Well Niketalk Goodbye for a while....(Update 2 MORE BULL!!! pg.7)

Originally Posted by blondsoccerplyr

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

yall are soft. "good luck" "take care" "be easy". shut up. the guy is selling hard drugs to addicts, he deserves time in jail - it's the only way some idiots will learn.


I'm glad some people on here have their ethics straight.

We all know whats ethical and unethical bro. You guys are just being tojudgmental. So if the situation warranted probation but he was hit with 50 years in jail you would still be on here sayin...."HE DESERVES IT!"

My point is "Mr. Jesus man" we know he must pay for his sins but who is to say how much time he deserves. So ifyour friend or family committed a crime and the punishment was death would you be saying the same thing? "Oh they deserved it! They did the crime, theare gonna pay for it".
Originally Posted by blondsoccerplyr

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

yall are soft. "good luck" "take care" "be easy". shut up. the guy is selling hard drugs to addicts, he deserves time in jail - it's the only way some idiots will learn.


I'm glad some people on here have their ethics straight.
Thanks for judging people's moral code bro
I hope Mr. Jesus Man really gets it the day he does @%* up. Weather the punishment is from the law or from your higherpower. I hope you look like a dumb @@@ and somebody is around to let you know deserved every bit of it.
Face is that dude.

But hold your head up, son. And be glad they didn't hit you with the maximum sentence. 2 years isn't really a joke, but it could have been worse.

Just think about all the things that you have that a lot of people in your position wouldn't. (E.g. your life, family, friends, etc.)

Good luck and stay up.
Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

yall are soft. "good luck" "take care" "be easy". shut up. the guy is selling hard drugs to addicts, he deserves time in jail - it's the only way some idiots will learn.

No, you're just stupid. You obviously don't live by any street codes or get it in with any real dudes, Because if you said that around any real dude, you would get smacked on sight(then we'll see who's soft).

You a republican huh?

df outta here

e-tough guy.
Damn some of yall givin dude the 3rd degree. Im sure he know what he did was wrong and we know that. But damn some of us have to do what we have to do to get alil money. If you get caught deal with reality. To dude who caught the case be easy my dude, take it a day at a time. Personally i never had to sit inside ajail cell so i wouldnt know which way to direct you besides take it easy. Im not gonna throw shots at you because you dont deserve it and this is a seriousmatter and isnt a joke. I got dudes who been caught up,set up,shot up. Its not easy out here and the economy doesnt help the situtation at all. As far asschool goes, i hope when u get out you continue to go through and finish it. Good luck and Keep Ya Head Up, word to 2Pac.
Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

yall are soft. "good luck" "take care" "be easy". shut up. the guy is selling hard drugs to addicts, he deserves time in jail - it's the only way some idiots will learn.

No, you're just stupid. You obviously don't live by any street codes or get it in with any real dudes, Because if you said that around any real dude, you would get smacked on sight(then we'll see who's soft).

You a republican huh?

df outta here

I'm stupid?
You're the who lives by "street code"persona. This guy sold hard drugs within 1500 feet of school proximity, and all you can come up with is "You obviously don't live by any street codesor get it in with any real dudes, Because if you said that around any real dude, you would get smacked on sight." I'm not from the streets. And yousound awfully similar to that buffoon Cam on 60 minutes. Look in the mirror and make America a better country, it's ignorant bigots like u who ruin thatcountry. And for the record I'm Canadian, one of the most liberal places in the world.
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

I'm stupid?
You're the who lives by "street code" persona. This guy sold hard drugs within 1500 feet of school proximity, and all you can come up with is "You obviously don't live by any street codes or get it in with any real dudes, Because if you said that around any real dude, you would get smacked on sight." I'm not from the streets. And you sound awfully similar to that buffoon Cam on 60 minutes. Look in the mirror and make America a better country, it's ignorant bigots like u who ruin that country. And for the record I'm Canadian, one of the most liberal places in the world.
Ignorance. 500 yards (1500 ft,) can be quite a difference in terms of social class and location. For instance, my school is located in one of thenicer areas of my city, but just across the street, there's Section 8 housing and the projects. One of the worst areas of the city, and it's drugridden and crime infested. Selling within 500 yards is a pretty bogus charge, in my opinion.

