pool of people to buy Nike products, the advertisement right across from it with a white woman posing for Victoria's Secret on it is likely to have a similar effect on men's taste in women also, including black men. So for Jill Scott, or any other black woman, to feel spiteful (word choice) when they see a black man with a woman of another race, as though the black woman is entitled to feel a personal betrayal by this black man and his "choice" of relationship, seems unfair and incorrect, as the issue need delve a lot deeper than this one man. So im not saying black woman should not feel hurt, but who exactly is it that they should feel hurt by?
Originally Posted by datprepboivinc3

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

shes entitled to her own, albeit fat as %@%+, opinion.

we should strive to become better human beings thru cross breeding.

staying within your race is selfish for your own children.

thats why the amount of children with defects are rising also.

cause people like this fat broad wanna continue to inbreed within her own race.

its not that my white girlfriend is white... its cause shes sexually attractive.
where as jill scott is fat as %@%+ and jiggly. not unlike a jigglypuff and or wigglytuff.

and pmac... my girl cook better than most black women i know over the age of 50.
black women arent the best chefs in the world.
mexican women are.

I agree with this MAN.
 Dead at Jigglypuff / Wigglytuff.
Also, love is blind, I highly doubt that he purposely chose to fall in love with a white woman. And it's an athlete, we all saw how Tiger Woods' marriage turned out.
im an educated blk man tht loves the pink nipples so i'm still gonna get it in regardless.  I dnt care much if I see a good lookin blk chik with a non-blk guy.  I've even given a white guy props while he was dancing wit this blk chik since he knew how to handle her. 
I've never been down for them, even though i'm Hispanic and like White girls.

White chicks
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Instead, I think we should discuss something relevant. For example, why someone's opinion regarding a personal choice matters to anyone other than that person. Why do you honestly care about what Jill Scott thinks? Does it affect your day-to-day life? Do you live to impress her? Do her standards govern your behavior? This is stupid. Hang out w/whoever you want to hang out w/. Have (consensual) sex w/whoever you want to have sex w/. Why does it matter what Jill Scott thinks? This is stupid.

P.S. I actually took the time to read 4 or 5 sentences from that original post. Has this chick taken even an entry level U.S. History course? White women placed on pedestals? Please. Someone tell this Scott chick to lay off the coke.

P.P.S. I'm just sayin'.
The reason why Jill Scott's opinion is relevant isn't because she's Jill Scott. It's because lots of black women feel this way, for whatever reason.

Back to the topic, what black women don't realize is most brothers are going to for the best option possible (black or white). Screw these pro atheletes, most of the are straight clowns. But the black businessman, lawyer, doctor, engineer, ain't gonna turn down a fine black female. However, if he's not pulling those black females, and a nice looking white women is throwing him the panties, you know he's going to jump on that.
Originally Posted by XxHonchoxX

Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

Nawth21 GREAT post...
i couldnt quote him on my phone for some reason lol..

but this is basically how i feel also

Originally Posted by NAWTH21

It's hard as hell to find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. It really is. Limiting yourself just makes it that much harder. Or sometimes that person who you thought wasn't your type (because of race, religion, socio-economic background, etc) ends up being the other half of your essence. We don't plan for that, but it happens.

Celebrate love. Regardless of color or creed.

everything she said is 100% correct, imho. yeah, she may have been a little jealous, but i figure, for many of the reasons she mentioned, it is very difficult to for a black woman to see a successful black man with a white woman (tiger woods has to be THE worst

i think it is a situation where i think u have to be black to TRULY understand. i have to be honest, i too don't like it when i see a "seemingly together" black woman with a white man and i am not a racist.
First off those dissing Jill Scott are just ignorant. Her size or appearence have nothing to do with her point (which was VERY well written by the way). That being said I dont have much to say on this issue. I mean theres so much to talk about.
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

im an educated blk man tht loves the pink nipples so i'm still gonna get it in regardless.  I dnt care much if I see a good lookin blk chik with a non-blk guy.  I've even given a white guy props while he was dancing wit this blk chik since he knew how to handle her. 

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by Ruxxx

^Who exactly are these brothers that say "Black women ain't #%#%!"?
It's usually the other way around!

im saying though

"ninja you aint @%%+"

"who the f you think you is ninja"

"gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl f that ninja he wasnt @%%+ anyway you dont even need heem gurl"


I have to say once in awhile I'll see a black girl with a white guy and go
but that is because I'm mad she's not with me
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