WATCHMEN Movie Thread: Directors Cut is out (updated: deleted scene)

the movie had more of a soundtrack than a score. i wish there were more than just songs of each era placed into the scenes. I wanted some dark, eerie,foreboding (a feeling of evil to come) music setting you up for the climax.

like the music when manhattan was on mars..
Because he was a government operative and the powers that be were using him and Dr. Manhattan to hold sway over the country for the last 40 years. Its also whyhe killed Woodward and Bernstein thus preventing Watergate.
saw it on friday, I read the book before hand, and thought the movie was ok, but I'm a bit disappointed they changed how kovacs became rorschach, theymissed one of my favorite lines "Kovacs closed his eyes, and Rorschach opened them" as well as not burning the house down.

Too many people
ing about Manhattans penis, what the
do you expect a vagina?

Ozymandias at the end when Rorschach lunges and he just jumps like 20 ft in the air
did that even happen in the comic?
Saw it last night. The movie was

I'm seeing it again today. I have absolutely no complaints about it. And this is coming from someone who just heard about the Watchmen.
I never see SO MANY people walk out of a movie, ever.

Only good part of the movie was the sex seen, it was the only part of the movie that had a Beginning, Climax and Ending.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I don't understand what the big deal was over the blue penis, I expected it to be something horrible the way people were talking about it.

Same reason why dudes wanna skip a seat if they go to the movies with their boys.

I'll never get it. It's like homosexuality is contagious or something.
Took the words right out of my mouth.
never read the graphic novel, but saw it on imax yesterday with my girl. only complaint we had was we wish we knew more about the backstory, and maybe theoriginal nite owl/ss and some of the other older characters that were only shown in the opening credits. were those characters explained at all in this movie?any chance of a prequel to give more explanation or is this it?

i give it 8/10. after the movie i wanted to know how true the movie was to the graphic novel, and it seemed pretty close. even without knowing anything, iliked the movie and understood it. i could see some parts where i see snyder did it right from the storyboards, without ever seeing them. some things donttranslate well and while staying true to the panels, during a movie it interrupts the pacing and storytelling of something onscreen. this happened a few timesbut not enough for me to hate it. my girl felt it was a bit long, felt some things could have been cut out, but we dont know how important some of those sceneswere to the book so we understood why alot of things were in there that we may not understand had to be in there.
^^ MOST of the movie was pretty accurate panel for panel i was shocked over all the movie was pretty good IMO however i did want to see the ending with themonster instead of the was a gory and bloody ending in the book lol but i can see why they switched the ending a bit...

How can people trust bad reviews when it is written like this?

Much Ado About Not So Much:
Expanded Edition of
3-06-09 Windy City Times KATM Column
By Richard Knight, Jr.

Who do you suppose, out of the literally hundreds of behind the scenes technicians that worked on the computer graphics
Watchmen, got the enviable job of creating the blue penis for the character of the big blue superhero Dr. Manhattan?
Not only created it but got to make it flop up and down in scene after scene as Dr. Manhattan is shown striding around earth and
later, when he can't be bothered with humankind anymore (or a black stretch bikini to cover his not too big, not too small, just right
third leg), Mars? Will the head of one of those special effects houses that specializes in making movie "magic" one day scan a
resume from a prospective computer geek that reads "created genitals for Dr. Manhattan on Mac 0S81927 Spinart 3000 program?"

That's eventually where my thoughts drifted as the endless bloated botch that is Watchmen
played on and on and on again. Clocking
in at just under three hours but feeling more like five, Dr. Manhattan's appendage was the most striking visual out of hours worth
that I walked away with (what red blooded gay male would suggest otherwise?). Not that there aren't beautiful images and
compelling moments here and there. But really, it's that floppy blue %### (and the rest of Dr. Manhattan's equally memorable,
though, CGI created body), Patrick Wilson's shapely *@#, a quick shot of a lesbian character and her lover in bed after being
murdered "for crimes against nature," Jackie Earle Haley as Rorschach with his genuinely creepy constantly shifting mask, and
Matthew Goode as the bisexual (at least that's the vibe I got) character Ozymandias dressed in perfect 1980s drag - purple jacket
with padded shoulders, skinny tie and giant sized gold leaf pin - that I recall. The rest - not so much.


The rest of the picture alternates between Rorschach (Jackie Earle Haley), the certifiably crazy Watchmen with the cool, shape shifting
mask, trying to figure out who killed The Comedian and wants to kill the others and the backstory of each of most of the
superheroes (again, if that is what they are - it's never clear if any of them have super powers or just like getting into drag). In
between, there's a subplot that involves world domination by a super villain (who gets a James Bond like super villain lair in
Antarctica) and a desperate effort to prevent nuclear war between the U.S. (still headed by Richard Nixon, heading into his fifth term)
and the Soviet Union. The historical alterations also include cameos by Kennedy, Kissinger, Ted Koppel, Pat Buchanan, and former
Chrysler chairman Lee Iacocca who gets it right between the eyes.