Anyways, that street code stuff can go either way. Sure, you preach against never snitching and the drug game, but what if that was your brother doing it? Youhave to look at it from both sides of the argument. Going on, why knock someone selling drugs like that? I can understand if it's a Nicky Barnes type ofdude, but chances are, dudes like Leo are just selling to get by in life. Maybe cop a few pairs of J's when it's hitting high. Not every drug dealer isshooting other dudes, smacking women, and rolling around in Phantoms.

Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

I'm stupid?
You're the who lives by "street code" persona. This guy sold hard drugs within 1500 feet of school proximity, and all you can come up with is "You obviously don't live by any street codes or get it in with any real dudes, Because if you said that around any real dude, you would get smacked on sight." I'm not from the streets. And you sound awfully similar to that buffoon Cam on 60 minutes. Look in the mirror and make America a better country, it's ignorant bigots like u who ruin that country. And for the record I'm Canadian, one of the most liberal places in the world.
Ignorance. 500 yards (1500 ft,) can be quite a difference in terms of social class and location. For instance, my school is located in one of the nicer areas of my city, but just across the street, there's Section 8 housing and the projects. One of the worst areas of the city, and it's drug ridden and crime infested. Selling within 500 yards is a pretty bogus charge, in my opinion.

Anyways, that street code stuff can go either way. Sure, you preach against never snitching and the drug game, but what if that was your brother doing it? You have to look at it from both sides of the argument. Going on, why knock someone selling drugs like that? I can understand if it's a Nicky Barnes type of dude, but chances are, dudes like Leo are just selling to get by in life. Maybe cop a few pairs of J's when it's hitting high. Not every drug dealer is shooting other dudes, smacking women, and rolling around in Phantoms.


You're a ridiculous individual for trying to some how make it seem ok that he's profiting off of selling poison to people. He deserves every day hegets in jail, should've gave him more.
Threads like this really show the glaring differences between NTers, the stand up dudes, and the squares. People are soft now telling dude to hold his head?Really?

Some of us have lived a life where going to jail has been hand in hand with growing up. I don't knock the route of being good, staying on your studies,going to college and holding down a career. Hell, most of us that have lived long enough to see both sides of the equation constantly tell ourselves we wishedwe would have chose that path. But GTHOH with your condescending posts.

I personally can give a dude out there gettin money props regardless of how they are gettin it, im not the type of cat that thinks the dude out there pushingweight is any cooler then say the Doctor, but thats a two way street seeing as i dont think the doctor is any more successful then the dude making more thenthe doctor sleeping in till noon not doing nothing but collecting paper.

I have personally watched many "thugs" diversify themselves into legit businessmen, some would say they have watched me do the same. I would say imstill trying to get there but thats a different story for a different thread.

I guess all im trying to say is some of you need to hold your tongue. Condescending remarks im sure are not appreciated by the OP and none of you are unveilingany earth shattering info the OP doesnt know already.

Sorry for the rant Leo, and once again stay up, keep humble, and watch your back in there. Read and pushups my man, read and pushups.
Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

I'm stupid?
You're the who lives by "street code" persona. This guy sold hard drugs within 1500 feet of school proximity, and all you can come up with is "You obviously don't live by any street codes or get it in with any real dudes, Because if you said that around any real dude, you would get smacked on sight." I'm not from the streets. And you sound awfully similar to that buffoon Cam on 60 minutes. Look in the mirror and make America a better country, it's ignorant bigots like u who ruin that country. And for the record I'm Canadian, one of the most liberal places in the world.
Ignorance. 500 yards (1500 ft,) can be quite a difference in terms of social class and location. For instance, my school is located in one of the nicer areas of my city, but just across the street, there's Section 8 housing and the projects. One of the worst areas of the city, and it's drug ridden and crime infested. Selling within 500 yards is a pretty bogus charge, in my opinion.

