Well Niketalk Goodbye for a while....(Update 2 MORE BULL!!! pg.7)

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Threads like this really show the glaring differences between NTers, the stand up dudes Idiots , and the people with sense. People are soft now telling dude to hold his head? Really?
You guys are so ignorant its insane, you people are acting like hes going on a pilgrimage to mecca. THE MAN SOLD HARD DRUGS TO ADDICTS- he deserves every day he gets as a government slave.

Some of us have lived a life where going to jail has been hand in hand with growing up. I don't knock the route of being good, staying on your studies, going to college and holding down a career. Hell, most of us that have lived long enough to see both sides of the equation constantly tell ourselves we wished we would have chose that path. But GTHOH with your condescending posts.
%#$%@ please, no one forced him or any one of these human garbage cats to sell poison. He did it because he wanted fast money he didn't have to work for. #$@! outta here with that "jail is hand in hand with growing up" yeah for morons it is, not for normal people.

I personally can give a dude out there gettin money props regardless of how they are gettin it, im not the type of cat that thinks the dude out there pushing weight is any cooler then say the Doctor,
but thats a two way street seeing as i dont think the doctor is any more successful then the dude making more then the doctor sleeping in till noon not doing nothing but collecting paper.

You're a fool, one is ethical and one is not. I'd rather be a doctor and save peoples lives than be a coke dealer and ruin peoples lives. You need to stop listening to so much rap.

First off there is no questioning there are a lot of squares in this thread. There is a definite difference between a stand up dude and pushover fall down dudeand that difference has absolutely nothing to do with listening to rap music or selling cocaine.

Secondly, People's living situations often lead them to making wrong decisions, or like how you like to call them moronic decisions. If you dont haveanything, your parents aint $#@* you live around a bunch of other people who aint $#@* and you are an influential teen ager its quite easy to get mixed up inthe wrong crowd or doing the wrong things. Where growing up comes into the scenario is when you become an adult and from your own experiences can look back,reflect, know that you made some bad choices and try to better your situation because of them. So again sir,

Thirdly, when that was your upbringing the chances of your ethics being the same as my ethics are slim to none. Where i whole heartedly agree that being adoctor and saving someone's life would be a lot more fulfilling then being a drug dealer and society definitely would owe its gratitude to a doctor over adrug dealer what i was talking about was success and success is almost always made in sometimes the least of ethical ways.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

yall are soft. "good luck" "take care" "be easy". shut up. the guy is selling hard drugs to addicts, he deserves time in jail - it's the only way some idiots will learn.

No, you're just stupid. You obviously don't live by any street codes or get it in with any real dudes, Because if you said that around any real dude, you would get smacked on sight(then we'll see who's soft).

You a republican huh?

df outta here

I'm stupid?
You're the who lives by "street code" persona. This guy sold hard drugs within 1500 feet of school proximity, and all you can come up with is "You obviously don't live by any street codes or get it in with any real dudes, Because if you said that around any real dude, you would get smacked on sight." I'm not from the streets. And you sound awfully similar to that buffoon Cam on 60 minutes. Look in the mirror and make America a better country, it's ignorant bigots like u who ruin that country. And for the record I'm Canadian, one of the most liberal places in the world.

No, but the thing is, you're stupid.

Here's why:

1. I never said I live by the street code, I said you obviously don't. And No, I don't live by no code. I'm just saying that, it's uncalled for and makes you seem like a punk when you try and tell a man that's getting his freedom taking away from him "Oh, that's what you get..."
2. Oh wow 1500 ft. from a school zone? You act like that even was realisticly something that was actually going to effect any of those kids in that school zone, idiot.
3. There's a difference between drug trafficing and murder. So your comparison fails.
4. I don't care how liberal Canada is. You're still a chump.

so wait, you're accusing him of something you don't know about? ****.
Um no. I know exactly about all this. I grew up around it, so no, you ****
Talk to your Lawyer like i said about trying to have them run the sentence concurrent. A year will breeze by if you keep yourself occupied with things to dolike workout and read. Stay to yourself and don't associate yourself with !%+%+#$%. As for your rat *&%#@ co-defendents what goes around comes around.