The mixture of 20th century culture references and history making events and characters is great fun at first and the music on the
soundtrack supports them (everything from Simon & Garfunkel to Nena singing "99 Luft Balloons") but eventually the historical
fantasies wear out their welcome as they aren't particularly involving and have nothing to do with any of the main characters. Every
13 year-old boy's fantasies (gay and straight) seems to be incorporated into the material along with the historical whimsy and not
surprisingly, very little of it makes much sense. The slapdash material causes the movie to move in fits and starts, going off into
those superhero backstories one moment and heading off into sidebars so often in another that the film never finds a proper tone
as it lurches about. And did I mention the ever present dark side of the superhero mythology and the constant psychobabble about
soulless mankind that seems to return (and whine) over and over again in the material, dragging down the movie every time it tries
to enervate the audience?

On the plus side, the movie is a technical marvel - it's beautifully shot, art directed, scored, costumed, etc. - but even memorable
scenes like the eerily beautiful sequence in which we get Dr. Manhattan's backstory (scored to the gorgeous music Philip Glass wrote
for the wonderful 80s documentary Koyaanisqatsi
) - get lost in the seemingly endless plot deviations (the film could have easily lost
an hour on its running time).

Sure, the movie's not so subtle homoerotic content will draw in gay viewers as it did Snyder's 300
. But contrast the simplicity of the
117 minutes of that movie - Gerard Butler and 299 other bikini clad warriors defend the honor of Sparta against an invincible army
until they're all killed - compared to Watchmen's
convoluted 163. That's an awfully long time to expect a lone blue c***(attached to
an admittedly spectacular body) to remain entertaining - especially one that's not even real to begin with and never gets hard.
could have used lots and lots of trimming and a fluffer to boot.

He said Ozy's plan was a subplot of the movie.
And heseemed to have paid attention and memorized every blue penis' shot frame by frame.
Originally Posted by RICO7JT

So do I really need to read the book before I see the film ???

I would say no but it will be much more enjoyable if you do.
Only got up to Chapter VI. Going to see it tonight.

I'll be alright, right?

Because I hear some people who didn't read the graphic novel were lost.
dont waste your time, this movie was hot GARBAGE, the movie was two hours too long. I am mad at myself for wasting almost 3 hours watching this.
Fanboys will defend this to the death...

Movie was over hyped, way too long, and boring as hell.

Music was extra random, Long, and awkward...same for the sex scenes (shows her unbuttoning her shirt than cuts away)

Movie was

Yeah and just because I didn't like it doesn't make me inferior to those who did. (Book was cool but also over hyped)

I kept up with the story.. watched the whole thing without falling asleep
and I'm just not impressed.
It's impossible for a movie to be overrated. It's all based on opinion, so if more people like it, it isn't overrated, you just didn't like itas much as everyone else.
Few Quips I had with the movie.
Acting of Malin Ackerman- was bad
The Comedian- Though the acting was on point, I woulda thought his voice to be somewhat scruffier or rugged, specially after smoking cigars for 60 years.
The music, some of the pop songs worked, some of them didn't, they would kill the mood of the movie.
Didn't expect it to be as graphic as it was, was surprised by it, but presently surprised.
I can't blame the movie for not having enough backstory, it was nearly 3 hours long and they fit in as much as they could, having read the book beforeseeing the film though. I would've been pretty lost if I hadn't read the novel previously.
I'd give it a 7.5/10 overall.
I wish they would've kept the same ending, but another 20 minutes of backstory would have been necessary to set the thing up with the whole island ofpeople creating the monster. Although I thought it was a decent rewritten part.
I wasn't as dissapointed as some of my friends were.
about the reviews

On the plus side, the movie is a technical marvel - it's beautifully shot, art directed, scored, costumed, etc. - but even memorable
scenes like the eerily beautiful sequence in which we get Dr. Manhattan's backstory (scored to the gorgeous music Philip Glass wrote
for the wonderful 80s documentary Koyaanisqatsi) - get lost in the seemingly endless plot deviations (the film could have easily lost
an hour on its running time).

Koyaanisqatsi is a FANTASTIC DOCUMENTARY with an incredible score

youtube it if you are bored. (there are no words, pretty abstract. It's about our dependence on technology and how people have been reduced to leadinglives that resemble assembly lines
I don't care what anyone says, I love this movie. I didn't read the book because I didn't want to have any expectations what so ever. All I knewwas of the abilities the hero's had. I can't get enough of the watchmen, gonna have to buy the XBL arcade game and read the book now. On top of it,this movie actually satisfied my bloodlust, lol.

Rorschach looked like Danny bondaduce
ok so maybe im looking too much into it BUT if Dr. Manhattan could manipulate matter than why didn't he manipulate the cancer cells in his ex's body tobecome normal.

Also instead of trying to protect against all the nukes russia had why didn't he just vaporize all of russia? that's what i would have done. I mean youcould argue that he just didn't care enough about humans to solve the problem, but if you think about it vaporizing russia would have been a prime exampleof not caring about humanity. Then again there would have been no movie had that happened so oh well.
I actually REALLY want to see this for a second time now.

I'm more excited for the Blu Ray release though for the directors cut
movie was good anyone got that picture of rorschach with a white background. trying to make a Joker/ Rorschach wallpaper
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