Anyways, that street code stuff can go either way. Sure, you preach against never snitching and the drug game, but what if that was your brother doing it? You have to look at it from both sides of the argument. Going on, why knock someone selling drugs like that? I can understand if it's a Nicky Barnes type of dude, but chances are, dudes like Leo are just selling to get by in life. Maybe cop a few pairs of J's when it's hitting high. Not every drug dealer is shooting other dudes, smacking women, and rolling around in Phantoms.

Just trying to get by??? open your eyes and look at the picture. he has more than enough fitteds and J's to go around. His priorities areobviously all out of order, selling drugs just to cop the latest J's and fitteds. People like leothegod put hardworking lower class folks to shame. Ifeveryone struggling to get by in this recession developed your train of thought/mentality and started selling drugs, America would be total chaos. Drugs ruinlives, families, relationships etc. You act like dealing drugs, cocaine for that matter, is just a minor misdemeanor. You embarrass America.
Man, y'all are straight ridiculous. He's guilty of a despicable crime, and y'all are bidding him farewell as if he's about to embark on avaliant, soul-searching mission?

I only show sympathy to criminals who have done their time and mended their ways. If the OP never got caught, he would've simply continued what he wasdoing. How often do criminals do their time and continue their ways once they get out?

And are we, as humans, perfect? Absolutely not. But the law can't and won't punish me for my sins. His sin is not only more severe than anythingi've ever done, but it's punishable by law.
No, you're just stupid. You obviously don't live by any street codes or get it in with any real dudes, Because if you said that around any real dude, you would get smacked on sight(then we'll see who's soft).

You a republican huh?

This is by far one of the dumbest statements i've ever read on Niketalk. You give democrats a bad name, and your "street codes" won't get youanywhere in life. Get yourself outta that state of mind and realize that there's more to life than "street codes" and "real dudes".
UPDATE: (This confusing took like 30 mins to get all the wording in court straight so mine is gonna be choppy)

the DA and judge are trying to jerk me
im on for sentencing for my CT drug case DEC. 12th
so since i pleaded and violated probation the NY probation case the Judge gave me 1 year in Jail for that
so im looking at 1 year in CT and 1 year in NY
NY Judge and NY DA are trying to get me to have my sentences run CONSECUTIVE

my only chance is that the CT judge let me do my time in NY and have my sentence run concurrent

but if that doesnt happen im going to have to do my time in CT 1 year then as soon as im released then NY will be picking me up from the jail and transporting me to their jail

im getting jerked hardbody

Your lawyer should of had the DA stipulate that in your plea deal. It's up to the judge and the DA on whether your time should run consc or concur. You know you were going to do time for the violation so basically its definite time there. Your CT case is what's giving you the violation in N.Y. so its innocent before proven guilty.....NY is going to want to know if your convicted or not so they can give you the proper violation time or whatever you have left to give them. Talk to your lawyer and i hope its not a cout appointed or else your
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

yall are soft. "good luck" "take care" "be easy". shut up. the guy is selling hard drugs to addicts, he deserves time in jail - it's the only way some idiots will learn.

No, you're just stupid. You obviously don't live by any street codes or get it in with any real dudes, Because if you said that around any real dude, you would get smacked on sight(then we'll see who's soft).

You a republican huh?

df outta here

e-tough guy.
Naw man, you on some spoiled suburban kid tip. Like I said, you must not be from the streets.

And lol @ you callling me e-tough, as I recall, you were the one callin us soft(basically saying your tough). The only thing you insult me with is yourintelligence. I'm not acting tough at all. I'm stating the facts. Fact is, if you go to any hood and tried to preach that type of idealogy, you willget body in a sec.
Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

yall are soft. "good luck" "take care" "be easy". shut up. the guy is selling hard drugs to addicts, he deserves time in jail - it's the only way some idiots will learn.

No, you're just stupid. You obviously don't live by any street codes or get it in with any real dudes, Because if you said that around any real dude, you would get smacked on sight(then we'll see who's soft).