To the idiot who's talking &*(#@ on the board. Your just like his co-defendent a *$%!+, you can't relate to this; so stay your *$% on home and workthat 9-5 before i get the dogs to run up in that house and yap your wife or girl....kids included.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

1. I never said I live by the street code, I said you obviously don't. And No, I don't live by no code. I'm just saying that, it's uncalled for and makes you seem like a punk when you try and tell a man that's getting his freedom taking away from him "Oh, that's what you get..."

So you don't live by the street code, but you use it to defend your statement? What?

2. Oh wow 1500 ft. from a school zone? You act like that even was realisticly something that was actually going to effect any of those kids in that school zone, idiot.

What if he sold to PARENTS of the kids who go to that school?

3. There's a difference between drug trafficing and murder. So your comparison fails.

True. While murder may be the homicide of one person, drug trafficking could quite possibly lead to multiple murders.

4. I don't care how liberal Canada is. You're still a chump.

Seriously, that's such a female rebuttal. "Oh, I don't care. Whatever."

I personally can give a dude out there gettin money props regardless of how they are gettin it

Let's say, hypothetically, a mob boss put out a hit on your family. Would you give props to the guy who got paid for the hits? He's just "gettin it", right? I mean, he needs it to get by.

First y'all are glorifying the dude for going to jail. Now you're trying to justify what he did? There are only two types of people in this thread: Those who are about to go to jail, those who are not.
Ok, seems like you can't read the context right.

I live by NO code. I go by my own code. And I use the whole "street code" thing to just simply show how he obviously has no knowledge how to actproperly in the streets. I, on the other hand, do not follow any code BUT I still have knowledge and know how to act accordingly in the streets. And what heis saying is basically disrespecting me and all the people I grew up with by acting like a punk and trying to justify a man loosing freedom.

And if the PARENTS bought drugs from him, they don't even deserve to have custody over their kids in the first place. Lol, you act like this dude isresponsible for anyone's drug addiction. If he didn't sale drugs, there's always somebody else that will sell them the drugs that they made theirown decision to use. All he is doing is profiting off their addiction, not actually introducing drugs to them.

Drug trafficking is drug traficking. Murder is murder. Anything can lead to murder, not just drug traficking. So you can't actually try and make drugtrafficking look worse.

And no, the Canada statement was not a rebuttal. I simply was stating that the fact he lives in liberal Canada, doesn't play no part in this argument.It's completely irrelevent. Millions of people live in Canada. Big deal. Dude's like "Oh I'm from liberal Canada, I'mjustified"...Yeah, ok.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

First y'all are glorifying the dude for going to jail. Now you're trying to justify what he did? There are only two types of people in this thread: Those who are about to go to jail, those who are not.
I damn sure am not about to go to jail, not planning on it, not doing anything to warrant it, but I offer support to anyone about to do time ifthey deserve support. IMO, Leo deserves support.

He sold some drugs, which is wrong, but he got caught, knows what he did was wrong, and is paying for it. You can't praise a man for ruining lives, but youcan give him support for acting like a man in knowing his faults, and hoping to become a better man because of it when he gets out. I'm not justifying it,neither is he, but to say he doesnt deserve a 'hold ya head up' or 'you only do 2 days,' is just cold. Saying he doesn't deserve to begiven praise is right, saying he doesn't deserve to be given support is wrong.

Knowledge the Foundation, just stop. You ain't helping your case man.

Leo, keep ya head up.
I live by NO code. I go by my own code. And I use the whole "street code" thing to just simply show how he obviously has no knowledge how to act properly in the streets. I, on the other hand, do not follow any code BUT I still have knowledge and know how to act accordingly in the streets. And what he is saying is basically disrespecting me and all the people I grew up with by acting like a punk and trying to justify a man loosing freedom.

see now you're contradicting yourself. you say you live by no 'code'.. then you say you live by your own code. then you say you knowhow to act accordingly in the streets.. so therefor in a way.. you're living by the code of the 'streets'. but then you say that he'sdisrespecting the code.. that you DON'T live by.. but yet he's still disrespecting you and the people that live by it. am i missing something here orhave you backed yourself into a corner you can't get out of?
Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

1. I never said I live by the street code, I said you obviously don't. And No, I don't live by no code. I'm just saying that, it's uncalled for and makes you seem like a punk when you try and tell a man that's getting his freedom taking away from him "Oh, that's what you get..."

