What is a perfect 5 out of 10??? VOL....Ehhhh

Boy please.

I had a hoop, my nieghbor had a hoop.

That full court action. The circle was the perfect size too.
As an adult, I get lowkey jealous when I see cul-de-sac hoops because when I was growing up my hoop was in the backyard. My dad did what he could to make it legit, but I always needed more room and if a shot was really bad then someone had to climb a fence to retrieve the ball. These youngsters have all the room they need, and especially if there are two goals and they can run a legit  5 on 5. Next time I see some kids running a full court cul-de-sac game I might just pull my car over and sit on the curb and utter just one word. "Next".
Sports fans are such goofballs sometimes, dudes really even have the nerve to bring up names of guys that will retire as greats in the sports in this thread. Y'all are not that stupid, just like starting ****.
Looks wise Amy Poehler is def a 5/10 but she looks like her raunchiness is a 11/10. ATM is foreplay to her and for that she gets a pass. Don't get it twisted she is still a BAWG and I wouldn't be seen holding her hand in public.
Europe is a continent.....

But in all seriousness, my expectations were crazy high because of how fantasized it is. I still really enjoyed it (Florence was probably my favourite city), but relative to those expectations I'd give it about a 5. I'm just too used to the friendliness of people in NZ and Australia, and you just can't find that in Europe. 
Go to Spain
I mean every year in rap music had trash and good music, so every year in rap evens out to a 5/10

A lot of decent rap albums were released between 2013 and 2015




Wu tang's album I'll never get to listen to cause I'm poor.
Mid 90's - early 2000's was

So many classics.
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