You a republican huh?

df outta here

e-tough guy.
Naw man, you on some spoiled suburban kid tip. Like I said, you must not be from the streets.

And lol @ you callling me e-tough, as I recall, you were the one callin us soft(basically saying your tough). The only thing you insult me with is your intelligence. I'm not acting tough at all. I'm stating the facts. Fact is, if you go to any hood and tried to preach that type of idealogy, you will get body in a sec.
you're quick to assume and jump to conclusions. i'm not even going to type a rebuttal cause there's no point in talking to someignorant gutter trash with no common sense.

This is by far one of the dumbest statements i've ever read on Niketalk. You give democrats a bad name, and your "street codes" won't get you anywhere in life. Get yourself outta that state of mind and realize that there's more to life than "street codes" and "real dudes".
close thread.
Threads like this really show the glaring differences between NTers, the stand up dudes Idiots , and the people with sense. People are soft now telling dude to hold his head? Really?
You guys are so ignorant its insane, you people are acting like hes going on a pilgrimage to mecca. THE MAN SOLD HARD DRUGS TO ADDICTS- hedeserves every day he gets as a government slave.

Some of us have lived a life where going to jail has been hand in hand with growing up. I don't knock the route of being good, staying on your studies, going to college and holding down a career. Hell, most of us that have lived long enough to see both sides of the equation constantly tell ourselves we wished we would have chose that path. But GTHOH with your condescending posts.
%#$%@ please, no one forced him or any one of these human garbage cats to sell poison. He did it because he wanted fast money he didn't haveto work for. #$@! outta here with that "jail is hand in hand with growing up" yeah for morons it is, not for normal people.

I personally can give a dude out there gettin money props regardless of how they are gettin it, im not the type of cat that thinks the dude out there pushing weight is any cooler then say the Doctor,
but thats a two way street seeing as i dont think the doctor is any more successful then the dude making more then the doctor sleeping in till noon not doing nothing but collecting paper.

You're a fool, one is ethical and one is not. I'd rather be a doctor and save peoples lives than be a coke dealer and ruin peoples lives.You need to stop listening to so much rap.
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

yall are soft. "good luck" "take care" "be easy". shut up. the guy is selling hard drugs to addicts, he deserves time in jail - it's the only way some idiots will learn.

No, you're just stupid. You obviously don't live by any street codes or get it in with any real dudes, Because if you said that around any real dude, you would get smacked on sight(then we'll see who's soft).

You a republican huh?

df outta here

I'm stupid?
You're the who lives by "street code" persona. This guy sold hard drugs within 1500 feet of school proximity, and all you can come up with is "You obviously don't live by any street codes or get it in with any real dudes, Because if you said that around any real dude, you would get smacked on sight." I'm not from the streets. And you sound awfully similar to that buffoon Cam on 60 minutes. Look in the mirror and make America a better country, it's ignorant bigots like u who ruin that country. And for the record I'm Canadian, one of the most liberal places in the world.

No, but the thing is, you're stupid.

Here's why:

1. I never said I live by the street code, I said you obviously don't. And No, I don't live by no code. I'm just saying that, it's uncalled forand makes you seem like a punk when you try and tell a man that's getting his freedom taking away from him "Oh, that's what you get..."
2. Oh wow 1500 ft. from a school zone? You act like that even was realisticly something that was actually going to effect any of those kids in that schoolzone, idiot.
3. There's a difference between drug trafficing and murder. So your comparison fails.
4. I don't care how liberal Canada is. You're still a chump.
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

yall are soft. "good luck" "take care" "be easy". shut up. the guy is selling hard drugs to addicts, he deserves time in jail - it's the only way some idiots will learn.

No, you're just stupid. You obviously don't live by any street codes or get it in with any real dudes, Because if you said that around any real dude, you would get smacked on sight(then we'll see who's soft).

You a republican huh?

df outta here

e-tough guy.
Naw man, you on some spoiled suburban kid tip. Like I said, you must not be from the streets.