So you don't live by the street code, but you use it to defend your statement? What?

2. Oh wow 1500 ft. from a school zone? You act like that even was realisticly something that was actually going to effect any of those kids in that school zone, idiot.

What if he sold to PARENTS of the kids who go to that school?

3. There's a difference between drug trafficing and murder. So your comparison fails.

True. While murder may be the homicide of one person, drug trafficking could quite possibly lead to multiple murders.

4. I don't care how liberal Canada is. You're still a chump.

Seriously, that's such a female rebuttal. "Oh, I don't care. Whatever."

I personally can give a dude out there gettin money props regardless of how they are gettin it

Let's say, hypothetically, a mob boss put out a hit on your family. Would you give props to the guy who got paid for the hits? He's just "gettin it", right? I mean, he needs it to get by.

First y'all are glorifying the dude for going to jail. Now you're trying to justify what he did? There are only two types of people in this thread: Those who are about to go to jail, those who are not.
Ok, seems like you can't read the context right.

I live by NO code. I go by my own code. And I use the whole "street code" thing to just simply show how he obviously has no knowledge how to act properly in the streets. I, on the other hand, do not follow any code BUT I still have knowledge and know how to act accordingly in the streets. And what he is saying is basically disrespecting me and all the people I grew up with by acting like a punk and trying to justify a man loosing freedom.

And if the PARENTS bought drugs from him, they don't even deserve to have custody over their kids in the first place. Lol, you act like this dude is responsible for anyone's drug addiction. If he didn't sale drugs, there's always somebody else that will sell them the drugs that they made their own decision to use. All he is doing is profiting off their addiction, not actually introducing drugs to them.

Drug trafficking is drug traficking. Murder is murder. Anything can lead to murder, not just drug traficking. So you can't actually try and make drug trafficking look worse.

And no, the Canada statement was not a rebuttal. I simply was stating that the fact he lives in liberal Canada, doesn't play no part in this argument. It's completely irrelevent. Millions of people live in Canada. Big deal. Dude's like "Oh I'm from liberal Canada, I'm justified"...Yeah, ok.

please enlighten me. what is the "proper way" to act in the streets?
Originally Posted by FeelMode

First off there is no questioning there are a lot of squares in this thread. There is a definite difference between a stand up dude and pushover fall down dude and that difference has absolutely nothing to do with listening to rap music or selling cocaine.

Secondly, People's living situations often lead them to making wrong decisions, or like how you like to call them moronic decisions. If you dont have anything, your parents aint $#@* you live around a bunch of other people who aint $#@* and you are an influential teen ager its quite easy to get mixed up in the wrong crowd or doing the wrong things. Where growing up comes into the scenario is when you become an adult and from your own experiences can look back, reflect, know that you made some bad choices and try to better your situation because of them. So again sir,
So because people are saying that he deserves to go to jail for selling poison to people that makes them "pushover fall down dudes"?You're ridiculous and I'm glad there aren't too many people like you or else this country would be in ruins. By your logic just because he grew upin a bad neighborhood or what ever that some how makes selling hard drugs to people ok. Lets just make every one from the hood exempt from all laws becausethey grew up around people that aren't %*#!. What you're saying doesn't make sense, you act like some one forced him to sell drugs.
Thirdly, when that was your upbringing the chances of your ethics being the same as my ethics are slim to none. Where i whole heartedly agree that being a doctor and saving someone's life would be a lot more fulfilling then being a drug dealer and society definitely would owe its gratitude to a doctor over a drug dealer what i was talking about was success and success is almost always made inhttp:// sometimes the least of ethical ways.
I grew up in East New York Brooklyn and I never sold drugs or got convicted of a crime, its not about where you grow up its about the person youare. I've seen what hard drugs do to people first hand. Hard drugs like coke, crack, heroin etc. ruin entire families which is why you guys defending himis so outrageous to me.
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

1. I never said I live by the street code, I said you obviously don't. And No, I don't live by no code. I'm just saying that, it's uncalled for and makes you seem like a punk when you try and tell a man that's getting his freedom taking away from him "Oh, that's what you get..."

So you don't live by the street code, but you use it to defend your statement? What?

2. Oh wow 1500 ft. from a school zone? You act like that even was realisticly something that was actually going to effect any of those kids in that school zone, idiot.

What if he sold to PARENTS of the kids who go to that school?

3. There's a difference between drug trafficing and murder. So your comparison fails.

True. While murder may be the homicide of one person, drug trafficking could quite possibly lead to multiple murders.

4. I don't care how liberal Canada is. You're still a chump.

Seriously, that's such a female rebuttal. "Oh, I don't care. Whatever."

I personally can give a dude out there gettin money props regardless of how they are gettin it

Let's say, hypothetically, a mob boss put out a hit on your family. Would you give props to the guy who got paid for the hits? He's just "gettin it", right? I mean, he needs it to get by.

First y'all are glorifying the dude for going to jail. Now you're trying to justify what he did? There are only two types of people in this thread: Those who are about to go to jail, those who are not.
Ok, seems like you can't read the context right.

I live by NO code. I go by my own code. And I use the whole "street code" thing to just simply show how he obviously has no knowledge how to act properly in the streets. I, on the other hand, do not follow any code BUT I still have knowledge and know how to act accordingly in the streets. And what he is saying is basically disrespecting me and all the people I grew up with by acting like a punk and trying to justify a man loosing freedom.

And if the PARENTS bought drugs from him, they don't even deserve to have custody over their kids in the first place. Lol, you act like this dude is responsible for anyone's drug addiction. If he didn't sale drugs, there's always somebody else that will sell them the drugs that they made their own decision to use. All he is doing is profiting off their addiction, not actually introducing drugs to them.

Drug trafficking is drug traficking. Murder is murder. Anything can lead to murder, not just drug traficking. So you can't actually try and make drug trafficking look worse.

And no, the Canada statement was not a rebuttal. I simply was stating that the fact he lives in liberal Canada, doesn't play no part in this argument. It's completely irrelevent. Millions of people live in Canada. Big deal. Dude's like "Oh I'm from liberal Canada, I'm justified"...Yeah, ok.

please enlighten me. what is the "proper way" to act in the streets?

Not acting like you.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

I live by NO code. I go by my own code. And I use the whole "street code" thing to just simply show how he obviously has no knowledge how to act properly in the streets. I, on the other hand, do not follow any code BUT I still have knowledge and know how to act accordingly in the streets. And what he is saying is basically disrespecting me and all the people I grew up with by acting like a punk and trying to justify a man loosing freedom.
see now you're contradicting yourself. you say you live by no 'code'.. then you say you live by your own code. then you say you know how to act accordingly in the streets.. so therefor in a way.. you're living by the code of the 'streets'. but then you say that he's disrespecting the code.. that you DON'T live by.. but yet he's still disrespecting you and the people that live by it. am i missing something here or have you backed yourself into a corner you can't get out of?
No code. In the sense of no code beside's my own. I don't live by anyone else's rules but at the same time I have respect for where Icame from. I understand if you're not smart enough to comprehend that.
Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by CWrite78

I live by NO code. I go by my own code. And I use the whole "street code" thing to just simply show how he obviously has no knowledge how to act properly in the streets. I, on the other hand, do not follow any code BUT I still have knowledge and know how to act accordingly in the streets. And what he is saying is basically disrespecting me and all the people I grew up with by acting like a punk and trying to justify a man loosing freedom.
see now you're contradicting yourself. you say you live by no 'code'.. then you say you live by your own code. then you say you know how to act accordingly in the streets.. so therefor in a way.. you're living by the code of the 'streets'. but then you say that he's disrespecting the code.. that you DON'T live by.. but yet he's still disrespecting you and the people that live by it. am i missing something here or have you backed yourself into a corner you can't get out of?
No code. In the sense of no code beside's my own. I don't live by anyone else's rules but at the same time I have respect for where I came from. I understand if you're not smart enough to comprehend that.

yeah i didn't grow up in the 'streets' well, it lives around me but I never gave two %%@+! about it. so excuse me if i don't comprehend how'real street dudes' act.

and, OP.. can't say I feel sorry for you since you reap what you sow but at least you're taking it like a man.. that has to warrant some respect frompeople.
Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

1. I never said I live by the street code, I said you obviously don't. And No, I don't live by no code. I'm just saying that, it's uncalled for and makes you seem like a punk when you try and tell a man that's getting his freedom taking away from him "Oh, that's what you get..."