And lol @ you callling me e-tough, as I recall, you were the one callin us soft(basically saying your tough). The only thing you insult me with is your intelligence. I'm not acting tough at all. I'm stating the facts. Fact is, if you go to any hood and tried to preach that type of idealogy, you will get body in a sec.
you're quick to assume and jump to conclusions. i'm not even going to type a rebuttal cause there's no point in talking to some ignorant gutter trash with no common sense.

This is by far one of the dumbest statements i've ever read on Niketalk. You give democrats a bad name, and your "street codes" won't get you anywhere in life. Get yourself outta that state of mind and realize that there's more to life than "street codes" and "real dudes".
close thread.

No, shut up. Just beecause you can only give short responses, doesn't give you any authority.
honestly some you people are ignorant...

first of all...i had 2 grams....

second...this consecutive stuff was not brought up until last minute and this should of been brought up before.

third...i not saying i deserve no jail time, but i should be allowed to have my sentences run concurrent, if OJ can have all those charges run concurrent thisshould be no reason why a violation of probation and drug charge shouldn't, the reason why i am being given the maximum is because i have a Y.O. on myprevious case it was from a fight when i was 16 years old and i will not cooperate and i understand my consequences for that.

lastly...i could careless about any negativity from the board, i did what i did and im excepting my sentence like a man.
@ people being salty because imgetting support from my peers

BTW there was no trafficking going on so idk where you people are getting that from, only reason that i have NY probation is because i got in a fight when iwas 16 in NYC and was put on probation for that....there was no crossing state lines or any of that bull, if there was i would be facing FEDERAL CHARGESretards
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

I'm stupid?
You're the who lives by "street code" persona. This guy sold hard drugs within 1500 feet of school proximity, and all you can come up with is "You obviously don't live by any street codes or get it in with any real dudes, Because if you said that around any real dude, you would get smacked on sight." I'm not from the streets. And you sound awfully similar to that buffoon Cam on 60 minutes. Look in the mirror and make America a better country, it's ignorant bigots like u who ruin that country. And for the record I'm Canadian, one of the most liberal places in the world.
Ignorance. 500 yards (1500 ft,) can be quite a difference in terms of social class and location. For instance, my school is located in one of the nicer areas of my city, but just across the street, there's Section 8 housing and the projects. One of the worst areas of the city, and it's drug ridden and crime infested. Selling within 500 yards is a pretty bogus charge, in my opinion.

Anyways, that street code stuff can go either way. Sure, you preach against never snitching and the drug game, but what if that was your brother doing it? You have to look at it from both sides of the argument. Going on, why knock someone selling drugs like that? I can understand if it's a Nicky Barnes type of dude, but chances are, dudes like Leo are just selling to get by in life. Maybe cop a few pairs of J's when it's hitting high. Not every drug dealer is shooting other dudes, smacking women, and rolling around in Phantoms.

Just trying to get by??? open your eyes and look at the picture. he has more than enough fitteds and J's to go around. His priorities are obviously all out of order, selling drugs just to cop the latest J's and fitteds. People like leothegod put hardworking lower class folks to shame. If everyone struggling to get by in this recession developed your train of thought/mentality and started selling drugs, America would be total chaos. Drugs ruin lives, families, relationships etc. You act like dealing drugs, cocaine for that matter, is just a minor misdemeanor. You embarrass America.
And you know the first thing about America?
Riiight. Thiscountry was founded on the exploitation of a race. Selling a drug (that would be legal if the government could tax it, trust,) isn't right at all, butit's hardly a disgrace to America with it's track record.

What's more, you're right. He does have enough of that stuff, but chances are, when he started selling he wasn't copping stuff like that. Amajority of the people who sell are simply selling to get out of poverty and the projects. Once you get out of there, you have no inclination to stop(especially since selling gets your ego supersized,) so most cats continue on and get caught. You act like he was just selling drugs to stay fresh. Onceyou're in the drug game, there's usually only two ways out; getting shot and dying or going to prison. You can't just say "Oh, I'm out ofthe hood. Jose, I don't need any more packs." It doesn't work that way.
You have fees to pay when you get the first pack from the connect,and that debt is rarely ever settled. Saying he puts the working class to shame is ridiculous, especially since a good portion of that working class thatyou're speaking of uses Schedule 1 drugs like coke to get by in their boring, mundane lives.