So you don't live by the street code, but you use it to defend your statement? What?

2. Oh wow 1500 ft. from a school zone? You act like that even was realisticly something that was actually going to effect any of those kids in that school zone, idiot.

What if he sold to PARENTS of the kids who go to that school?

3. There's a difference between drug trafficing and murder. So your comparison fails.

True. While murder may be the homicide of one person, drug trafficking could quite possibly lead to multiple murders.

4. I don't care how liberal Canada is. You're still a chump.

Seriously, that's such a female rebuttal. "Oh, I don't care. Whatever."

I personally can give a dude out there gettin money props regardless of how they are gettin it

Let's say, hypothetically, a mob boss put out a hit on your family. Would you give props to the guy who got paid for the hits? He's just "gettin it", right? I mean, he needs it to get by.

First y'all are glorifying the dude for going to jail. Now you're trying to justify what he did? There are only two types of people in this thread: Those who are about to go to jail, those who are not.
Ok, seems like you can't read the context right.

I live by NO code. I go by my own code. And I use the whole "street code" thing to just simply show how he obviously has no knowledge how to act properly in the streets. I, on the other hand, do not follow any code BUT I still have knowledge and know how to act accordingly in the streets. And what he is saying is basically disrespecting me and all the people I grew up with by acting like a punk and trying to justify a man loosing freedom.

And if the PARENTS bought drugs from him, they don't even deserve to have custody over their kids in the first place. Lol, you act like this dude is responsible for anyone's drug addiction. If he didn't sale drugs, there's always somebody else that will sell them the drugs that they made their own decision to use. All he is doing is profiting off their addiction, not actually introducing drugs to them.

Drug trafficking is drug traficking. Murder is murder. Anything can lead to murder, not just drug traficking. So you can't actually try and make drug trafficking look worse.

And no, the Canada statement was not a rebuttal. I simply was stating that the fact he lives in liberal Canada, doesn't play no part in this argument. It's completely irrelevent. Millions of people live in Canada. Big deal. Dude's like "Oh I'm from liberal Canada, I'm justified"...Yeah, ok.

please enlighten me. what is the "proper way" to act in the streets?

Not acting like you.

you're amazingly pathetic. by far the dumbest user on NTi've encountered.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by CWrite78

I live by NO code. I go by my own code. And I use the whole "street code" thing to just simply show how he obviously has no knowledge how to act properly in the streets. I, on the other hand, do not follow any code BUT I still have knowledge and know how to act accordingly in the streets. And what he is saying is basically disrespecting me and all the people I grew up with by acting like a punk and trying to justify a man loosing freedom.
see now you're contradicting yourself. you say you live by no 'code'.. then you say you live by your own code. then you say you know how to act accordingly in the streets.. so therefor in a way.. you're living by the code of the 'streets'. but then you say that he's disrespecting the code.. that you DON'T live by.. but yet he's still disrespecting you and the people that live by it. am i missing something here or have you backed yourself into a corner you can't get out of?
No code. In the sense of no code beside's my own. I don't live by anyone else's rules but at the same time I have respect for where I came from. I understand if you're not smart enough to comprehend that.

yeah i didn't grow up in the 'streets' well, it lives around me but I never gave two **%!$ about it. so excuse me if i don't comprehend how 'real street dudes' act.

Your sarcasm is cute. Too bad it only comes out when you're behind a monitor. But anyway, in the lyrics of One Be Lo, I will respond to that:

"Every night you see the bullets blast
Even if you from the suburbs(CWrite78), you see the footage flash
Across the screen, I'll tell you my biggest pet peeve
You lookin at it like 'It don't effect me'"

You're attitude is the reason people stay divided. You're either too spoiled or too selfish to try and realize what's going on around you(how yourfellow human beings are struggling everyday). Therefore, you just sit back and try and judge them instead of trying to make a difference(such as wishing them abetter life, thus inspiring to live better). But no, instead you do nothing to help the problem, but judge.
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

1. I never said I live by the street code, I said you obviously don't. And No, I don't live by no code. I'm just saying that, it's uncalled for and makes you seem like a punk when you try and tell a man that's getting his freedom taking away from him "Oh, that's what you get..."

So you don't live by the street code, but you use it to defend your statement? What?

2. Oh wow 1500 ft. from a school zone? You act like that even was realisticly something that was actually going to effect any of those kids in that school zone, idiot.

What if he sold to PARENTS of the kids who go to that school?

3. There's a difference between drug trafficing and murder. So your comparison fails.

True. While murder may be the homicide of one person, drug trafficking could quite possibly lead to multiple murders.

4. I don't care how liberal Canada is. You're still a chump.

Seriously, that's such a female rebuttal. "Oh, I don't care. Whatever."

I personally can give a dude out there gettin money props regardless of how they are gettin it

Let's say, hypothetically, a mob boss put out a hit on your family. Would you give props to the guy who got paid for the hits? He's just "gettin it", right? I mean, he needs it to get by.

First y'all are glorifying the dude for going to jail. Now you're trying to justify what he did? There are only two types of people in this thread: Those who are about to go to jail, those who are not.
Ok, seems like you can't read the context right.

I live by NO code. I go by my own code. And I use the whole "street code" thing to just simply show how he obviously has no knowledge how to act properly in the streets. I, on the other hand, do not follow any code BUT I still have knowledge and know how to act accordingly in the streets. And what he is saying is basically disrespecting me and all the people I grew up with by acting like a punk and trying to justify a man loosing freedom.

And if the PARENTS bought drugs from him, they don't even deserve to have custody over their kids in the first place. Lol, you act like this dude is responsible for anyone's drug addiction. If he didn't sale drugs, there's always somebody else that will sell them the drugs that they made their own decision to use. All he is doing is profiting off their addiction, not actually introducing drugs to them.

Drug trafficking is drug traficking. Murder is murder. Anything can lead to murder, not just drug traficking. So you can't actually try and make drug trafficking look worse.

And no, the Canada statement was not a rebuttal. I simply was stating that the fact he lives in liberal Canada, doesn't play no part in this argument. It's completely irrelevent. Millions of people live in Canada. Big deal. Dude's like "Oh I'm from liberal Canada, I'm justified"...Yeah, ok.

please enlighten me. what is the "proper way" to act in the streets?

Not acting like you.

you're amazingly pathetic. by far the dumbest user on NT i've encountered.

The feelings are mutual.
I R Andre

obviously everything i typed went over your head, you simply didnt get a word i typed and i dont have the time to sit here and make my point.
riiiight, I now live in the suburbs. you know me quite well don't you.
.. nice one be lo ref, i'll give you that.

btw, how am I suppose to help 'the problem' when the problem is this so called 'code' 'street dudes' follow? A lot of them are prettyhard headed and don't care for anything but 'street life'.
Honestly, and I aint even tryna be negative...but they aint even jerking you.

I don't see a reason for why your sentences should run concurrent. But I hope you get that. Good luck.

Your looking at only a year with good behavior? But Prison >>>>>>> Jail. Jail sucks
Originally Posted by FeelMode

I R Andre

obviously everything i typed went over your head, you simply didnt get a word i typed and i dont have the time to sit here and make my point.

Clearly that's not the case in my rebuttal I refuted all of your points its just your ignorant ghetto mentality is clouding your mind and making you wage awar against common sense and ethical behavior.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by Face82

SMH @ You lames laughing and making fun of dudes situation. That !*% ain't cool at all. Yea he made a few bad decisions so Johnny Law's gone make sure he pays for it. But all them stupid @@@ gifs , pics and funny emoticons ain't cool. Being in jail is the closest thing to death imo. You gone...you can't see your family and !*%. some of you lil !*% wouldn't last a day in a holding cell. Cut that !*% out....stay the !*% out the thread if you wana joke and play.
quoted for realness...
Originally Posted by HARMCITY45

And are we, as humans, perfect? Absolutely not. But the law can't and won't punish me for my sins. His sin is not only more severe than anything i've ever done, but it's punishable by law.

This doesn't even make sense....

Say who? find me quote in the bible that states such a thing....

Dudes actin' all high and mighty...makes me sick

but if you ever had a family member that was in the prison system..or was in it yourself...

then you would know and understand how "just sayin' keep you head up" can make a person feel wjen the go into that hell called prison..People are treated less than human in there...

Everyone knows wht he did was wrong...he knows what he did was wrong.