Anyways, you saying everyone struggling in the recession to get by?
You obviously don't come from a poor background. Over half the people complainingabout the recession are probably only doing it because they can't afford to put gas in their family's second car, or can't afford the HD packagewith their cable anymore. Get outta here with that. Most of the low income families (that most dealers come from,) can barely get by on the EBT cards that thegovernment gives them, much less create an environment (or get into one) that can be tailored for them to have a good job to support them even a 1/4th of howwell the drug game would.

Drugs do ruin lives, and I'm not condoning the sale of them, but to come into a thread (lolz, internetz is srs biz) and disrespect someone who's chosento serve their time and pay their debts to society rather than having a shoot out with the cops at their place of residence is ignorant and really shows yourcharacter. You're a disgrace to human kind if you can't even respect the man for going through the system and taking it like he has been.

Some people.
Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

yall are soft. "good luck" "take care" "be easy". shut up. the guy is selling hard drugs to addicts, he deserves time in jail - it's the only way some idiots will learn.

No, you're just stupid. You obviously don't live by any street codes or get it in with any real dudes, Because if you said that around any real dude, you would get smacked on sight(then we'll see who's soft).

You a republican huh?

df outta here

I'm stupid?
You're the who lives by "street code" persona. This guy sold hard drugs within 1500 feet of school proximity, and all you can come up with is "You obviously don't live by any street codes or get it in with any real dudes, Because if you said that around any real dude, you would get smacked on sight." I'm not from the streets. And you sound awfully similar to that buffoon Cam on 60 minutes. Look in the mirror and make America a better country, it's ignorant bigots like u who ruin that country. And for the record I'm Canadian, one of the most liberal places in the world.

No, but the thing is, you're stupid.

Here's why:

1. I never said I live by the street code, I said you obviously don't. And No, I don't live by no code. I'm just saying that, it's uncalled for and makes you seem like a punk when you try and tell a man that's getting his freedom taking away from him "Oh, that's what you get..."
2. Oh wow 1500 ft. from a school zone? You act like that even was realisticly something that was actually going to effect any of those kids in that school zone, idiot.
3. There's a difference between drug trafficing and murder. So your comparison fails.
4. I don't care how liberal Canada is. You're still a chump.

so wait, you're accusing him of something you don't know about? ****.
you're quick to assume and jump to conclusions. i'm not even going to type a rebuttal cause there's no point in talking to some ignorant gutter trash with no common sense.
Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

1. I never said I live by the street code, I said you obviously don't. And No, I don't live by no code. I'm just saying that, it's uncalled for and makes you seem like a punk when you try and tell a man that's getting his freedom taking away from him "Oh, that's what you get..."

So you don't live by the street code, but you use it to defend your statement? What?

2. Oh wow 1500 ft. from a school zone? You act like that even was realisticly something that was actually going to effect any of those kids in that school zone, idiot.

What if he sold to PARENTS of the kids who go to that school?

3. There's a difference between drug trafficing and murder. So your comparison fails.

True. While murder may be the homicide of one person, drug trafficking could quite possibly lead to multiple murders.

4. I don't care how liberal Canada is. You're still a chump.

Seriously, that's such a female rebuttal. "Oh, I don't care. Whatever."

I personally can give a dude out there gettin money props regardless of how they are gettin it

Let's say, hypothetically, a mob boss put out a hit on your family. Would you give props to the guy who got paid for the hits? He's just "gettinit", right? I mean, he needs it to get by.

First y'all are glorifying the dude for going to jail. Now you're trying to justify what he did? There are only two types of people in this thread:Those who are about to go to jail, those who are not.
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