Honestly alot of ya'll need to get off that high %%% horse...cuz one day you too can fall and fall harder than Leo.....

End up lookin' like Christopher Reeves....

The bible says sin is sin. But sin has its degrees. Even prison inmates have their own "degrees" of severity. Are not child rapists/pedophiles at thebottom of the pile? Aren't they the one that get picked on the most?

We're on no high horse. Why do you think we're trying to be above you, just because we don't agree with you? We're all human. But the fact ishe chose the path that we didn't. That doesn't make us better, but it makes us smarter. There's no denying that.

I'm sorry, but what does lookin' like Christopher Reeves have anything to do with this? Reeves got paralyzed from an accident. It's not like heproclaimed his superiority and was struck down by a lightning bolt from God. And trust me, i'll never be in a position where i'd be facing possiblejail time. I don't live my life in that manner. I'm SMARTER than that.

Ok, seems like you can't read the context right.

I live by NO code. I go by my own code. And I use the whole "street code" thing to just simply show how he obviously has no knowledge how to act properly in the streets. I, on the other hand, do not follow any code BUT I still have knowledge and know how to act accordingly in the streets. And what he is saying is basically disrespecting me and all the people I grew up with by acting like a punk and trying to justify a man loosing freedom.

Act accordingly in the streets? I'm sorry, is there a pamphlet I can pick up read? I question your use of this "knowledge" when you don'tlive it firsthand. If you don't live by the street code, you don't know the street code. You may know ABOUT it, but you don't KNOW it. And"losing" freedom? He THREW IT AWAY.

And if the PARENTS bought drugs from him, they don't even deserve to have custody over their kids in the first place. Lol, you act like this dude is responsible for anyone's drug addiction. If he didn't sale drugs, there's always somebody else that will sell them the drugs that they made their own decision to use. All he is doing is profiting off their addiction, not actually introducing drugs to them.

Oh, so it's not his fault. True, parents who supply drugs to their kids don't deserve children, but how is the drug-dealer not at fault for anything?Profiting off of addiction is not wrong? Isn't that the whole case AGAINST big tobacco? Using the "if he didn't sell, someone else would take hisspot" is the same complacent, stuck-in-the-gutter attitude that keep people from ever advancing in life.

Drug trafficking is drug traficking. Murder is murder. Anything can lead to murder, not just drug traficking. So you can't actually try and make drug trafficking look worse.

Oh, so since everything else causes murder, the fact that drug trafficking causes it makes it tame in comparison. Gotcha. Doesn't matter how it compares,it's still despicable.

And no, the Canada statement was not a rebuttal. I simply was stating that the fact he lives in liberal Canada, doesn't play no part in this argument. It's completely irrelevent. Millions of people live in Canada. Big deal. Dude's like "Oh I'm from liberal Canada, I'm justified"...Yeah, ok.

No, he pointed Canada out to show that even a liberal (especially from a country that is lenient with certain drugs) doesn't agree with opinions thatselling drugs may be justified because he needs to "get by". His opinion is not the be-all-end-all, but it's still an opinion nonetheless. And"You're still a chump" is the typical response made by females when they have nothing else sensible to say. You're the one doing thename-calling. Grow up.

Again, I don't know the OP, but I do have close friends who live similar lifestyles. One of my best friends is exiled from his own country because ofselling drugs. My opinions are the same about him, about the OP, and anyone else who makes this decision to be a part of the negative cycle that is ruiningsociety.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

riiiight, I now live in the suburbs. you know me quite well don't you.
.. nice one be lo ref, i'll give you that.

btw, how am I suppose to help 'the problem' when the problem is this so called 'code' 'street dudes' follow? A lot of them are pretty hard headed and don't care for anything but 'street life'.
Well you act like you're from the burbs, so I can only assume.

And I already to you how you're suppose to help. Stop working on your sarcasm act, and learn how to read.
i act like i'm from the suburbs? how so? because i was mocking you? and i fail to see how me 'wishing them a better life' will help them out in anyway. that $$%% only works in fairy tales. like i said, a lot of them are hard headed, and unlike OP.. even with jail time they still won't learn.. now tellme this, #%$ am i suppose to do to change their mind if something like having your freedom taken away doesn't do the trick? stop trying to blame othersbecause certain people pick a certain way of life and don't care to get out of it.
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